Coolsculpting Skin Damage

Coolsculpting does not damage skin

Coolsculpting does not damage the skin because skin freezes at a lower temperature than fat. After the procedure, the skin is cold and red, but within minutes, it quickly warms to room temperature. Meanwhile, the underlying fat cells commit “suicide,” leaving the patient with a more desirable contour after a couple of months. (Melissa Chiang, MD, FAAD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)

Skin remains unharmed after CoolSculpting

During the Zeltiq CoolSculpting process, a soft gel pad is first place on the skin to protect it from the cooling process. Additionally, the fat cells are “frozen” or crystallize at the higher temperature than the skin.

CoolSculpting Is A Highly Successful Treatment That Has Helped Countless Patients Achieve Their Goals

Bringing the temperature to a lower temperature than it takes to freeze the fat, but above the temperature that the skin freezes is the basis to the technology. (Jason D. Bloom, MD, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Can the skin be damaged during CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is safe because fat freezes at a temperature higher than other tissue such as skin, muscle and nerves. The CoolSculpting device will bring the tissue inside the applicator to a temperature above which the skin will be damaged and not below.

This allows one to treat an area without damaging the skin. As the other commenters aptly noted there is also a gel pad which provides some protection. (Ted Brezel, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and the skin

Coolsculpting is a very controlled and sophisticated piece of equipment that applies a temperature that is specific for killing fat cells and is not low enough to damage epidermal (skin) cells. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

No Skin Damage during CoolSculpting

Fat freezing or CoolSculpting by Zeltig destroys fat cells by a process referred to as cryolipolysis. Skin and fat are suctioned into a mechanical head with freezing panels, and over 1 hour the tissue is frozen.

About 20% of the fat cells develop ice crystals inside the cell and are destroyed by the body over the next 8-12 weeks. In the early studies with Zeltig there were cases of frostbite and skin death.

The company then developed a protective gel pad that is placed on the skin prior to treatment that prevents any skin damage. The fat also freezes at a higher temperature than the surrounding skin. The best part of fat freezing is that there is NO DOWN TIME, NO ANESTHESIA, AND CAN BE REPEATED. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

One Of The Best Non-surgical Fat Removal Treatments Available Today

No damage to the skin with Coolsculpting

Coolsculpting does not damage the skin during treatment. Fat cells are more susceptible to cold and are destroyed at higher temperatures that skin cells are. This difference in freezing temperatures allows the fat cells to be destroyed without damaging the overlying skin.

The skin is also protected by a gel pad during the treatment. (Rosalyn George, MD, Wilmington Dermatologic Surgeon)

How does coolsculpting not damage skin

Coolsculpting selectively freezes fat cells to induce programmed cell death. There are several safety mechanisms to protect the skin during this procedure including a special gel pad over the skin and temperature monitors in the applicator.

The fat cells area more susceptible to cold than skin cells, and that is the premise of this treatment. (Suzanne Kim Doud Galli, MD, PhD, FACS, Washington Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting does not damage the skin

The Coolsculpting approach as developed by 2 Harvard Professors has the advantage of being able to isolate the fat cells and will not damage the skin etc. around the treated area. There are numerous safeguards to prevent the skin from being damaged. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting only affects fat cells.

Coolsculpting is a completely non-invasive method of getting rid of fat. It doesn’t’ damage other tissues because fat is much more sensitive to cold temperatures. The Coolsculpting applicator and machine calculate the ideal temperature to cool your fat cells most effectively.

Additionally, your skin cells have a much higher rate of circulation than your fat cells, which keeps your skin warmer, preventing damage. Coolsculpting is safe to use, but should be used with caution in those with conditions that make them sensitive to cold. (Andrea Hui Austin, MD, San Francisco Dermatologic Surgeon)

No damage will occur to the outer skin

You shouldn’t be concerned at all. Fat cells apoptosis (essentially cell death) occurs at a higher temperature then “healthy” cells which remain unharmed. We have never had an issue with the outer skin for any coolsculpting treatment we’ve ever performed – and we have done hundreds! (Dominic Castellano, MD, Tampa Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Skin does not freeze because fat freezes at a higher temperature than water.

The researchers who developed CoolSculpting placed the temperature of the treatment at 12 to 15 degrees higher than the temperature at which skin, muscle and other non fatty tissue would start to be damaged. Have you ever noticed that when you put a bowl of chicken soup in the refrigerator the fat will freeze at the top.

This is a great demonstration of the higher freezing temperature of fat. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Risk to Skin?

The technology achieves a temperature that “freezes” just the fat cells and not the skin. In addition, a protective gel pad is utilized to further safeguard the skin. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

The Science Behind CoolSculpting

The CoolSculpting procedure was developed based on the idea that controlled cooling can permanently eliminate fat cells. This idea was discovered by scientists from Harvard University – Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD.

CoolSculpting allows for controlled cooling that specifically targets the fat cells underneath the skin without posing harm to the skin or any other surround tissues and organs. The cooling plates also monitor the temperature of the skin and will automatically stop when any change in temperature is detected.

Over one million CoolSculpting procedures have been done worldwide, proving it to be FDA cleared, safe and effective treatment. (Michael L. Workman, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Cool Sculpting treatments lead to permanent fat loss

That is the beauty of the machine. You can come in for a treatment and be assured that you will not have skin damage. That is paramount to the CoolSculpting technology. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)