What Is Cryo Lipo Treatment?

Cold against fat folds! The advanced technology of cryolipolysis, affecting the cold, triggers the natural process of losing weight, returning to the shapely impeccable figure!

Even a woman with a beautiful figure can find fault with herself. Every time we look in the mirror, we notice “extra fat” on our hips, arms, waist … and we want to have perfect body!

For those who do not wish to stop there, a new Lipo Cryo procedure appeared in our clinic! This is the latest development, which allows you to get rid of small fat deposits in problem areas.

In other words, Cryo lipo acts exactly on purpose.


If your goal is local fat deposits:

  • On the hips
  • Inner hand
  • Above knees and on their inner side
  • In the waist and back
  • On the chin

Cryo lipo is exactly the finishing touch that your figure did not have! Procedure perfectly removes excess fat in hard-to-reach places, and also fatty deposits poorly amenable to correction. It is important to understand that LipoCryo is not intended to combat obesity or large body fat.


Cryolipolysis technology, which is the basis of LipoCryo, has established itself as an absolutely safe and incredibly effective technique for correcting the body shape.

And that is not all! So the new procedure lasts only 30 minutes! Thus, for 1 hour you can process 2 problem areas. The stable result and the absolute absence of the recovery period are also the undeniable advantages of LipoCryo.


Cryo lipo is an extremely accurate elimination of small fat deposits. The result is impressive: in one session up to 45% of fat is eliminated, so that excess fat is reduced. It takes from 1 to 3 sessions to achieve an absolute result. This depends primarily on the volume of adipose tissue.


The basis of the Cryo lipo system is selective and controlled cooling of fat cells. As a result, a noticeable and natural decrease in adipose tissue in the area of exposure is achieved. It is important to note that during the procedure only fat cells (adipocytes) are eliminated, while surrounding tissues (the sacral vessels, peripheral nervous system, melanocytes and fibrocytes) remain untouched. This is due to the special sensitivity to the cold of fat cells!


The first step of the procedure is the application of an applicator to the fat fold, which by means of a vacuum captures the fold. Then, with the help of selective cryotechnology, the cooling process starts in the zone of action. The patient may feel chills in the area of exposure, but this sensation quickly passes. The procedure lasts 30 minutes, after which you can process the second problem area. After CryoLipo sessions, reddening remains on the skin, which disappears after 2-4 hours.

The procedure does not require restoration, you can immediately return to the usual life. Cryolipolysis is an apparatus non-invasive procedure for the destruction of fat cells in problem areas due to the effects of cold (the temperature range of the contact attachment of the device is from +5 to -5 degrees Celsius). It is prescribed, if necessary, to reduce the volume of adipose tissue locally to restore the contours of the body.

It is important to emphasize that during cryolipolysis, the process of apoptosis (the death of lipids-fat cells) occurs without damage to adjacent skin cells. Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and is performed on the CryoLipo device. The procedure is approved by the US federal agency Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for protecting the interests of public health.

During and after: with the help of a hardware vacuum nozzle, the excess fatty tissue is captured and safely cooled at the level required in problematic areas, at which the lipids undergo a freezing process, during which they become necrotic. Further disposal (even from dead cells) occurs by natural processing and safe removal from the body, on average – within a month.

Sensations: during cryolipolysis, there is a fairly perceptible feeling of cold, which decreases after 5-10 minutes after the treated area is numb. In general, the session proceeds absolutely painlessly – patients read, watch TV, some even sleep. Immediately after cryolipolysis, you can safely return to your daily activities absolutely without any restrictions.

What to expect after the procedure? During the cryolipolysis session, the volume of fat deposits in the problematic area is reduced to twenty percent. In two sessions, a reduction of up to forty percent. It is important to note that the sagging of the skin is excluded, because the withdrawal of lipids occurs not immediately, but gradually, and without adverse effects on internal organs.

Medical fact: since adolescence, the amount of lipids in the human body remains unchanged. When you gain weight or lose weight, the cells either increase in size, or decrease, but their original number persists throughout life. Diets and intense sports loads do not affect the number of fat cells.

“Fat cells are processed and removed from the body in a natural way, so that they can not be deposited in another area of your body. And unlike other procedures, cryolipolysis does not entail any changes in fat cells outside the treated area. “- according to open data of Zeltiq Aesthetics, USA (inventor of CoolSculpting body fat reduction method).

The main problem areas are the abdomen, hips, waist, shoulders, hands, buttocks, chin. From the history of cryolipolysis: all ingenious is always before our eyes. Another confirmation is the fact that several years ago the doctors of medical sciences Dieter Menstein and Rox Anderson of Harvard University noticed the formation of dimples in the area of the cheeks in children who regularly eat fruit ice.

Cryo Lipo Arms

Scientists conclude that the cold is able to have an areal (limited in area) effect on lipids and reduce the volume of fat cells without damaging the surrounding soft tissues.


  • an allergic reaction to low temperatures (cold urticaria);
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases and circulatory disorders.


Some people try to apply the principle of cryolipolysis independently at home by applying ice packets to problem areas, which is fraught with the appearance of cold burns due to unstable temperature and the occurrence of skin injuries.