Zeltiq Vs. Zerona: Which Procedure Is Right For You?

Zeltiq and Zerona are relatively new cosmetic procedures to address extra pounds that no amount of exercise can correct. For these little spots and extra bulges, more and more people are opting for the non-surgical approach to avoid the complications associated with invasive surgical procedures. So which one is best? Here is a comparative look at Zeltiq vs. Zerona so you can decide which option will be best for your needs:


Zeltiq Coolsculpting is a type of cryolipolysis, a non-invasive technique that involves the application of a cooling agent on areas of the body where excess fats are present in order to promote lipolysis or the breaking down of fat cells. There have been few reported Zeltiq side effects.

Zeltiq And Zerona

How Zeltiq Works

Cryolipo is a fat freezing procedure that utilizes low temperatures to make fat cells easier to metabolize.

Fat cells are known to be easier to break down if energy is extracted through the cooling process.

An applicator is attached to the skin so it is focused on the treatment area. Once broken down, the layer of fat can be eliminated through normal bodily processes and the treated area shrinks.


Zerona laser lipo is one of the most popular techniques touted as an alternative to traditional laserlipo. It uses a low-level laser technique to target fat cells and reduce the extra bulge in the body. With exercise and a healthy diet, it is possible to achieve results that are comparable to those produced by liposuction.

Unlike Zeltiq, no applicator touches the skin; instead, laser is focused on the problem area to melt the fat from within. Once the fat is released, the body will then metabolize it and eliminate it through normal processes.

Comparing Zeltiq vs. Zerona

Zeltiq CoolSculpting Is A Fat-reducing, Skin-tightening Technique That Uses Cryolipolysis

Both procedures are non-invasive, so clients who wish to blast the pounds away do not need to deal with needles, anesthetics, wounds or scarring post-op. Both techniques are designed to contour the body but there are a few differences that you need to know about.

Zeltiq is an excellent option for people who want to target problem areas such as the abdomen, the waist and hips. Zerona, on the other hand, is a better option for those who want a technique that allows them to lose inches all over and not just in specific areas.

Neither treatment is recommended for people who need to lose a large amount of weight.

There are other cosmetic techniques that work well for people who are extremely overweight or obese.

Are You a Candidate for Zeltiq or Zerona?

If you are reasonably healthy and only need to lose a few extra inches, either procedure is a good choice. Just make sure that you consult a certified cosmetic surgeon who can assess whether or not you qualify.