Preparation For Coolsculpting

We do not have any specials preparations for patients undergoing CoolSculpting, other than:

1. The patient is confirmed as a good candidate for the procedure -The best are the those that are at, or close to, their ideal weight but have small bulges of fat.

2. The patient has realistic expectations regarding possible results and knows the potential side effects. You wouldn’t want to be sunburned, but there is no reason not to tan prior to the procedure.

Arnica and Advil (& other NSAID’s) can act as blood thinning agents and cause more bruising. (Steven Gabel, MD, FACS, Portland Hair Restoration Surgeon)

When Can I Eat With CoolSculpting

It doesn’t matter whether you eat before or after your CoolSculpting treatment. We even have some people that eat during their treatment.

If you think you’re gonna get hungry then eat before. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

Eating does not impact CoolSculpting tx

CoolSculpting is localized freezing of the fat cells and eating does not have an effect on the treatment or the results.

The treatment is on average 1hr per treatment zone, so many of our patients get hungry during the treatment and have a snack or drink during the actual procedure. (Jason D. Bloom, MD, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

You can eat before, after, or during. Remember it is quite boring as you sit there one hour per treatment area. (Anh Lee, MD, El Paso Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and Best Time To Eat

There is no reason food would have any impact on your coolsculpting treatment. I would say to wait till after and hydrate before. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

Eating before or after CoolSculpting?

I honestly do not think it would make any difference if you ate before or after a CoolSculpting treatment. The ultimate result would not be altered either way and I have actually had some patients eat during the procedure.

I would just do whatever is more convenient for you. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Water intake after coolsculpting

We have been doing coolsculpting for over 10 years. I have never told my patients to drink a gallon of water per day. There is no physiological reason to do this. You do want to stay well hydrated but your body will tell you if you need fluids by the thirst mechanism.

There is no reason to force fluids. (Jean M. Casello, MD, Northborough Physician)

CoolSculpting Outcomes

While it is important to stay hydrated before and after the CoolSculpting process, you definitely do not need to drink a gallon of water a day.

The results from CoolSculpting are gradual and take place over a period of 3-6 months. (Jason D. Bloom, MD, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Can a hot bath be taken after CoolSculpting?

There should not be a problem taking a hot bath after a CoolSculpting treatment, but it is always best to check with the physician who treated you since he or she is responsible for your care. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Hot Tubs After Coolsculpting

I suggest waiting as you are no inflamed and can only make this worse. However, the hot tub may improve the results (see my article in cosmetic surgery times). Its hard to say either way, I suggest you speak to your treating physician.

I would said wait a week until the healing has occurred from the procedure. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

As far as I know there are no contraindications in getting hot bath or getting in hot tub but to be on safe side I wiould recommend to wait for one week. (Himansu Shah, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after Coolsculpting

Swelling and tenderness is very common after Coolsculpting, especially in the chin area. I would recommend taking Tylenol and do compression wraps to the area treated along with a cold compress. This should help ease your discomfort.

If you have any concerns please contact your Coolsculpting provider. (Renee Burke, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting Discomfort

While the down time is negligible for most, some people do experience the symptoms. The best treatment is typically an ice pack. Icing the area will help with both the swelling and the discomfort.

Also, compression can be helpful. Talk to your provider to see if they have a compression garment for you or additional suggestions for your pain management. (Umang Mehta, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Pain after Coolsculpting

Soreness, swelling, numbness, bruising and tingling are normal following treatment with Coolsculpting. You may experience only one side effect while someone else experiences all of them. Coolsculpting should not cause nerve damage as it is designed to target fat cells and leave the skin and tissue unharmed.

Bruising can occur in more petite patients as there may be less fat volume to fill the applicator cups. Tenderness and bruising should subside within a week. Numbness may last a little longer (up to one month).

If your symptoms increase contact your treating provider for follow up care. We advise our patients to use Tylenol if possible and avoid anti inflammatory medications for at least one week after treatment. (Jeffrey Hinton, MD, Johnson City OB-GYN)

Patented Nonsurgical Cooling Technique

Still numb 2 months after CoolSculpting

In most cases after CoolSculpting, the numbness will resolve by about 6-8 weeks. Sometimes it will go away faster, but it can longer for some people. As long as it continues to improve, I would not be too concerned but it is probably best to discuss this issue with the physician who treated you so that they can monitor your progress. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Any numbness you have should subside. Speak with the medical professional who performed your treatment to discuss your concern. This way you can ensure you are receiving the best and most appropriate care. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

In order to have the best result that is worth the time, money and effort I recommend meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon who utilizes Coolsculpting.

By meeting with a surgeon, they have a great understanding of whether you are a good candidate for Coolsculpting alone vs needing a surgical procedure in conjunction or instead. (Steven M. Camp, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

Does cool sculpture really work

CoolSculpting works by reducing 25% of fat cells in a treatment area. These cells are permanently destroyed and removed from our body through our lymphatic system and GI tract. The number of treatments varies per patient.

Some may see results with one treatment, while others require more than one. If you are interested, I would recommend seeing a board certified plastic surgeon for an in-person consultation. This way, you can explain your concerns, learn more about the procedure, and find an option that fits you best. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Can you wear a corset after CoolSculpting?

I don’t see why not. If you’re using it to ease the discomfort following the procedure, I’ve found that a compression garment or something like Spanx works well. (Brian K. Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)

Compression garments following CoolSculpting procedures

We do recommend a compression garment following the CoolSculpting procedure like a Spanx. This is not a requirement but I have found that it makes the patient more comfortable following the procedure to wear a compression garment for 2 to 7 days. (Alan N. Larsen, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Compression after coolsculpting is not required but it wouldn’t have any negative effect on your results. (John L. Burns Jr., MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting does work. What we have found however is that patients need to be appropriate candidates. If there is significant adiposity liposuction might be a better option. If there is a lot of excess skin then a tummy tuck would be a better option.

The fat cells are disrupted with CoolSculpting and the fat cells are then eliminated by your immune system. The fat is not redistributed throughout your body, which some people think; they’re actually eliminated by your liver.

It can take a month or longer to see your full result. Most people need 2 treatments in a particular area for the best result. (Kahlil Andrews, MD, Cedar Rapids Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting normally will cause 20-25% of the fat cells in the treated areas to be destroyed over time. It can take 3-4 months to see the full result. The number of treatments needed varies with the individual but I would say a rough estimate would be 1-3 times.

The fat that is destroyed is eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system gradually after the treatment. It is an FDA-approved treatment with proven results. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)