Did Coolsculpting Work For You?

CoolSculpting Really Works!

I have tried multiple modalities for non surgical fat reduction and have found that CoolSculpting is the only technology that consistently provides 25% fat reduction.

For even greater results a second treatment can be performed after one month. With newer hand pieces we can now treat nearly every part of the body including the abdomen, waist, bra roll, arms, thighs inner and outer, and more.

We have found that it is important to blend in treated areas with overlap for optimal results.

Its not unusual for patients to have 8 or more “treatment cycles”. Each “cycle” will target a zone.

Unlike other non surgical modalities, results are permanent if you maintain a consistent weight. If patients want more dramatic results we offer them surgery.

Its important to select the CoolSculpting candidates carefully. (Ran Y. Rubinstein, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

I have seen many people come to me after spending a lot of money on coolscupting treatments that didn’t work for them, and looking for liposuction. I do not have this machine as I feel it is an expensive investment for patients with a high unsatisfactory rate.

If you have excess money to spend and feel like you would be happy with a 10-25% improvement, than this is the treatment for you. Otherwise, you may want to take a serious approach and try liposuction, which has a higher percentage of satisfaction and reduction. (Alfred Sofer, MD, FACS, Fairfield Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting: the Best Kept Secret

As a board-certified dermatologist I practice both general and cosmetic dermatology From general skincare and skin cancer surveillance, to non-surgical cosmetic procedures, we offer a multitude of services for all ages. One of my favorite procedures is one that works phenomenally, and yet it seems to stay under-the-radar: CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure. Performed right here in my office, this procedure is non-invasive. It is so easy that people come in on their lunch breaks for treatments and return to work! This treatment permanently kills fat cells on areas of the body where people do not want fat bulges, such as the abdomen, love handles, thighs, arms, and back.

This treatment changes people’s lives. The most amazing thing about CoolSculpting, however, is how quickly it improves the self-confidence of my patients. People struggle with weight loss and body image for years and CoolSculpting improves their attitude almost instantly.

In 8-12 weeks a reduction of inches is seen at the treated sites. Patients are always surprised at how well CoolSculpting works for them. I am often told that people are able to wear bikinis for the first time since they had children, when they were too embarrassed previously.

Men tell me that their clothes fit better and that they can pull their belt loop a notch tighter. They are often so impressed that they refer their spouses, their friends, neighbors…everyone! CoolSculpting is not a surgical treatment.

There are no needles or down time. It does not make you gain more weight in other areas of the body, as many have noticed about liposuction. CoolSculpting is the only FDA-approved fat reduction treatment. (Lily Talakoub, MD, McLean Dermatologic Surgeon)

Does CoolSculpting Really Work for Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting does have the ability to reduce fat in the treated areas. We generally recommend to two treatments within 30 days of each other to provide up to a 50% reduction in the fat layer of the treated areas.

We recommend that you seek a consultation in the office of a board certified plastic surgeon so that you may be properly evaluated and treatment options can be discussed. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting works for the right individuals

Coolsculpting does work. Multiple studies have confirmed that the procedure induces a cold panniculitis with subsequent destruction of fat cells or lipocytes. However, while indeed effective, the results are frequently modest and like any medical procedure the results vary depending upon each individual patient.

The ideal candidate for Coolsculpting is not looking for significant weight loss, but may have troublesome pockets of fatty tissue that don’t seem to improve with regular diet and exercise. (Joshua L. Fox, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

While the results are not as immediate or as striking as liposuction, Coolsculpting results are impressive. I have had the procedure myself and am impressed. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting does really work! Multiple treatments are usually needed for the best results, but Coolsculpting is a great way to reduce mild to moderate fat collections in discrete areas of the body. If you are looking for generalized fat reduction, or larger, more extensive areas that you want reduced, Coolsculpting is probably not the best treatment for you. (Shim Ching, MD, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)

Yes as a matter fact it does. I spent over a year looking into their technology. Ultimately I visited a Plastic Surgeons practice and had Cool Sculpting myself so I know it works! This technology works very well. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)