Massage After Coolsculpting

There is good evidence that massaging immediately after the applicator is removed, as well as during the treatment cycle, breaks up fat cells and results in a greater loss of fat. This is in part because the adipose tissue at those points in time is stiffer, and massaging will break up more of the cells’ walls.

At this point in time, this is no longer the case, and any further massaging will not help the results. It might make you feel a bit more sore, however. (Sheryl D. Clark, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Should massage be done at home after CoolSculpting?

Massage by the physician treating you is recommended immediately after a CoolSculpting treatment but it does not need to be done later by the patient at home.

Massage at home would not harm anything but it is not felt to be beneficial to the results. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The massage after CoolSculpting treatments serves two purposes. First, it can break up any fragile fat cells which have not been killed and result in a little more fat reduction. Second, it promotes lymphatic flow to the area to clear the dead fat cells.

In the clinical studies performed, the massage was shown to be beneficial.

The machine does its own massage during the last 10 minutes of the treatment. After the applicator is taken off an additional 2-3 minutes of manual hand massage should be done.

This does not have to be “torture”. The first minute should be a firm massage with a moderate pressure massage the last 1-2 minutes. clear things up for you. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

It has been determined by Zeltiq that the massage segment is beneficial. The thought is that the partially frozen adipose cells are particularly fragile and the massage can help to further damage those cells. I do not believe that torture is necessary, and once the tissue has re-warmed that the sharpness of the crystals is no longer going to effect the cells.

CoolSculpting Is A Non-surgical Body Contouring Treatment That Freezes The Fat In The Treated Areas And Eliminates It For Good

We do a firm massage following each application for 2 minutes. (Mark A. Blair, MD, Phoenix Dermatologic Surgeon)

Following a Coolsculpting procedure, it is recommended by Zeltiq to vigorously massage the treated area for a full two minutes. The massage action is meant to further break down the frozen or partially frozen adipose cells, with a measured increase in effectiveness of 68% (statistic from Zeltiq).

Theoretically, there could be a difference in results for sections that were massaged more intensely than those that weren’t. Follow up with your Coolsculpting provider; you may need to be re-evaluated after full results have been reached. (Mary Beth Luca, DO, FAOCD, Dublin Dermatologist)

Massage can add some physical stress to the fat cells when they are in more of a semi-frozen state and hence more brittle and fragile. It is hard to say what percent of the treatment success is attributed to massage versus the Coolsculpting treatment alone, but we do incorporate it into our treatment protocol. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting Is A Procedure That Helps Reduce Body Fat In A Targeted Area

Massaging after Coolsculpting is best done with the Zimmer Z wave

Studies show an improvement over massage in the results of 68-100% when using the Zimmer Z Wave in place of manual massage after Coolsculpting. When massage is performed correctly, it is not done with the fingernails.

You should not have any skin effects noted from the massage. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

This is not necessary. The only time it is done is immediately after the handpiece is removed. I use the Zimmer Z wave for even better results. Also, the Cooladvantage hand piece is faster, more comfortable, and faster results. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Treating swelling after Coolsculpting

Gentle massage should help the swelling go down a little faster. You may also want to avoid sitting a lot and walk around to help as well. (Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Two minutes of massage is plenty. It is just important that the frozen area be broken up with massage after the treatment. I think this is the real effect. Certainly studies have assigned minutes but the real effect is the mechanical disruption.

You will have a good result even if no massage is performed. I utilized Coolsculpting before the entire massage recommendation and had excellent results. (Burton M. Sundin, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)

the massage should be firm and can be very painful for 2 minutes that it takes. We train our people to use their finger tip pulps to break crystalized fat. (Parham Gharagozlou, MD, FACP, Walnut Creek Physician)

You do not have to massage for better results following cool sculpting. It certainly won’t hurt you to do so, but this is not part of the post treatment plan. (Robert Heck, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic urgeon)

You can massage the area anytime after Coolsculpting. You can do any activity that you would like to do. (Stephanie Martin, MD, Atlanta Orthopaedic Surgeon)

Yes, you can massage the area you had treated before your follow-up visit with the doctor. In fact, after your treatment, you can do whatever you please as long as you are comfortable doing it. (Manish Khanna, MD, FRCP(C), Montreal Dermatologic Surgeon)

For future reference practitioners who have attended CoolSculpting University sponsored by Zeltiq (manufacturer of CoolSculpting) have the most up to date information, techniques and proper use of the CoolSculpting equipment.

The two minute massage is critical to optimizing success of the treatment this is well known. Recommended massage technique is as soon as the cycle has completed and the applicator removed to perform the massage.

The first minute is a “kneading like motion” as if working with dough and then to a “circular” massage of the area treated. Like any massage technique scratching is not typically part of the routine.

One last point; with or without “scratching” the post massage can be a bit uncomfortable for some depending on your pain tolerance. (Paul Pietro, MD, Greenville Physician)

This massage is critically important to help the cell death that leads to fat loss. However, it should be done correctly by a trained CoolSculpting staff person who not only understands the purpose of the massage but also how to deliver with the most comfort possible. (Steven M. Camp, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

Whatever area you had treated with Coolsculpting can be massaged or treated in any way you’d like and it will in no way adversely effect your results. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

The Purpose Of The Massage Is Spread The Frozen Fat Back Out Evenly Among The Treated Area

There should be no problem massaging the areas that have been treated with CoolSculpting and massage may even enhance lymphatic uptake of the fat which is being eliminated by the procedure. (Roby F. Hayes, MD, Portland Physician)

Massaging area of Coolsculpting after visit

It is perfectly fine to massage the area treated with Coolsculpting. It actually might enhance the results. There are no restrictions after the procedure.

I use Zimmer Z Wave and Cooladvantage handpieces for best results. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rest assured doing massage yourself after CoolSculpting will have NO negative effect on your ultimate results. Some find help with a “lymph massage” to assist with removal of the “debris” resultant from this treatment.

Basically there are no restrictions post CoolSculpting. Enjoy your results. (Paul Pietro, MD, Greenville Physician)

The Post-treatment Two Minute Massage

Compression garment and massage after coolsculpting for fat loss

We routinely recommend compression garments for liposuction as there is a group of tunnels in the fat that need to compress but this is not the case with CoolSculpting so we don’t routinely recommend them, but there is nothing wrong for a patient to try to see if they can obtain comfort.

Some patients do develop exquisite sensitivity after coolsculpting not allowing them to wear clothing that applies even just moderate pressure so they certainly wouldn’t consider wearing a compression garment. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Massaging coolsculpting areas won’t generally help or hurt the effects. Most clinics will manually massage or use a machine to massage the areas right after as this has been shown to increase the fat reduction.

Procedure Helps Deliver Phenomenal Results That Can Potentially Be Long Lasting

However, after the first hour there is probably no benefit or harm either way. (Kyle Coleman, MD, New Orleans Dermatologic Surgeon)

Massage will be fine. It is always recommended that massage be done immediately after treatments. Some have reported further improvement may occur with continued periodic massage. I think this is yet to be proven, but In any case further massage should not harm your results. (Maurice M. Vick, Jr., MD, Baton Rouge Urologist)

Massage following cool sculpt

Immediately following treatments the provider is instructed to massage the area for at least 2 minutes.

There is no evidence that other massage following treatments increases the effectiveness. If it feels good however, it will not harm you in any way or alter the results. (Timothy Treece, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

The Massage Feels Like Someone Is Kneading A Deep Bruise

Massage and compression after Coolsculpting

I would recommend massage and a compression garment after Coolsculpting. It does help to mitigate swelling and discomfort, particularly if the abdominal region was treated. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Is massage important after Coolsculpting?

It is very important to get massage after Coolsculpting. It is used to increase the fat cell death and not circulation. Results can be improved even further is Zimmer Z wave is used (65-100% improvement).

Whether or not your results will be affected is uncertain. How I explain to patients what massage or Z wave does is “There are some fat cells which are on the fence of living or dying.

The massage or Z Wave pushes some of those cells over the edge and cause cell death. The additional trauma to the cells – “hitting them when they are down” – gives a 1,2 knock out punch.”. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Studies show that the 2 minute massage right after the treatment improves your end result. Its purpose is to break up the fat cells after it has been treated. If you have questions about your treatment, follow up with the provider that gave you the treatment. (Robert G. Aycock, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

Newer CoolSculpting protocols recommend a 2 minute manual massage immediately following the removal of the applicator. Some studies have shown that breaking up the crystallized tissue and restoring blood flow to the area can increase treatment efficacy by about 70%.

It sounds like the specialist you saw did massage the area, and although the technique may have varied from other online videos you saw, the massage in and of itself will likely not negatively affect your results.

If you feel concerned about your treatment I would suggest discussing it with your practitioner at a follow up appointment. At Imagine Body Sculpting Centers we generally recommend at least two treatments for optimal results in any given area, especially inner and outer thighs, so at your next session you could request a massage with more kneading if you like.

Communication between patient and provider is key with any procedure, including CoolSculpting. (Vincent Marino, MD, Scottsdale Physician)

Should I be massaging my coolsculpted area?

Since it has been a week since the treatment, it is not necessary to massage the area. The only time massage is beneficial is immediately after the treatment when the hand piece is removed. This helps to break up the fat cells.

Massaging at this point will neither help nor hinder. (Neil Sadick, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Massage is needed directly after Coolsculpting but is not necessary a week later. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

The RN should massage the treated area immediately after the treatment for at least 2 minutes. Since you are about a week out I would not worry about doing so, this is not required but it certainly won’t hurt you to do so. (John K. Wakelin III, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)