How Long Does Coolsculpting Procedure Take?

CoolSculpting takes one hour per treated area. An applicator is attached to the area which uses controlled cooling to target and kill fat cells. Depending on the area of the body you plan on treating, for example the “love handles,” the time would double (one hour per side).

CoolSculpting has proven successful in getting rid of unwanted bulges but additional treatments may be necessary to achieve the best results. (Frank P. Fechner, MD, Worcester Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolscuplting takes only one hour to reduce your fat bulge

Zeltiq is a revolutionary procedure that freezes your fat in just one hour. The results are great if you are at your ideal body weight and you have a certain problem area like your abdomen or flanks.

Typically one procedure is necessary and you can expect a 25 percent reduction in fat in two to four months after the treatment. Many patients return a month later for a second session because they can achieve even better results, up to 40% in a given area with a second treatment.

Please consult a board certified dermatologist with a great deal of experience with Coolsculpting for the best cosmetic results. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

How long does CoolSculpting take?

The amount of time needed to achieve your best results will depend on a few factors including the exact type of CoolSculpting equipment used and the exact areas to be treated. Many practices, including mine, now offer “dual sculpting” which cuts the treatment time in half.

The latest equipment updates allow 35 minutes for some treatments. Please research providers in your area.

Choose a board certified plastic surgeon who has experience in both CoolSculpting and liposuction to ensure you are receiving the treatment that will provide YOUR best results. (Christine Sullivan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

In our practice we have multiple CoolSculpting machines so we are able to treat more than one area at a time. For example, we can do love handles on both sides at once, which cuts the time in half.

Basically it is one hour per area although CoolSculpting. They great news is you can relax, read, check your email, text or take a nap while being treated. (Janet Turkle, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

1 hour to CoolSculpt

Each applicator is applied for 1 hour. Since we have 2 machines, we are able to apply 2 applicators at once which reduces your treatment time in half. For example: If you were treating your love handles, this would take 1 hour since both sides can be treated at once.

If we were treating you lower abdomen (2 applications usually needed) and your love handles then it would take a total of two hours. We could treat one side of your lower abdomen and once love handle the first hour, then the other ones the next hour. Sometimes only one treatment session is needed, however some people want further reduction of fat and will return for another session. (Christopher J. Ewart, MD, Augusta Plastic Surgeon)

How long does Coolsculpting take in San Diego?

A typical coolsculpting area of treatment may last 60 minutes, but many patients require more than one area. Multiple areas can be tackled in one day, or spread out over several days depending on the client’s schedule.

Generally, each area only needs to be treated once at our San Diego center. (Roy A. David, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)

1-4 Hours

Each Zeltiq treatment lasts one hour. I have had patients treat 4 or 5 areas in one sitting lasting 4-5 hours. We allow our patients to walk, stretch, eat and drink between sessions. Depending on how much adipose tissue you have in your abdomen will determine how many treatments and how long it will take. Usually 1 or 2 hours for the abdomen. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Zeltiq-cool sculpting is effective

A normal treatment with Zeltiq takes approximately one hour. It requires only the one treatment. however a patient may want more than the 20-25% improvement normally attained in one treatment and can therefore sign up for a second treatment.

One doctor in our practice noticed a very dramatic improvement in only one treatment when applied to her. (Joshua L. Fox, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

How long are Coolsculpting procedures and how often are repeat treatments?

Each Coolsculpting procedure lasts approximately 1-2 hours. This depends on the number of areas that will be treated. Often, if a treatment will take 2+ hours, we can consider breaking up the areas over the course of 2 days.

At your consultation appointment, the length of your Coolsculpting procedure will be discussed, as well as the potential for repeat treatments. Ideal locations to use the Coolsculpting treatment include the back, love handles, and the stomach.

The inflammatory process is what will eliminate the fat cells from your body. It will take the body from 2-3 months to complete this process. You will not be able to see the ultimate results from your procedure until then, so wait a full 2 months before considering a repeat Coolsculpting treatment.

Some areas will not require a second treatment, while others can be further enhanced with a repeat Coolsculpting procedure. (Narin (Joe) Apisarnthanarax, MD, Houston Dermatologist)

Coolscupting is permanent fat reduction with each treatment

With each Coolsculpt treatment, there is a 20-25% reduction in fat in the area that is treated. Each treatment takes an hour and results can start to be seen after 3 weeks and continue for 3 months.

It is common for people to treat some areas more than once, about a month apart, to get additional reduction. During your consultation, the physician will discuss your goals and develop a “treatment to transformation” plan in which the number of treatments will be recommended.

Without a consultation it is not possible to know how many treatments you will need. (Quenby Erickson, DO, FAAD, FACMS, Chicago Dermatologic Surgeon)

Each Coolsculpting cycle takes 1 hour. The number of cycle(treatments) depends on several variables- your fatty bulge anatomy, how much fat is present, your expectations. For example, some patients with minimal fat present in the bottom half of the abdomen may need only 1 or 2 cycles, whereas other pts with significantly more fat may need 4-6 cycles initially, and another series of cycles 1-3 months later.

Each cycle will reduce the fatty bulge 20-25% on average. The stomach is a great area for Coolsculpting! (David Shuter, MD, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)

Most treatments are one hour and number of treatments depends on the patient

Each Coolsculpting cycle takes one hour for the CoolCurve+, CoolCore, and CoolMax applicators. The CoolSmooth applicator takes two hours per cycle since it is not suction assisted. Also be sure to leave time for your general assessment, markings, photos, and post treatment massage.

Most of my patients are with me for half of the day in order to maximize results. The number of treatments depends on the patients desired results and amount of starting fat. I typically re evaluate the area 6-8 weeks post treatment to determine if one more treatment is necessary. (Michael E. Ciaravino, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Cool Sculpting treatments take approximately 1 hour per treatment to complete. The fat cells that are removed by the non-invasive procedure do not return. If you gain weight after the treatment, the other cells in the area may get larger.

Cool Sculpting requires multiple treatments to achieve the best results.

A consultation with an experienced physician or technician is required to estimate how many treatments you can expect to achieve your goals. (Ralph Trey Aquadro, MD, Auburn Plastic Surgeon)

Each applicator takes an hour. During your consultation your CoolSculpting provider will develop a customized treatment plan specifically for you. The number of treatments depends on each individual but in general 1-2 treatments are recommended. (Arthur M. Cambeiro, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Faster Coolsculpting by Zeltiq

on the average each area takes about one hour to treat each area (lower ab, upper ab , love handle, upper arm, inner thigh) with Coolsculpting. We have two machines that can be applied simultaneously cutting treatment times in half.

New protocols for effective fat reduction suggest repeating the treatment in one month especially if moderate to severe fatty deposits are present. (Christine Hamori, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

How long does coolsculpting last

Coolsculpting continues to grow in popularity, as it is a very effective method of removing problem areas of fat. The length of the treatment depends on the number of areas treated.

– The treatment of a single area takes 1 hour.

– Multiple areas can be treated in the same visit. However, each takes an hour. For example, treatment of the lovehandles takes 2 hours since there are 2 areas. Treatment of the entire abdomen and lovehandles may take 6 areas and thus require 6 hours to complete.

– The number of treatments depends on the amount of fat you wish to remove. Typically, 20-25% of the fat is removed in a single treatment. For most people, a single treatment for an area is all that is needed.

Remember, coolsculpt doesn’t give an immediate result, and 3-6 months are needed before the final result is visible. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)