Resuming Exercise And Activities After CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is great at removing stubborn fat. Discomfort and swelling after the procedure varies from one person to another.

However, it is totally normal and expected. It will resolve within one to two weeks.

What is great with CoolSculpting, is that there is no downtime. You can resume your regular activities, including exercise right after treatment.

If it does hurt with running, I recommend activities, like cycling, swimming, elliptical… that has much less impact. Usually, it will be just for a few days until discomfort is less and acceptable. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)

Cardio workouts after CoolSculpting

I have had patients who have been in the gym within an hour of their CoolSculpting treatment so there is no limitation to working out. That being said, I tell patients to listen to their bodies since it is not unusual for patients to experience some discomfort and swelling following CoolSculpting and this resolves generally within 1-2 weeks.

You may find that modifying your normal workout such as walking rather than running or doing weight training on more upper body than legs may allow you to resume comfortable workouts more quickly. (Mary Beth Mudd, MD, Columbus Physician)

Mild tenderness and swelling is normal after CoolSculpting. If it hurts to run then just do low impact cardio (walking, elliptical, stationary bike) until soreness improves.

Soreness usually does not last longer than a few days. (John Bergeron, MD, Houston Physician)

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction system with little to no downtime. Clients are free to go back to their usual daily activities directly after Coolsculpting treatments and do not need to refrain from any activities including cardio.

Tenderness, bloating, swelling and mild bruising are all possible reactions post treatment but these will usually subside within 3-7 days. Clients who choose to refrain from exercise for a few days post treatment do so out of preference or comfort as we recommend getting back to your usual routine as soon as you walk out the door. (Marcia Fleming, MD, Vancouver Physician)

Most patients have some bloating and tenderness for a few days after the treatment. This is normal. Most patients resume activities right away. You can certainly return back to your daily running as soon as you feel comfortable. (Jeffrey B. Wise, MD, FACS, Wayne Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Some minimal discomfort can be expected but should resolve fairly quickly. The great thing about CoolSculpting is that you typically can return to your normal activities immediately.

That said, if your your symptoms seem excessive there could be other factors unrelated to your procedure.

I would have you follow up with your primary care provider (Michael P. Dunn, MD, Gilbert Physician)

it is normal to experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling after a CoolSculpting treatment. Every patient responds and heals differently. Symptoms can last for a few days up to a couple of weeks depending on the person.

CoolSculpting Is A Non-invasive, Painless And Simple Procedure

You can go back to your usual workouts whenever feel ready to do so. There are no limitations. I would recommend a modified workout regimen until you feel like your body is ready to back 100%.

The key is to listen to your body. If you feel more pain or bloating when working out, then decrease the intensity of what you are doing. Enjoy your new body!. (Shamim Shakibai, MD, Los Angeles Physician)

Activity after Coolsculpt

The advantage of Coolsculpt is that there is no down time. Most patients can return to normal daily life right after surgery. There are times when there may be some swelling and discomfort. If that occurs then activities should be limited until the symptoms resolves which usually is only a few days. (Shahriar Mabourakh, MD, FACS, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is such an amazing treatment and unique because it has no downtime or restrictions. Doing cardio is has no contraindications with Coolsculpting and is to your comfort level.

If something doesn’t feel good after your treatment, then don’t do it! As far as pain, I would contact your provider where you had Coolsculpting done and let them know what you are experiencing. Pain typically lasts up to 2 weeks, anything beyond this you should let your provider know. (Amanda Brimhall, ND, Kirkland Physician)

Bloating + tenderness should subside in 1 to 2 weeks

Tenderness and swelling are normal side-effects with the CoolSculpting treatment. Most patients experiencing tenderness and swelling see these side-effects resolve themselves within 1 to 2 weeks. In regards to your CoolSculpting treatment, physical activity should not pose any health risk, so feel free to return to running or cardio as soon as you feel comfortable. (Hadley Claire King, MD, New York Dermatologist)