Doctor Prasad General Surgeon in Jefferson City, Missouri

Name: Chandra Prasad, MD, FACS
Last name: Prasad
Gender: female
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2006
Years experience: 17
Primary Specialty: General Surgeon
Business: Genesis MedSpa
Address: 2511 W. Edgewood Dr.
Phone: +1 573-761-2601
City: Jefferson City
State: Missouri
Zip Code: 65109
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • SSM Health-St. Marys Jefferson City
  • Undergraduate: BS, Electrical Engineering and Pre-Med, University of Mississippi, 1983-87
  • Medical: MD, Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, 1987-91
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: Surgery, St. Louis University Hospital, 1991-96

GPS coordinates on map: 38.5701393,-92.219593

Primary location
Location name: Jefferson City
State: MO
Country: US
Map point: 38.5516,-92.27449799
  • Asclera
  • Botox
  • CO2 Laser
  • CoolSculpting
  • Dermal Fillers
  • EVLT
  • Fractional Laser
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Hyaluronidase
  • Juvederm
  • Kybella
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Latisse
  • Lip Fillers
  • Lipoma Removal
  • Liquid Facelift
  • Nonsurgical Neck Lift
  • PicoWay
  • Radiesse
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Silhouette InstaLift
  • Tattoo Removal
  • TempSure Envi
  • ThermiTight
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • VenaSeal
  • VI Peel
  • Volbella
  • Vollure
  • Voluma

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 307
Answer count: 19
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Apr 21, 2016
Profile modified: Jun 28, 2021
Profile photo modified: Jan 1, 1970
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified General Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Apr 12, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Jefferson City, MO, US. GPS coordinates: 38.5516,-92.27449799

Practice Locations

Name & Website
Genesis Medspa – Jefferson City,
2511 W. Edgewood Dr., Jefferson City, Missouri, US, 65109 (GPS coordinates: 38.5701393,-92.219593)
(573) 761-2601
Working Hours
Mon: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Tue: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Wed: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Thu: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Created / Modified
Aug 27, 2018 / Jun 15, 2023

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
I have varicose veins at the back of my knee and on my thighs.
Varicose veins
Jun 25, 2018
The pictures you have shown are a clear indication of venous disease. The veins are but a sign that you should seek care from a qualified venous specialist and likely have an ultrasound to determine the extent of the disease. Venous disease is a chronic progressive disease that will put you at risk for blood clots, leg infections and sores on the legs as you age. It also causes many daily symptoms such as heaviness, swelling, pain, fatigue, restlessness to name a few. …
I had Sclerotherapy about 5 years ago and have permanent bruising. Can it be tattooed over? (p
Staining after sclerotherapy
May 11, 2018
Hello! This is an unfortunate side effect sometimes after sclerotherapy for varicose veins. It is more common if the internal disease wasn’t treated before performing the injections into the surface veins. It also occurs more often in patients who have more advanced venous disease such as hair loss, swelling, and darkening of the skin near the bottom of the leg and ankle.
I would recommend you see a venous specialist who can treat all aspects of vein disease for a new…
Coolsculpting on multiple areas on consecutive days?
Apr 30, 2018
Thanks for a great question. Yes you can do Coolsculpting on different areas of different days. There a little to no side effects to the destroyed fat cells, but theoretically people could have some loose stools as the fat is excreted. The Advantage applicators we use allow us to treat more areas faster as well as Dual Sculpting with two machines. This has really reduced the time in our clinic allowing people to treat many different areas in each treatment session…
How Many Botox Units for 11’s or Frown Lines?
Frown lines
Apr 19, 2018
Botox will take at least 5-7 days to see the beginning effects and full effects at 2 weeks. Also, we always schedule a 2 week followup to evaluate the results with the patient and to counsel them on expectations. 20u for a female patient is where we start and we may need more depending on the amount of muscle they have. Also, if the lines a deep and longstanding, I tell the patient that they will decrease after the first session on Botox, but in order to get them to fully…
At 54 would I benefit from fillers and Botox?
Botox, filler
Apr 19, 2018
Absolutely! You would be a great candidate for Botox and fillers to give you a more youthful, rested appearance. Be sure to seek care from an experienced physician who will evaluate you and discuss all the options available to you. You can get dramatic results when you use these products with a well thought out plan. Also, you will need to understand that ongoing use of the products will help to slow the effects of aging. Good luck and enjoy!
Are there any non surgical procedures (like Botox) to contour my excess skin on inner eyelid?
Eyelid tissue excess
Apr 19, 2018
Botox will not change this at all. Surgery to reduce the amount of tissue will give the best results. Radiofrequency, like ThermiSmooth Eye, will reduce the appearance of the lids and is worth a try. But a treatment should only be recommended after a complete exam and discussion of expectations. Seek care from an experienced physician who is versed in all the surgical and non-surgical options. Good luck!
Does Botox an effective treatment for under arm sweat?
Apr 17, 2018
Botox works wonderfully for underarm sweating. Generally you will need about 50u per armpit and in my experience about once per year. Good luck!
How safe is under eye fillers?
Under eye fillers
Apr 17, 2018
As with anything, it comes down to the injector’s skill and experience. You can use many different fillers for the under eye area safely. I favor Vollure currently, but have used others depending on what the patient’s needs are.
As with all cosmetic injections, be sure you seek out an experienced physician injector for your treatments. In the right hands, this can be an amazing change!
Can I have a laparoscopy if I had CoolSculpting 1 month ago?
Surgery after Coolsculpting
Apr 17, 2018
Absolutely. I have done many hundreds of laparoscopic procedures and nothing should preclude your surgeon from safely performing surgery a month after Coolsculpting.
Best of luck!
Treatment for Vein on Lower Lip?
Lips vein
Apr 16, 2018
It would be best to be seen for an accurate answer, but if it is a blue bleb or venous lake, the long pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm has been very effective for us with a single treatment. Rarely will we have to treat them again. If they are discrete veins, then either the laser or sclerotherapy would be effective. See an experienced, qualified vein specialist who has all options available for the best care.
Remove Spider Veins with Insulin Syringes and Saline Solution?
Apr 16, 2018
Please NO!! Vein disease is a real, progressive disease and before any treatments commence you should have a thorough evaluation of your circulation to see if there are underlying deeper veins that are forcing blood to the surface creating these veins. Only a board certified surgeon trained in phlebology should evaluate you and then choose the best treatments for you so that you can manage this disease optimally. Saline is not going to treat the veins as well as modern…
How Can Large Veins Under the Eyes Be Treated?
Laser eye vein treatment
Apr 16, 2018
The short answer is that it depends on where they are in relation to the eye and lid. If the veins are away from the lid and eye, the we have very successfully used our long pulse Nd:Yag 1064nm laser. We also can do a mini stripping of the veins and hide the tiny incision, if the vein is in a location not suitable to a laser. I would not ordinarily perform sclerotherapy on the face as it has potentially serious side effects. Under eye veins can be disguised with…
Treatment for Broken Capillaries on Face
Facial veins
Apr 16, 2018
You are correct in that IPL will not effectively treat these facial veins. You should seek care from a doctor, not a chain, who understands laser medicine and physics and will treat you with a Nd:YAG 1064nm laser. We get very good results with ours and little to no downtime.
Good luck!
Discoloration After Vein Treatment
Varicose veins
Apr 16, 2018
Staining or hyperpigmentation after sclerotherapy sometimes occurs after treating varicose veins. In our 20 year experience with thousands of patients, staining can take up to 12-18 months to resolve. It is also dependent on how bad your underlying venous disease is. If you already had browning of the leg skin which indicates advanced venous disease, then it may not resolve.
We have had less staining with Asclera than with Sotradecol, so be sure to ask your doctor what they…
Tattoo Removal Cream
Tattoo Removal
Apr 16, 2018
Unfortunately creams will not work despite how showy the advertisement and testimonial may be. Save your money until you can afford to have it removed with a Picoway tattoo removal laser. Then you will get the results you deserve and safely!

Last updated on 11/24/2023