Coolsculpting Side Effects Nerve Damage

Fortunately, fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the underlying tissue and organs, so it allows for isolation of fat cells with controlled cooling, and ultimately getting the freezing of the fat cells.

An experienced coolsculptor will advise you as to what treatment areas to do. You can get areas of divots if the applicators are not placed correctly or if areas are frozen that promote asymmetry. Certainly those patients with more fat to remove, if they get multiple treatments, will notice a more significant difference than those who are thinner.

With every treatment, 25% of the fat cells are frozen. (Shamim Shakibai, MD, Los Angeles Physician)

Permanent Fat Loss with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting produces permanent fat loss through cryolipolysis. A specific cold temperature triggers the fat cells to undergo apoptosis, which is cell death. CoolSculpting takes advantage of the fact that skin and nerve cells have a different susceptibility temperature to cold than fat.

Cool Sculpting Or Freeze The Fat Is Safe And Effective

This means that a particular temperature will cause the fat cells to die without causing damage to the skin and nerve cells. This is the ONLY reason that CoolSculpting is a viable procedure for removing fat cells.

CoolSculpting will not cause lumpy results. The results you get will be smooth and even. (Garry K. Kim, MD, Pasadena Internist)

How does CoolSculpting damage fat and nothing else?

CoolSculpting damages fat preferentially because fat freezes at a higher temperature than other tissues in our body. The fat cell is destroyed, and the contents are metabolized by our bodies just like any other fat we eat. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting melts the fat but leaves the skin intact

The applicators and devices used for coolsculpting are designed specifically to freeze the fat at a standard depth without damaging the skin. In fact, if the temperature monitors register too cold or if the applicator loses ideal contact with the skin surface, the device ends the cycle and beeps the nurse.

The fat within the applicator is frozen evenly – picking the best fitting applicator for each area treated means the result should be even also. Working with your physician on a treat to transform plan of how many and which applicators to use will ensure that your outcome is the contour you want. Many patients coming in thinking of treating just one area, will extend their plan to surrounding areas in order to maximize their results and get an overall smooth silhouette. We select a particular applicator based not only on the speed of the treatment but also on the depth and length of the area to be treated.

So it is important to seek a practice that has both the original and advantage applicators in all the shapes available. (Heidi A. Waldorf, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Effects Following CoolSculpting

Coolsculpting has been available in the United States for several years and in Europe for a much longer period of time. Over 200,000 patients have under gone coolsculpting safely with minimal complications. The procedure is FDA approved.

Multiple studies have demonstrated that fat cells are extremely sensitive to cold and prolonged exposure to cold can result in cell death. In contrast, nerve, muscle and skin are relatively unaffected by exposure to cold.

This explains the effectiveness of this procedure in reducing fat collections. Patient selection is critical to the success of this procedure.

The procedure works best when patients are relatively thin and have localized fat collections.

When patients have larger amounts of fat, the results are far less dramatic. These patients may need multiple treatments or may be better candidates for liposuction. In the vast majority of patients who undergo coolsculpting the results are excellent.

Fat Cells Freeze At A Higher Temperature Than The Surrounding Cells

The procedure is very safe and there appears to be no long term problems associated with it. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Cool sculpting Results

I have significant experience working with Coolsculpting, and while it takes about 6 weeks to see results, the results are long-lasting. Most clients need 1-2 treatments to see results, but some require more. (Justin Harper, MD, Columbus Physician)

Coolsculpting permanently kills fat cells in the treated area. Some patients have complained of small “lumps” but it is rare and they eventually go away with some manual massage. Similar to liposuction the ideal candidates are thinner patients with stubborn smaller fatty pockets.

There are no long-term problems associated with Coolsculpting. I recommend a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Brian C. Reuben, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

Cool Sculpting treatments

Fat cells are more sensitive to the colder temperature. The skin and other structures are protected through their technology so only the fat cells are frozen and ultimately taken out the body naturally. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Cool Sculpting is only 20 to 25% effective.

One of the problems with Cool Sculpting is that it is only 20 to 25% effective and often struggles to achieve an artful beautiful result. (Mark Taylor, MD, Salt Lake City Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is effective for fat reduction

CoolSculpting was designed by Zeltiq to induce fat reduction. Fat is more sensitive to the effects of freezing than the other adjacent tissues and that is why it tends to respond well to freezing for fat reduction.

Certainly if someone is overweight, the same percent reduction will appear less of an effect than if they were slimmer at the onset of treatment. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Choose Sculpsure over Coolsculpting

I suggest you consult a board certified facial plastic surgeon to receive the highest quality knowledge, treatment, care and skill available. A consultation provides you the opportunity to relay your concerns and desired outcome to the surgeon while the surgeon can assess your health profile and discuss his/her pertinent advice.

Board certification ensures you are speaking with a highly qualified surgeon, but I promise you that the board certification is not necessary for you to realize the benefits of Sculpsure over Coolsculpting. Sculpsure has beaten Coolsculpting in all head-to-head studies.

Further, while Coolsculpting may be painful, Sculpsure does not hurt but provides a warming feeling instead, allowing patients to walk right from the office to their car and go about the rest of their day. (Ross A. Clevens, MD, Melbourne Facial Plastic Surgeon)