Kybella vs CoolMini

CoolSculpting and Kybella are both effective treatments for submental fullness. While the treatment goals are similar, the procedures and recovery can look pretty different. CoolSculpting with the CoolMini is completely non-invasive using cold panels to permanently eliminate fat cells.

Each treatment takes about an hour and typically patients receive 1-3 treatments preformed every 3-12 weeks. There is very minimal down time and patients can return to work or social activities immediately after treatment. CoolMini results are seen as early as one month after treatment and can continue to improve for about 3 months.

The limitation of CoolSculpting is the treatment area is restricted to where the applicator panels can touch making the treatment less customizable then Kybella.

Kybella is a minimally invasive treatment using small injections to treat the desired area under the chin.

90 Days Post 2nd Session Coolsculpting

The treatment only takes about 15 min and results are typically seen in about a month. The down time for Kybella is typically 3-5 days to be considered socially presentable but swelling can last up to two weeks.

Most patients also require 2-3 treatments to achieve the ideal chin profile. Kybella offers a customized approach without surgery, but the down time is more significant than CoolMini. Talking to an experienced board-certified facial plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon is the best way find the most ideal treatment plan for you. (Umang Mehta, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Both have their place

I would say- I use CS to really “debulk” fat and then I sometimes go in after 2 sessions of CS with Kybella to fine tune the area. Both reduce fat about 20% or so; both permanent.

Before And After Coolsculpting Double-Chin Treatment

Kybella is painful and there is much more swelling than with CS . (Sameer Bashey, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Kybella and CoolMini reduce the Double Chin of the Fat Neck

CoolMini from CoolSculpting freezes the fat of the neck and is done with one or two applicators and may require two to three treatments which I perform every two months. There is small amount of swelling for a week or so.

Kybella requires several treatments, 3 -6 depending on the amount of fat and is repeated every five weeks on average. There is more swelling than with CoolMini for the first two weeks. I refer to it as the Jello jiggle.

Some patients don’t have enough fat, or the CoolMini applicator doesn’t fit well for them so Kybella may be preferable. Both treatments improve the neck but certainly are not as effective as liposuction. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolMini Is A New FDA-approved Attachment For Coolsculpting

Kybella for fine tuning vs Coolsculpting coolmini for a larger double chin

I have both treatments available in my office. I recommend Coolsculpting coolmini for a moderate to large double chin; and Kybella for a smaller amount of under chin fat. There are patients I would recommend to start with Coolsculpting coolmini then use Kybella to get the final defined jawline.

The treatments are not exclusive of each other. When combined, it could eliminate a double chin without any surgical procedure. (Sheena Kong, MD, San Francisco Internist)

Kybella vs Cool Mini

I have experience with Kybella and Cool Mini. Kybella is faster (10 minutes) but will be more expensive if you have a lot of fat under your neck. Cool Mini is better if you don’t like needles.

Coolsculpting Cool Mini Under Chin

Kybella is more customizable but one vial of Kybella will not treat as much as 1 cycle of Cool Mini. A typical cycle of Cool Mini costs about $600-$1000 and a typical vial of Kybella is about $500. (Justin Harper, MD, Columbus Physician)

Effectiveness of Kybella and CoolMini

Both CoolMini and Kybella are equally excellent, and effective, ways to rid one of the dreaded “double chin.” One of the main differences between the two is that Kybella can be customizable for more sculpting of the jawline whereas CoolMini is more generalized to the single size applicator head.

It’s best to consult with your surgeon to evaluate the area and determine which procedure would most benefit you. (Brian K. Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)

Kybella: An Easy and Effective Treatment for Chin FAT

Coolsculpting Session Takes Roughly An Hour And Can Freeze Up To 30% Of The Fat From Under Your Chin

Kybella is a new injectable approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe fat under the chin; double chin.

Up until now the only option for fat removal under the chin was liposuction or surgically removing the fat by cutting it out.

Kybella is the first ever non-surgical option for dissolving double chin fat that has quick, visible results after each treatment session. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Kybella can be utilized more in difficult contoured areas and be tailored to each individual’s neck contour. Cool mini has a set applicator which can make it difficult in fitting every neck. (Allen Gabriel, MD, FACS, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Which is more effective: Kybella or CoolMini?

At this time, there are no side by side comparison studies out there. Time will tell. I can definitely tell you, however, that Kybella, while pricey (Allergen are you listening?) is very effective, having had it myself!. (Steven M. Gitt, MD, FACS, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

Two ways to attack a double chin: Kybella injections and CoolSculpting fat freezing

Good news, both methods work, both take on average 2 treatments a month or so apart although more treatments can be done if needed, they are both permanent and the cost comes out in the same ball park.

Which is better? Kybella is quick, 15 minutes in the office, CoolSculpting is about an hour in the office for each area treated, a big person might have 3 areas under the chin resulting in additional time and cost.

The Newest Double-Chin Treatments

Numbness can occur with both and is temporary. Kybella has more swelling overall. The correct treatment depends on the individual and the expert assessment of an experienced physician. In fact the best might actually be starting with Kybella and finishing up with CoolSculpting.

The best of both? It’s good to have options. (Susan Van Dyke, MD, Paradise Valley Dermatologic Surgeon)

Both procedures can be effective, and a patient may be a candidate for one procedure but not the other. For patients that also has a loose skin tend to be better candidates for liposuction. Consult with an experienced and expert board certified physician to review your options. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Both CoolSculpting and Kybella are excellent treatments to treat fat under the chin (submental fat). CoolSculpting requires enough tissue to fit into the applicator cup and create a vaccum.

Kybella And 8 Weeks Post

Kybella involves injecting the area precisely. Please do see a qualified medical practitioner and good luck with your treatment. (Rekha Tailor, MBChB, Elstead Physician)

CoolSculpting is a great non-invasive option for the submental area (under the chin). This treatment does require enough tissue to create a vacuum seal and minimize loss of contact. (Shamim Shakibai, MD, Los Angeles Physician)

CoolSculpting The Double Chin

CoolSculpting for the double chin using the CoolMini applicator can be a very effective treatment in the appropriate candidates. Most people will need at least 2 treatments. As long as you maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle then results can be permanent.

The treatment will not tighten loose skin, so if that’s your issue it may not be appropriate for you. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

Coolmini is used for the double chin

I am a big fan of the new CoolMini for the submental fat area. It is very effective at permanently removing fat from this area. It is able to go more laterally than Kybella can.

It might require a 2nd treatment. It is a 35 minute procedure. There is no downtime. During the procedure you are braced in an apparatus so you don’t turn your head and lose the attachment. Not everyone is a candidate, it won’t treat lose skin and must have pinchable fat to treat. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

There are a number of options for the double chin. Coolsculpting is a good option for the right candidate. Kybella and Liposuction are good options as well. Coolsculpting results are permanent but multiple treatments may be necessary to reach your goal. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting via the CoolMini is very effective for reducing submental fat (double chin) and the results are permanent. Depending on the amount of fat to be treated and your desired end point this may require more than one treatment.

Seek consultation with an experienced practitioner who has been certified by CoolSculpting University. (Paul Pietro, MD, Greenville Physician)

Freeze The Stubborn Fat Under Your Chin

Coolsculpting is now FDA approved to treat submental fullness (otherwise known as the double chin). The results are not instant but they are permanent. You are looking at a 25%- 50% reduction in the submentum after one to two treatments!. (Peter J. Capizzi, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Yes, you can do CoolSculpting on the submentum (double chin). Yes, results are effective. The treatment kills about 25% of the fat cells in the treatment area and most patients are pleased with 2 treatments, but the treatment plan can vary from person to person.

Once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good. You still need to keep a healthy diet and exercise to keep optimal results, as with anything cosmetic. It is best to see a CoolSculpting Specialist and a board certified plastic surgeon to see if this is the best treatment for you. There is no downtime, so it is a great treatment.. (Jeffrey M. Hartog, DMD, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

The FDA has cleared the treatment for the double chin with the new CoolMini which is a smaller device designed to treat the fat that accumulates under the chin. there has been very high patient satisfaction with just 1 or 2 treatments. (Miguel Delgado, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)