Zeltiq Coolsculpting Recovery And Side Effects

Zeltiq is non-surgical which is one of the primary benefits of Zeltiq over other methods of fat reduction.

Side Effects: Immediately after the procedure, the treated area may have mild to moderate tingling, numbness, and soreness. Mild bruising is sometimes seen, but is uncommon. The soreness may last for 2-3 days and feels like the muscle soreness you get after a round of intense exercise.

The tingling and numbness feels just like the sensation your skin has after intense cold exposure. It lessens over time and is usually limited to 2-3 weeks.

Recovery: There is virtually no recovery time required for Zeltiq because the discomfort is so minimal. You can go back to work the same day. I generally recommend that patients not exercise the day of the procedure.

After that, they can participate in whatever activity that they can tolerate. Usually this means full activity within 2-3 days. (Narin (Joe) Apisarnthanarax, MD, Houston Dermatologist)

Back to work / play after Zeltiq CoolSculpting

Most patients feel fine enough to exercise the day after Zeltiq. There may be some soreness but not having had surgery there are less restrictions than if you had Liposuction. Bruising is expected because of the suction so cosmetically keep that in mind if you plan to be in a bathing suit the first two to three weeks after the procedure (not all patients get bruising, and it may last for much less time but you want to be prepared for such a discoloration).

Very few patients have so much discomfort or localized soreness that they limit their activities for a few weeks. Ibuprofen seems to help in these cases (but not to take before or during because it promotes bruising). (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting Can Help Give A Smooth, Toned Appearance

What are the after effects of Zeltiq CoolSculpting?

This is one of the significant advantages of fat removal by CoolSculpting over Liposuction. CoolSculpitnig is a non-invasive procedure that does not require any surgery, incisions, needles, anesthesia. or downtime. After the procedure patients are back to their normal routine immediately.

Its not unusual for some patients to report mild discomfort that generally starts 2-3 days after the procedure. Patients usually report it as a tingling sometimes numbeness sensation. There are a small patient who do report a more significant tenderness which can usually be managed with over the counter pain relievers and in all cases resolves spontaneously over a short period of time. (Ted Brezel, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

Recovery from Zeltiq

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive treatment for fat reduction that in most patients has minimal downtime. I tell my patients that this is a no downtime procedure, but they will still feel like they had something done.

Depending on the area treated you can experience swelling and bloating that can last 1-2 weeks post procedure. In addition there can be transient numbness that can last up to 4-6 weeks. In a very small percentage of patients there can be pain, which usually starts on day 3-5 post procedure and can last for several days, sometimes a week.

Fortunately, it responds very well to topical lidocaine patches. These symptoms are usually more of a nuisance and do not require lost time from exercise, socializing, or work. (Rosalyn George, MD, Wilmington Dermatologic Surgeon)

Recovery following Coolsculpting

Typically the recover following Coolsculpting is fast. Most of my patients return to non impact exercise within 48 hours of treatment. A small percentage of patients will have lingering pain, numbness or discomfort that makes this difficult to do.

However, this is the exception not the rule. It is a non invasive procedure that works for fat reduction and has minimal post operative downtime. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

While some patients may start to see results 3-4 weeks after treatment it can typically take 12-16 weeks to see optimal results from treatment.

If you are concerned with results after some time has passed I would recommend to followup. (Kathleen Morno, MD, Highland Park Physician)

Although the swelling may have subsided a bit, the numbness does tend to last longer and cause that odd sensation in the treated areas. All a normal part of the healing process.

If you still have concerns 30 days out, follow up with your doctor for a mid-way check up. This is the point where you are able to retreat the same area as well should you need to.

Overall, 90 days is the appropriate amount of time to see the end results and, for some patients, lose some of the pesky side effects. (Randolph Capone, MD, FACS, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting can take up to 90 days for the whole process. At 2 weeks post- treatment it is still early and your body is still making changes. It is normal to have some side effects like swelling, tenderness, numbness, etc.

As your fat cells are going through aptosis, your body can still have some swelling and may look and feel a little different. These side effects should gradually resolve themselves. Make sure to check up with your CoolSculpting provider if you have any issues or concerns. (Jeffrey M. Hartog, DMD, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Zimmer Z-Wave Improves CoolSculpting

There is always a delay in seeing results from CoolSculpting for several reasons. The process of apoptosis refers to slow cell death. The fat cells take about two weeks to actually die after treatment and then the body’s inflammatory processes get rid of the debris.

I don’t know of any supplements that can necessarily speed up your CoolSculpting results. Increasing water or tea intake will have no effect. The body needs time to break down the destroyed fat cells and gradually eliminate them through the lymph system.

Cardiovascular exercise such as walking or elliptical devices increase circulation and may help in seeing results sooner. We have found that the Zimmer Z-Wave, which is radial pulsed therapy, can enhance results of CoolSculpting by up to 50%.

There is no evidence that Zimmer Z-Wave speeds the results up, but it does cause more fat cell death and results are more impressive with the combination. If you want to get more dramatic and faster results with your CoolSculpting, I would suggest starting a more rigorous diet and exercise program. (Kimberly Butterwick, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon)

Massage may help speed up recovery after CoolSculpting, but not proven

Once the fat cells die, the body needs to clear them via the immune macrophage cells. Repeated treatment, can be performed at six weeks (some doctors repeat sooner, and others later).

Repeated treatment at this interval may provide a better end result than waiting four months to do a second or third treatment. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Speeding up the results of Coolsculpting

I am unaware of any reliably effective method to speed up the results of Coolsculpting. We see results beginning consistently at 5-6 weeks after treatment. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Getting the best result from CoolSculpting

In my Raleigh, NC practice, we offer what is called CoolSculpting Complete. It incorporates 2 CooSculpting for treatments in two areas. We additionally offer vibrational therapy to enhance circulation ad lymphatic drainage. This may help eliminate waste, including damaged fat cells be eliminated.

We offer each patient a compression garment for comfort and to help with skin quality. Finally, we ask patients to increase water intake and to do minimal exersize, at least some waling every day/ Of course a healthy and clean diet can also help.

Traditional CoolSculpting is very effective for the appropriate candidate, but we fel these daditional steps could further enhance the treatment and reslts. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)