Who Is A Good Candidate For Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is a good alternative to surgery for decreasing the amount of fat in targeted areas of the body. There are some contraindications for the procedure and these would be identified during a detailed history and physical exam.

If no contraindications are identified, you may be a candidate for the procedure. Coolsculpting is one option that is used for body contouring. There are other options that should be discussed at the time of the consultation.

Each of the options have their own risks, benefits, expectations and limitations that need to be discussed. Coolsculpting is the least invasive and has no downtime. You can expect approximately 20% reduction in the treated area.

If you have the same area treated a second or third time, you will see more fat reduction in that area each time.

I would recommend you consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon so that each option could be discussed and you could make an informed decision on which procedure is right for you if any at all. (William J. Vinyard, MD, FACS, Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Where Do You Want To Reshape Your Body

Coolsculpting Candidate or Something Like Liposuction

I suggest a formal consulation with a body contouring expert. To get really defined and improved results you will need multiple treatments on both the upper and lower abdomen and sides — this can add up in costs!

You can get a hi definition body shaping procedure with little downtime and immediate results for similar pricing.

I suggest going over all the options with someone who does both surgical and non surgical treatments. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

Without an examination it is impossible to tell you truthfully that you are or are not a candidate for Coolsculpting.

Dermatologists giving cosmetic surgery advice, especially when it involves use of the machine they obviously have, is not usually objective, unbiased advice. Many plastic surgeons offer both surgical and non-surgical options, but will recommend one of them only if appropriate for the individual patient’s anatomy.

Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Coolsculpting

I think it would be wise to consider getting an additional consultation or two before paying for what may be a minimal to no result (uncomfortable to boot)! (Richard H. Tholen, MD, FACS, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is a wonderful treatment and will reduce the amount of fat in your abdomen and flanks. Coolsculpting does not however decrease the amount of excess skin. (Beverly Friedlander, MD, Short Hills Plastic Surgeon)

It will decrease the fat but does not in any way tighten the skin. We have some clients who still choose to move forward despite knowing the skin will appear more loose but only you can answer if that is something you will be comfortable in. (Timothy Treece, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting can help to further thin and contour your abdomen, but I am not sure if you will like how the skin will look after. Non-invasive skin tightening may be helpful. I use radiofrequency (INFINI) in my office and have seen some good results. (Guy Cappuccino, MD, Mount Airy Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting has proven itself to be the leader in noninvasive fat removal. The risk with sculpsure and other technologies that use heat is the risk for thermal burn. Coolsculpting will reduce the fat by 25% in the area that is treated. (Arun Rao, MD, Tucson Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need to be at my goal weight before having cool sculpting done?

Cool Sculpting cryolipolysis and liposuction are not methods for weight loss and certainly for liposuction studies have proven this.

These methodologies, differing as they are, are most effective when used to contour the body in specific anatomical sites where there is a local contour disparity, fullness or excess, hence the areas for which we have protocols to be treated by Cool Sculpting.

Weight loss regimens are to some degree almost a separate, distinct issue but in general I would say complete your weight loss prior to Cool Sculpting. However there are times for a sub set of patients where a session of Cool Sculpting can help to support and encourage a weight loss programme. (Tariq Ahmad, MBBChir, FRCS(Plast), Cambridge Plastic Surgeon)

Coolscultping options

Abdominal rejuvenation is up 70% since 2000 according to ASPS data. The options for treatment have increased in that time period with non surgical treatments, such a Collscultping which freezes the fat to minus 10 degrees celsius. This induces cell death and optimal results of 20 to 25% improvement over 3 months.

However, patients with loose skin and rectus diastasis are better candidates for a full tummy tuck. There are patients who fall in between which may be candidates for SmartLipo. A consultation with your board certified plastic surgeon is a great way to find out the latest information and techniques. (R. Brannon Claytor, MD, FACS, Bryn Mawr Plastic Surgeon)

You will need an in office assessment for CoolSculpting

Coolsculpting is an excellent procedure to reduce stubborn fat bulges. However, you really need to have a personal assessment to determine your candidacy for the procedure. (Dominic Castellano, MD, Tampa Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting selectively freezes fat cells to induce programmed cell death. It has been FDA cleared for treatment of abdomen and flanks. While there is some skin tightening (experienced even by this mom of twins), you may benefit from an in person evaluation with a plastic surgeon.

With the muscle issue, a surgical procedure may be a better option. (Suzanne Kim Doud Galli, MD, PhD, FACS, Washington Facial Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting the belly and love handles

Without a picture it’s hard to determine whether you would be a suitable candidate for CoolSculpting. I would recommend an in-person consultation and evaluation with an experienced physician provider in your area. If you have a lot of loose skin and muscle separation (diastasis) then the CoolSculpting procedure would not be appropriate for you and you would be best served by surgery.

Results After Coolsculpting On Arms

Again, an in-person consultation is the next best step. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

Contour the belly pouch and love handles

I highly recommend that you visit with a board certified plastic surgeon and have an examination to determine what will be your best option.

For those patients who have children and “stretched skin”, Coolsculpting will most likely not give you the results you are looking for. It is always best to be at a stable, baseline weight prior to any procedure – this will allow for the best possible outcome. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting does exactly what it says it’s going to do… sculpt! Multiple treatments are always recommended, typically 2-3 visits would be ideal.

The Fat Cells React By Slowly Dying

The reduction of fat in your abdomen would be noticeable per treatment at about 20-25%. Results are not immediate, so realistic expectations are important to have. Your provider should review all this with you at your consultation. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

It is best to get a live consultation from an experience clinician in your area. Then you will have an idea of what areas should be treated to give you the ideal look you are looking for. Remember you lose up to 25% of fat cells with one treatment and 40 – 50% with a second treatment in the same area (Rosalind Jackson, MD, Miamisburg OB-GYN)

CoolSculpting vs. Body Contouring

If you are looking to improve the small saggy area and are not looking to reduce fat, CoolSculpting will not achieve the results you want.

While CoolSculpting is a great way to eliminate small, stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet or exercise, it unfortunately can’t do anything to address excess sagging skin that is sometimes the result of weight loss, pregnancy, or simply the effects of time.

If you hope to improve the sagging skin, you will require a body contouring procedure like a tummy tuck. It’s a more invasive treatment but it also creates a much more dramatic result. (Frank Lista, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Cool sculpting selectively freezes fat cells to induce programmed cell death. While cool sculpting will reduce the amount of fat you have and perhaps give you a bit of skin tightening, it cannot accomplish what a tummy tuck does.

If you are satusfied just to lose a bit of fat, you can try cool sculpting. If you are looking to wear a bikini again, go for a tummy tuck. (Suzanne Kim Doud Galli, MD, PhD, FACS, Washington Facial Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting and Skin Quality

While the relatively small amount of fat you have may respond favorably to CoolSculpting, your overall aesthetic result may not be as good as you might like on account of your skin laxity. Surgery will give you more tightening and contouring than CoolSculpting.

You would need to decide where your priorities lie. (Brian Biesman, MD, Nashville Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Is cool sculpting right for me?

It requires a physical exam to be sure but CoolSculpting can be applied to many body type. I would recommend a consultation and treating abdomen and flanks to narrow the waist and slim tummy.

Cost depends o how many of those areas you have treated and whether you treat them on one or 2 occaisions. The down time is minimal and recovery well tolerated but remember it can take up to 3 months to see the full results. (Richard A. Mouchantat, MD, FACS, Denver Plastic Surgeon)