Dr. Patel Dermatologist Chicago, Illinois

Name: Toral Patel, MD, MS
Last name: Patel
Began aesthetic medicine in: 0
Primary Specialty: Dermatologist
Business: D&A Dermatology
Address: 333 East Benton Place
Address suite: Suite 204
Phone: +1 312-861-3911
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Zip Code: 60601
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • SSM Health-St. Marys Jefferson City
  • Undergraduate: BA, Economics, University of Chicago
  • Graduate: MS, Biotechnology, Northern University
  • Medical: MD, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: Dermatology, Loyola University
  • Fellowship: Dermatology and Psoriasis, Loyola University

Toral Patel, MD, MS

Member of
  • American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)

GPS coordinates on map: 41.8852691,-87.6184837

Primary location
Location name: Chicago
State: IL
Country: US
Map point: 41.8795,-87.6242981
  • Accutane
  • Botox
  • Chemical Peel
  • CoolSculpting
  • eMatrix
  • Facial
  • Fractional Laser
  • Glycolic Peel
  • Hyaluronidase
  • IPL
  • Jessner Peel
  • Juvederm
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Latisse
  • LED Light Therapy
  • Liquid Facelift
  • Lux 1540
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Mirvaso
  • Mole Removal
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Pulsed Dye Laser
  • Retin-A
  • Salicylic Peel
  • Skin Lightening
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Spironolactone For Acne
  • Tazorac
  • TCA Peel
  • ThreeForMe
  • Vbeam
  • VI Peel
  • Voluma

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 664
Answer count: 12
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Jul 2, 2009
Profile modified: Feb 7, 2020
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Dermatologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Mar 8, 2016
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Chicago, IL, US. GPS coordinates: 41.8795,-87.6242981

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Can I start with one or two units of Botox?
Small dose of Botox
Mar 19, 2016
Hi and thanks for your question. It’s always best to start with a smaller dose of Botox and add more units if necessary, but in general 1 or 2 units may not provide noticeable results. It all depends on the area you want treated and your desired outcome, so I would recommend evaluation by a board-certified dermatologist to determine your best treatment plan. Hope this helps.
Is it safe to get Botox while breastfeeding?
Botox and Breastfeeding
Mar 19, 2016
Hello and thanks for your question. It is not recommended to get Botox while breastfeeding or pregnant. It is not known whether or not Botox gets into breastmilk, and what effects it would have on the baby if it does. I advise waiting until after you are done breastfeeding to get Botox. 
What is the difference between Botulax and Botox? Aside from the brand, are they pretty much the sa
Botox vs Botulax
Mar 19, 2016
Hello and thanks for your question. The only FDA-approved neuromodulators in the US are Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. Botulax is a product made overseas; it is not FDA-approved and I would not recommend its use. In my experience Botox gives the best and most predictable results. It’s always advisable to consult a board certified dermatologist in your area for evaluation and treatment. 
Is it possible to track a doctor if he’s using authentic Botox?
Authentic Botox
Mar 16, 2016
Hello and thanks for your question. I do not think Allergan is permitted to provide a physician’s ordering history to patients. You could see if your doctor is listed on the Botox Physician Finder, but this still does not guarantee use of authentic product or good injection technique. If you already have doubts about your doctor I think it’s time to find someone new who is experienced and trustworthy with a good reputation. 
How much it will cost me to get rid of my belly fat using CoolSculpting?
Cost of Coolsculpting
Mar 16, 2016
Hello and thanks for your question. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment cannot be determined by a photo. Each person’s Coolsculpting treatment plan and cost are different; an in-person evaluation is required to determine if you are a good candidate for treatment. I would recommend finding an experienced provider in your area for a consultation.
Is is safe to have Botox injected with autoimmune condition?
Botox and Autoimmune Conditions
Mar 16, 2016
Botox should be safe for patients with Hashimoto’s, but if you have any concerns I recommend discussing the treatment with both your injecting provider and the provider who is treating your Hashimoto’s before making a decision.
Coolsculpting yesterday. I’m very swollen, extremely tender abdomen, and I have a fever. Could swel
Fever and abdominal pain/swelling after Coolsculpting
Mar 16, 2016
Sorry to hear about your discomfort after Coolsculpting. Abdominal swelling and tenderness are common after the treatment, but fever is very unusual and not an expected side effect. The fever may be unrelated to treatment, but I would recommend contacting your treating physician for a follow up visit. I hope you feel better soon.
I am a 34 year old woman suffering from adult cystic acne for many years. I am considering Spironol
Spironolactone & Acne
Mar 14, 2016
Spironolactone can be very effective for the treatment of female cystic acne, which has a strong hormonal component. If is an off-label use of the medication and should be prescribed by a board-certified dermatologist who has experience with its use. Most patients need to take the medication for at least 4-6 months before significant improvement is seen in their acne, and the medication may need to be continued beyond this period to maintain the benefit; spironolactone is not a cure for this…
Can Retin A, or any generic tretinoin cause hair loss?
Retin-A & Hair Loss
Mar 14, 2016
Topical Retin-A (generic name: tretinoin) has not been shown to cause hair loss, and has in fact been shown in some studies to help with hair growth when applied directly to the scalp in combination with other medications such as Rogaine. But there is no evidence to suggest that facial application of Retin-A affects hair growth of the scalp in any way.Accutane (generic name: isotretinoin) is high dose vitamin A taken orally, and as you mentioned, can cause hair loss; this is due to the…
Can I go in the sun after being off Retin A a month?
Retin-A & Sun Exposure
Mar 12, 2016
Sounds like you have a a fun trip planned! It’s a good idea to stop your Retin-A 2-4 weeks before your trip to minimize the risk of increased sun sensitivity and sunburn. However, I still recommend regular use of broad spectrum sunscreen, SPF 45-50, on your trip, with re-application every 1-2 hours. Tanning of any kind causes damage to the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer; it will also cause premature aging of the skin. 
How long should I expect to be swollen from Coolsculpting?
Swelling after Coolsculpting
Mar 12, 2016
Sorry to hear you’re having discomfort after your treatment. Swelling from Coolsculpting can persist for a few days to a few weeks after the procedure; I have seen it most often with treatment of the lower abdomen. Some patients have relief with the use of compression garments (like Spanx or spandex workout pants) while others don’t want any pressure on the affected area; you may want to try them and see how they feel for you.The swelling should gradually subside but please follow up with…
What is the difference between regular Botox, and Dysport?
Difference between Botox & Dysport
Mar 8, 2016
Botox and Dysport are both neuromodulators, made by different companies; they have differing chemical compositions and protein attachments but produce similar results. Since the two products are not identical, the dosing (number of units) required will be different for Botox compared to Dysport. Deciding which neuromodulator to use is really a matter of physician and patient preference. 

Last updated on 11/24/2023