Does Coolsculpting Work On Abdomen?

Cool sculpting is great for the abdomen area

I see a lot of patients with cool sculpting who want to treat their abdomen. It works very well especially if you combine it with flank treatment.

Best way to figure it out is to get a consultation and see if you are a candidate.

One treatment is usually not enough. Most people need 2-3. (Sameer Bashey, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Does cool sculpting help flatten your stomach?

The purpose of coosculpting is to help flatten your stomach if you are a candidate for the treatment.

You will need to be assessed by a certified Coolsculpting specialist to determine if your trouble spot fits in the appropriate applicator for treatment.

Some people have more skin than fat, and would therefore not be a suitable candidate. You may also require more than one treatment if you’re looking for a more sculpted result. (Philip Solomon, MD, FRCS, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is a great treatment for stubborn subcutaneous fat. I would suggest scheduling a consult with a Certified Coolsculpting provider.

At your consult the provider can determine if you are a candidate for Coolsculpting and what the right treatment plan is for you. (Renee Burke, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting and the Abdomen

CoolSculpting is best for those who are within 10-20 pounds of their goal weight. I would highly recommend that you schedule an in person consultation with a reputable CoolSculpting provider.

They can give you an assessment and determine if CoolSculpting is right for you.

It is important that you have pinchable fat in order to treat with CoolSculpting.

If you are a good candidate, you will love CoolSculpting. It is very safe, non-invasive, has little to no downtime and permanently removed 20-25% of the fat from treated areas. (Edward Stokes, MD, West Hollywood Physician)

CoolSculpting® can help slim down a muffin top.

If the cause of your tummy bulge is due to isolated fatty deposits that diet and exercise haven’t been able to help, then you could be a great candidate for CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is intended to target specific problem spots that haven’t responded to other methods.

A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers CoolSculpting can give you more information and tell you if you’re a candidate. (Jennifer Harrington, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

If you are in the ideal body weight range and have stubborn abdominal bulge that you want to get rid of, coolsculpting is ideal for that. It works by freezing 20-25% of the fat cells with each application and there is no down time.

The best is to have a consultation to access the area of concern so that the provider can give you the details of how many and what kind of applicators to use. We use the new applicators that are much more efficient and comfortable. (Ramandeep Sidhu, MD, Issaquah Vascular Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and Flat Stomach

I love Coolsculpting for the stomach. The abdomen is the number one requested area for Coolsculpting. It works by freezing the fat in a given area.

If you are in good shape and there is only an abdominal bulge then you will be a great candidate for this procedure. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

If you are candidate for Coolsculpting, Coolsculpting can help the stomach get flatter. Most likely, it would be easier to get a flatter stomach at this point vs depending on exercising alone.

Coolsculpting may not make your stomach completely flat but it will be a lot better I would recommend that you go to a certified Coolsculpting facility for best results. (John Tang, MD, Los Gatos Physician)

Final results after CS generally take 3-4 months. However, you should start to feel a difference in the way your clothes fit after 3-4 weeks.

Results certainly vary. CoolSculpting has no downtime, so you can exercise the same day as your treatment if you want. (Michael Kerin, MD, New Rochelle Physician)

No Limitations after Coolsculpting 🙂

You can exercise immediately after the procedure – there are no restrictions! If you feel sore, at all, then, you can take it easy until that resolves 🙂 Most start seeing subtle improvement within 1-2 months (especially if the Coolsculpting is combined with Zwave treatments, which speeds up the improvement.)

However, it will take likely 4 months or more to see optimal improvement. Sometimes, the improvement from the first treatment is so subtle it’s hard to notice the difference. It’s very unlikely to not notice the improvement with additional treatments, though :). (Lauren Chavez, MD, Albuquerque Physician)

Results after CoolSculpting

You will see your final result at about 4 months, although many patients can see a difference (and we see changes from the pre-treatment photos done in the office) as quickly as 6-8 weeks, with further improvement seen at the 4 month point.

If a patient wants a 2nd treatment in the same area, we will do it 2 months following the 1st session. The beauty of CoolSculpting is that there is no down-time and no limitations on activity post treatment.

I have actually have had patients who have been in the gym working out an hour after their treatment.(Mary Beth Mudd, MD, Columbus Physician)

It can take 3-4 months to see your results. Expect some soreness, bruising, and/or discomfort. You can exercise that same day if you wanted to. There are no restrictions when it comes to exercise.

You can start as soon as you feel up to it. (Robert G. Aycock, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

It can take up to 12 weeks to see results from a CoolSculpting treatment. There is no recovery period needed after the treatment, so walking and exercise can be done anytime after the treatment is completed. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting results can take 3-4 months. You are able to exercise the same day of treatment if you want. Most don’t because the area is sensitive.

Exercise can also aggravate swelling during the first few days. (Janet Allenby, DO, Delray Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting: How Long for Results to Appear?

CoolSculpting is a remarkable treatment that is noninvasive an will permanently remove 20-25% of the fat from any treated area. Most areas will need to be treated twice in order to achieve optimal results. The results from CoolSculpting typically begin to show any where from one month to 90 days post treatment.

Best and final results generally are seen from 90 days up to six months post treatment. Regarding the return to normal everyday activities, most of our patients return to work and the gym same day. There are some, occasionally, who are more sensitive and need to wait a day or two.

But, for most, there is little to no downtime whatsoever. (Edward Stokes, MD, West Hollywood Physician)