Does Coolsculpting Work Reviews?

Coolsculpting absolutely works

Coolsculpting has become the gold standard for noninvasive fat reduction.

It absolutely works and if a patient is a good candidate for the procedure it will give a 20 – 25% reduction of the fat in the treated area.

In order to determine if a patient is a good candidate for the Coolsculpting procedure there must be “pinchable” subcutaneous fat in the area being treated.

That means fat directly under the skin that you can pinch between your fingers, versus visceral fat or fat inside the abdominal cavity.

So it is important to have an in person consultation to make sure you are a good candidate. Once the fat is treated with Coolsculpting, the fat reduction that is achieved will yield a permanent result, because the body does not make new fat cells.

So once a fat cell is destroyed or removed from the body, it is removed permanently (Paul Flashner, MD, Boston Physician)

Coolsculpting DOES work and is a wonderful non surgical option. You do need the be the right candidate however. Coolsculpting works the best on “pinchable” subcutaneous fat. If the area that you are wanting to treat is harder tissue and difficult to pinch you may not get the desired result.

I would recommend meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Brian C. Reuben, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting REALLY works

As with all cosmetic procedures, there are many variables that enter the equation and not all patients derive the same excellent result. CoolSculpting can provide significant fat loss to many individuals. Rarely there are cases in which the amount of fat removal is less than satisfactory but patient satisfaction with CoolSculpting in my NYC practice is very high.

Freeze And Destroy Your Unwanted Body Fat

Depending on the build of the patient, some are told pretreatment that they may need as many as three procedures separated by at least one month, to get a signficant result. Patients are informed that Zeltiq’s freezing fat method is not a replacement for diet and exercise.

If a patient continues to eat the same excessive calories that put on the fat initially, they will not see the same loss of fat as someone who once they lose the girth, reduce the calories eaten.

In the last three years we have seen a significant improvement in the loss of fat by producing two to three treatment sessions in many patients and by overlapping the applicators so that one cosmetic unit is truly being sculpted rather than being only reduced. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpt really works

This is a permanent fat reduction option. We can safely remove 20-23% of fat in a treatment area. We recommend a minimum of two months before treatment sessions for ideal results. (Richard W. Maack, MD, Saint Louis Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolscuplting really does work!

Coolscuplting works on everyone. It is especially effective when you are in good shape and are at your ideal weight. I recommend waiting a week between different sites on the body and two months to re-treat the same site. It is a safe and effective procedure. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Does CoolSculpting Really Work?

Yes, if you have small bulges that you are wanting to reduce the size then CoolSculpting is a great non-invasive procedure. Depending on the size and area you can treat the same area twice at the same office visit.

Or you can schedule a second treatment on the same area anytime after the first. New studies show that if you treat the area twice at the same visit or if you treat the same area within a week or two the results are better than with just one treatment. (Ben Hugo, MD, Virginia Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Yes, coolsculpting does work

There are many fat reduction treatments both surgical and non surgical. Coolsculpting is one of the non surgical treatment modalities and it does work very well. You should expect about 20% of the fat that gets pulled up into the suction cup to go away with each treatment. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting really works

Coolsculpting is an excellent treatment in properly selected patients. It will work consistently and produces predictably 20-25% fat reduction in treated areas. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Yes, we have seen nice results with Coolsculpting. It is a great non-surgical way to reduce fat by 20% in the area treated. You have to be a good candidate and having an examination will help determine if this is the right procedure for you. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting Has Produced Undeniable Results

CoolSculpting really works on the right patient. We’ve seen it produce noticeable results after only two months. It is generally recommended to wait at least 4 weeks between treatments, though sometimes longer periods of time in between can help achieve better results.

So who’s the right patient? The ideal CoolSculpting candidate is a person who is close to his or her goal weight who is unhappy with pockets of unwanted, stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise.

These areas are often known as love handles, muffin top, paunch, etc.. It’s important to note that this treatment is not for weight loss but rather for eliminating stubborn fat. (Frank Lista, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting results

Yes, CoolSculpting works for the right candidate. It uses the technology called cryolipolisis to freeze and destroy fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. Patients can expect a 20-25% reduction in fat after the first treatment although multiple treatments may be needed to achieve a patient’s goals.

Results can be as early as 4 weeks post treatment but full results can be seen in 12-18 weeks. I recommend visiting CoolSculpting Certified Practice for an in-person consultation to determine if you would benefit from the procedure. (John A. Kotis, DO, FACS, FACOS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting results and timing

I recommend waiting a good 2-3 months to evaluate your results from Coolsculpting. Many patients may find results come sooner if they are doing multiple areas. For example if they are doing a circumferential treatment around the beltline, and repeating the treatment in quick succession (e.g. 2 weeks apart), then they will begin to see results within weeks, but will continue to see improvement until the 2-3 month mark. As far as efficacy, I would still rate surgical solutions as a more effective tool at achieving the results you may be looking for, however, the trade-off is the downtime. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Does CoolSculpting Work?

CoolSculpting is a great nonsurgical, no downtime treatment for permanent fat reduction. Generally, it reduces about 20-25% of the fat in an area. Results can be noticeable as early as 4 weeks post treatment and maximum results are normally noticed at about 3 months.

It is best for patients who are within 15-20 lbs of their ideal body weight. It is best to have a consultation in person to see if you are a candidate for treatment and how many cycles are needed for your areas of concern. (Steven H. Williams, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is an effective treatment option for the right patient. Its novel cooling technology permanently removes fat cells from treated areas. Body regions that we treat most commonly include the central abdomen, waist (a.k.a. “love handles”) and back; these problem areas often remain despite exercise and diet and fat removal of 22% to 25% have consistently been observed. Results are noticeable 1 to 3 months post treatment. (Frank P. Fechner, MD, Worcester Facial Plastic Surgeon)