Cryogenic Lipolysis Vs Laser Lipolysis

Laser Lipolysis For More Fat Reduction

Laser lipolysis is laser assisted liposuction, and therefore one can take out more fat than the 20% -30% reduction one can get from a Cryogenic lipolysis procedure. If someone is smaller and within their ideal body weight but just has a bulge of fat to get rid of, Cryogenic lipolysis is a quick, easy way to do that with no downtime.

If one is larger and has many different areas to liposculpt, laser lipolysis might be a better option. (Sabrina Fabi, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon)

Laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive technology that liquefies fat for removal. It is a laser-based procedure that breaks up and removes fat cells in areas such as under the chin, neck, and jowls or areas with loose skin such as the arms.

Cryogenic Lipolysis Machine

It also contracts collagen and tightens the skin. Cryogenic lipolysis is a procedure that uses a targeted cooling process that kills the fat cells underneath the skin, freezing them to the point of elimination. The Cryogenic lipolysis results are more moderate, with a 20-25% reduction in fat. (Daniel Shapiro, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Cryogenic lipolysis versus laser lipo

Cryogenic lipolysis is totally non-invasive fat reduction while laser lipo does involve making incisions and actually doing liposuction. The recovery is more involved with laser lipo. Look as some before and after photos of each before making your final decision. (Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Lipolysis more effective than Cryogenic lipolysis.

Laser lipolysis cannot be done without suctioning the fat. As a matter of fact, there have been several deaths reported when laser lipolysis was used without proper suctioning. Laser lipolysis in addition to liposuction is much more effective than Cryogenic lipolysis. (Cameron Rokhsar, MD, FAAD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Laser lipolysis can tighten skin

Indeed, both modalities destroy fat cells by their respective mechanisms. However, laser lipolysis (SmartLipo), if done correctly, can actually tighten the overlying skin by heating the underside of the dermis. The laser cannula is passed just under the skin until the surface temperature reaches 38 – 40 degrees Celsius.

I have had much success in the areas of the neck, lower abdomen, upper arms and inner thighs where the skin tends to be looser. Beware of reducing fat in areas that are already loose as they may become looser.

That’s when tummy tucks, face lifts, brachioplasties (arm lifts), thigh lifts and in some cases laser lipolysis enter the decision making tree. (Lawrence W. Shaw, MD, Arizona Plastic Surgeon)

Laser lipolysis with liposuciton is invasive. Laser lipolysis without liposuction is non-invasive. The latter compared to Zeltiq reveals that the laser only induces triglyerides to be released from the fat cells making the fat cells smaller temporarily until they can build up fat again.

The freezing of Cryogenic lipolysis kills some of the fat cells and they don’t regrow. Theoretically, longer term correction of fat reduction can be obtained by Zeltiq’s Cryogenic lipolysis. Patients need to maintain good diet and exericse regiments as neither of these treatments are a replacement for healthy habits. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

The main difference is that Cryogenic lipolysis (by Zeltiq) is non-invasive / no anesthesia/ no downtime, etc.. but will only remove 20-25% of the fat in the area treated.

Laser Lipolysis is minimally invasive so there may be downtime and anesthesia needed but more fat reduction can be treated during this procedure. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Zeltiq and Laser Lipolysis completely different

Zeltiq is non invasive, can treat 20-25% of the fat for reduction amd has NO effect on the skin Laser lipolysis is minimally invasive, can reove as much fat as desired and will work to enhance skin tightening over 90 days.

there is more of a recovery ( although) short with Laser. (Barry E. DiBernardo, MD, Montclair Plastic Surgeon)