What Causes Itching After Coolsculpting?

Itching and soreness after zeltiq

CoolSculpting does cause fat cell death and the body metabolizes the dead cells. You may be experiencing greater than normal itching and soreness but in all likelihood this should all go away. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Pain after cool skull thing is normal. I actually see two types of discomfort after the treatments. In about 5% of patients they will experience an intense tingling discomfort the last about 15 minutes after we remove the handpiece.

The most important thing is to let patients know that it will disappear in 15 or 20 minutes. As long as patients are aware of this ahead of time it is not problematic.

The second is a slightly more mysterious discomfort. About 5% of patients have a longer-lasting irritating discomfort in the treatment area. This has been reported in my patients to last anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks. Fortunately we have developed a treatment protocol with prescription medications that can virtually immediately eliminate the discomfort in a small percentage of cases in which it occurs. (Charles E. Crutchfield III, MD, Minneapolis Dermatologic Surgeon)

Please do not be worried about soreness, itchiness and pain 2 weeks post treatment as this can be quite normal, in fact, the itchiness is a good sign that everything is working. I’m not sure which applicator they used on you but the older “panel” applicators need to draw more tissue up into them so sometimes that can make it more tender but either ones you had, the soreness varies from person to person.

To help, wear some comfortable yet snug Yoga style pants or shorts or light compression underwear if it in the abs, flanks, waist, back or legs as that will help support the tissue and help you feel better. (Robert F. Gray, MD, FACS, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

the swelling and discomfort are a very normal step in the recovery for Coolsculpting. Be sure to increase to your water in take as this will help bring your swelling down. The tenderness and discomfort should subside within the month.

All these symptoms are very normal and part of the healing process. (Mahmood Kara, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Don’t worry

although 2 weeks is a little longer than most, depending on the area/number of cycles/type of applicator etc this is not out of the ordinary. Try compression garments to see if interested helps. Itching is a good sign. (Nicholas Gentry, MD, Fayetteville Physician)

Mild discomfort after Coolsculpting is common

Many patients experience mild discomfort (tingling, soreness, itching) after Coolsculpting. A small minority of patients experience moderate to severe discomfort. Thankfully, the discomfort persists for only a few weeks. To help control pain, I recommend starting off with tylenol and ibuprofen.

For patients that need additional pain relief, gabapentin (a medication that helps with nerve pain) can be very helpful. (Melissa Chiang, MD, FAAD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)

Patients do experience the tingling, achiness and sometimes itching after this procedure. Most of the symptoms are self limiting (they will go away on their own). If it is really bothering you, see your doctor to see if anything can be prescribed to help with the itching. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Symptoms after coolsculpting

It is not uncommon to feel an itchiness and also a crampy discomfort, often intermittent and unpredictable, after Coolsculpting. This has no effect on results, is common and is self limited typically resolving in 4-6 weeks. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Soreness and Itching after CoolSculpting…….

Many patients have mild aching and soreness after the procedure. This can last a few weeks. But it is no where near as bad as the soreness you get after liposuction. The Itching may come and go.

Usually there is no rash or redness. If there is, see your doctor. Hydrocortisone cream may help with the itching. This can be purchased at any pharmacy or food store. (Daniel P. Markmann, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Common side effects after coolsculpting

Itching, vary from patient to patient, but it would not be uncommon for them to last a couple of weeks.

Anti-histamines, like Benadryl, are commonly used for itching; however, they can make people sleepy or not alert. Best advice for you is to just give it some time and it will subside in a couple of weeks. (Cheryl A. Hull, MD, Rogers Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and feeling itchy

Itching can be normal following a CoolSculpting procedure. It should not anything to be concerned about. But, of course you should report any unusual feelings or experiences to your physician. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Itchiness After Coolsculpting

Yes, itchiness of the treated area is one of the side effects of this treatment. It should improve with time and normally goes away within the first 2-3 weeks. You can speak with your doctor to see if he/she can recommend anything topical if you are very uncomfortable. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

How long does swelling last post Coolsculpting?

Swelling, tenderness and numbness are typical reactions post Coolsculpting. Most patients report that these irritations subside within 5-7 days but occasionally they can last up for up to 4 weeks. At our clinic we use all the newest generation of applicators which are faster but which are also designed to reduce down time by more than half.

We also use an acoustic wave devise as part of our treatment and this system increases fat destruction, accelerates the evacuation of fat cells and also drastically reduces recovery time. (Marcia Fleming, MD, Vancouver Physician)

Swelling after CoolSculpting

Be assured that swelling from CoolSculpting may last more that two weeks, depending on your health, age, the number of cycles performed and the applicators used. It would be prudent to follow up with the doctor that did your CoolSculpting for both reexamination and reassurance.

There are rare side effects like prolonged inflammation and paradoxical adipose hypertrophy that should be ruled out and your swelling should be documented and discussed. When the swelling is gone, you will probably begin to appreciated your results. (Alexis Parker, MD, Denver Physician)