What Is Fat Freezing And Does It Work?

Fat freezing is a technology that uses cold temperature to induce fat cells to become absorbed by the body.

The procedure is relatively painless and is performed by placing applicators over areas of unwanted fat. The applicators adhere by suction and typically remain in place for approximately one hour.

Fat freezing can easily be performed in a doctor’s office without any need for anesthesia. Results can take weeks to months to become apparent. There is essentially no “downtime” — patients can go right back to work, and the risk of complications is very small.

It is important to note however that many patients will require multiple treatment sessions to the same area (usually weeks apart) in order to obtain the desired effects.

Coolsculpting is not for everyone, and certain patients may be better served by liposuction or other techniques.

A visit to a plastic surgeon’s office will help you to understand if you’re fit for the procedure, and what aesthetic outcomes are realistic in your particular case.

In order to get a qualified, ethical, and expert opinion on your surgical options and expectations, schedule an in-person office consultation with a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. (Keith M. Blechman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

coolsculpting uses cold temperatures by freezing fat cells which die off several weeks later . It is best for small bulges , individuals close to their ideal body weight.

There is no surgery or recovery. (Drew Varano, MD, Washington DC Physician)

Coolsculpting uses freezing technology to eliminate excess fatty tissue from the body.

You need to get a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this treatment Thanks. (Armen Kirakosyan, MD, FACOG, FACS, East Aurora Urogynecologist)

About CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is the world’s #1 FDA cleared non-invasive fat reduction procedure. It works by delivering controlled cooling to gently and effectively eliminate the fat cells in stubborn areas including the stomach, back, love handles, and other areas on the body.

With each treatment, you can expect a 20-25% reduction in fat cells in the treated area. (Patrick L. Basile, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment. The areas of your concern may be addressed if you are a candidate. It’s best to have a consultation in person for an evaluation and how many areas will be needed to reach your expectations.

Does Freeze Fat Work

The treatment is done in office, no anesthesia involved. Depending on which applicators are used, it could take anywhere between 35 mins to a hour per section.

The cold causes apoptosis (cell death). 20-25% of your fat cells in the treated area are eliminated.

Results can be seen anywhere from 1 month to 3 months. (Robert G. Aycock, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is an FDA approved treatment that reduces stubborn areas of fat. Most patients see about a 20% reduction of fat in the area treated after just 1 application. In our state of the art facility we have the newest applicators that work in 35 minutes and two machines for treating multiple areas at one time.

I would make a consultation with a certified center, they can be found on the coolsculpting website. (Jeffrey B. Wise, MD, FACS, Wayne Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What is CoolSculpting and how is it performed?

Fat freezing is a treatment for isolated areas of unwanted fat. The most commonly treated areas are the abdomen (stomach) and the flanks (love handles), but areas of the back can be treated as well. CoolSculpting causes about 20-25% of the fat cells in the treated area to be destroyed with one treatment.

Sometimes more than one treatment may be needed to obtain the best result. Fat freezing can be performed in the office and normally involves no down time.

An applicator is placed over the treatment area and the skin and fat is drawn into the applicator by a vacuum.

This tissue is then cooled to produce the fat cell destruction. It can take up to 3 months to see the full effect from a treatment. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

What is Coolsculpting ?

Coolsculpting is a great option for the treatment of unwanted fat. There are multiple areas that can be treated with Coolsculpting including the abdomen, flanks, thighs, back, etc.

Before the treatment, with a template, lines a drawn to the treatment area for best placement of the coolsculpting applicator.

The applicator will then be placed and freeze fat during the cycle. The new applicators cycles take no more than 35 min to perform.

You should expect 20-25 % reduction of fat per treated area and combining the coolsculpting treatment with the Zimmer Zwave Pro, you will increase your results by 50-60%.

Results are seen as early as a few weeks when combining treatments with the Zimmer Zwave. If it is Coolsculpting treatment alone, it may take between 8 to 12 weeks to see the final outcome. I recommend consulting with a Coolsculpting certified practice for best results. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)