Coolsculpting Results After One Treatment

How Long Does it Take to See Results with CoolSculpting

Although some patients will see results as early as three weeks the most dramatic results will be seen betwen the 2nd-4th month after the treatment. Regarding discomfort if its not improving perhaps you can ask if its ok for you to take an analgesic such as ibuprofen,naprosyn, or acetominophenl with a low dose of codeine.

Finally, a medication called gabapentin, normally used for various forms of neuropathy can be tried. In all cases to date the discomfort will resolve with most patients reporting improvement over a period of several weeks (Ted Brezel, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

Some people do respond as early as 4 weeks, but it can take up until 8-12 weeks for others. realize that full effect can also be delayed – 4-6 months. Not everyone is the same and not everyone responds to Coolsculpting the same either. (Eric Chang, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Better results with more discomfort? Is this True?

Persistent pain following a Coolsculpting treatment is a good indication to call and request a follow up evaluation. While this may occur periodically, it is not a common occurrence. There are many factors which may contribute to post procedure discomfort and therefor a follow up and evaluation by a physician is not unreasonable. (R. Brannon Claytor, MD, FACS, Bryn Mawr Plastic Surgeon)

I don’t agree that the amount of pain correlates with the results for Coolsculpting. I have many patients with good results who had little to no discomfort. Call the doctor responsible for your treatments and discuss this with them. (Sanjiv Kayastha, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting 12 days ago

At 12 days, you would not be expected to have any results yet from coolsculpting. The coolsculpting process takes time for the results to start to become evident, with most people seeing results after 3-6 months.

Coolsculpting can create some early swelling, which is typically subtle, early in its course. This is a result of the fat cells responding to the cold therapy. Soon thereafter, the cells start to be eliminated from the body, and the results start to show.

Try to be patient. In properly selected patients, coolsculpting gives a very predictable result. Over time, your belly will start to show this. (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)

Ideal candidates can start seeing results 3-4 weeks after their CoolSculpting treatments. For some people it may take up to 3 months to see full results. Make sure to schedule a follow up appointment with your treatment provider to compare before and after pictures. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

Coolscupting selectively freezes fat cells to induce programmed cell death. Most patient see a result after 1-3 months. Please be patient. (Suzanne Kim Doud Galli, MD, PhD, FACS, Washington Facial Plastic Surgeon)

No results seen on abdomen 12 days after CoolSculpting

It is completely normal to not see any results from CoolSculpting 12 days after a treatment. It normally takes about a month to see any improvement and can take up to about four months to see the final result.

It definitely takes some patience to see results from CoolSculpting because the improvement is very gradual. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculping takes time

Even with a perfect Coolsculpting treatment it can take several weeks to start noticing a change. The swelling and bloated feeling you describe is normal for the first couple of weeks. Soon you will start to see the actual fat loss.

It can take up to 6 months for you to see the final result of your treatment. (Todd C. Becker, MD, PhD, Boulder Dermatologist)

It takes 2 to 3 weeks to start seeing any results, and then it can take 2 to 3 months to see the final result.

CoolSculpting is not meant to be a weight loss program but is an excellent procedure to get rid of stubborn fat pockets.

The fat cells die, but it takes awhile for the body to get rid of them. Try to be patient and wait for your results! (Miguel Delgado, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

Patients may see results as soon as 2 weeks post-treatment but dramatic results can usually be seen between 1-3 months later. Please be patient. After the 3 month mark, I recommend going back to your physician for your “after” pictures and compare the results side by side. (Michael E. Jones, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

When to see results after CoolSculpting?

It is possible that you would not see any results 3 weeks after your CoolSculpting procedure. It can take 3-4 months to see the full results and I would say the earliest that you may see any improvement would be about a month. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The average time to see results from CoolSculpting is 3 weeks to 3 months, but it can take up to 4 months to see your results.

Since this is a non-invasive procedure, we cannot predict how long it will take for each person to see results.

Also, since this is a non-invasive procedure, results are very gradual. Wait another month or two and follow up with your CoolSculpting provider. At our office we do before and after photos to show CoolSculpting results.

If the results do not meet your expectations, you may need multiple treatments on the area. (Jeffrey M. Hartog, DMD, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

I wouldn’t recommend being concerned just yet with results as it can take up to 3-4 months for optimal results from Coolsculpting. (Daniel J. Ritacca, MD, Chicago Oculoplastic Surgeon)

When will I see results with CoolSculpting?

Be patient. It takes three to four months to see the full results, Those fat calls have been shifting into the end stage of their life cycle, apoptosis or programmed cell death, and as they are dieting off one by one and taken away by macrophages, only slowly will the contour of your treated areas change.

Everyone gets the same 20% to (with massage) 28% reduction in the treated areas. (Sheryl D. Clark, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Results after 40 mintues

It is difficult to say with any guarantee how the results will be on the side that only completed a partial treatment. You will need to wait 2-3 months to see if there are any noticeable differences between the arms.

Your options at that point would be to retreat with Coolsculpting or with another method like liposuction. Best advice is to have a consultation with a Plastic Surgeon in your area who can offer you a comprehensive approach to treating your arms. (Josh Waltzman, MD, MBA, Long Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Uneven time on coolsculpting

Coolsculpting results vary from person to person. Errors in cycles can lead to differences in treatment times rarely. Our protocol is to try to get equivalence of treatment times by starting another cycle to complete the hour.

However, 40 minutes may be enough to provide a substantial result. I would give it 2-3 month and then be evaluated. If the clinic you visited is unhelpful or unresponsive, it may be wise to seek a second opinion.

Luckily, the results will not likely be grossly different and may not be noticeably different at all. Be patient and seek out a board-certified Dermatologist or Plastic surgery office that performs coolsculpting in 2-3 months. (Kyle Coleman, MD, New Orleans Dermatologic Surgeon)

Zeltiq Coolsculpting is FDA approved

Coolsculpting is an FDA approved procedure for fat reduction in the love handle (flank areas). Over 50,000 patients have been treated to date. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Zeltiq CoolSculpting FDA cleared for fat removal from Love Handles

The FDA clearance was given to Zeltiq CoolSculpting for body contouring for the flanks, love handles, but doctors can use it for off label areas such as the abdomen if the applicator fits the area well.

This non surgical approach can reduce the fat volume of the treated area by 20% in four months time after one treatment, but results vary. Some patients have multiple treatments repeating them every few months. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is FDA approved for fat removal

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq has been FDA approved for fat removal since September 2010. This procedure can remove fat without any surgery, incisions, needles, anesthesia, and requires no downtime. The procedure definitely works in the right patient and if you like you could look at the before and after photos. (Ted Brezel, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)