Coolsculpting Number Of Treatments

Number of CoolSculpting treatments depends on goals

How many CoolSculpting treatments required depends on the patient’s desired goals. Each treatment reduces around 20-30% of the targeted fat in appropriate candidates. Some people find that one treatment is enough, whereas others will want to have more.

On average, people tend to have 1-2 treatments for best results. (Sabrina Fabi, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and multiple treatments

Coolsculpting is effective and you should see a change with a single treatment. However, if during a consultation I determine that a second treatment would better help you to achieve your goals, then you may want to plan for two treatments.

In addition, overlapping treatment areas can also help further enhance your results. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting kills around 20-25% of the fat in an area each treatment. Depending on how much excess fat you are treating will determine how many treatments you will need. Patients with a small pocket of fat may only need one treatment but most patients see the “WOW” factor after 2-3 treatments. (Brian C. Reuben, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

Number of treatments needed

Coolsculpting has been shown to effectively reduce fat by 20-25% per area in a single one hour treatment. However, if the patient wants to reduce beyond that amount, after waiting 10-12 weeks, additional treatments can be performed, thereby reducing the fat in the area even more. (Alan N. Larsen, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Achieving your Ultimate Goals with CoolSculpting

Each patient is different in the goals that they want to achieve. Depending upon your Treatment to Transformation Goals you may need 1 treatment to the area to achieve your goal or you may need 2-3 treatments to the area to achieve your goals.

CoolSculpting Freezes Fat Cells

In order to determine how many treatments you may need to reach your ultimate goal, contact your local practice and make a CoolSculpting consultation. The Physician or Physician Assistants will create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your ultimate goals. (Mark Pinsky, MD, Palm Beach Gardens Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting more than once

It depends entirely upon your needs. Some patients get a great result with one treatment and do not need more than one.

Other patients need more than one treatment to get the results they desire. (Joshua L. Fox, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting will give you a reduction every time

No one “needs” to have Coolsculpting done more than once- each time you are treated you can expect a 20-25% reduction in the treated area.

Have You Heard Of CoolSculpting

However, many patients are looking for a larger reduction and therefore they repeat the treatment 2-3 times to give a larger reduction. How many times you have the procedure done is really determined by what your goals are.

I recommend you visit with a certified Coolsculpting provider who might be able to tell you how many treatments you can expect to have to meet your goals. (David P. Rapaport, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Repeating Coolsculpting

While Coolsculpting does not need to be repeated. Generally, one cycle of coolsculpting will eliminate about 20% of the fat cells in the treated area. You may wish to have coolsculpting repeated in an area depending on your goals and objectives for transformation.

Consult with a board certified physician who offers both surgical and coolsculpting options to determine which option is best for you. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting can be done more than once

You can definitely see results after 1 treatment but typically two cycles on the area is required. You can also stack procedure which means repeating the cycle on that same areas. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Will You Need Zeltiq More Than Once?

Your first CoolSculpting procedure should result in a roughly 25% decrease in fat tissue. Some areas will benefit from a second procedure, to further reduce fat and sculpt the body.

Since the results from your Zeltiq treatment will not be evident immediately, it is a good idea to wait a full 8-10 weeks before scheduling a second procedure.

CoolSculpting actually damages fat cells by exposing them to an extremely cold temperature. The damaged fat then slowly dissolves and is naturally eliminated from the body over the course of the next 2-4 months.

You and your physician may decide a second CoolSculpting procedure would be beneficial, as this can add up to another 25% reduction in fatty tissue. (Narin (Joe) Apisarnthanarax, MD, Houston Dermatologist)

Often times one session of CoolSculpting may be sufficient for successful fat removal. Some patients, however, may have larger bulges of fat, and will consequently need more than one session if they so desire, in order to achieve even greater fat reduction.

You can see very nice results of CoolSculpting on the back only two weeks after just one treatment session per area of the back. The results get progressively better over the following two, sometimes three months.

It is, therefore, often advisable to wait at least one or two months before undergoing a second CoolSculpting treatment in any given area. (Leyda Elizabeth Bowes, MD, Miami Dermatologic Surgeon)

Patients May Require Multiple CoolSculpting Treatments

It’s not unusual for patients undergoing coolsculpting to require multiple treatment sessions. It’s important to remember that this procedure will remove 20-25% of the fat at each session. For many patients this isn’t enough to reach their desired aesthetic goals and for this reason additional treatments are necessary.

When patients have small fat collections most surgeons will perform a single coolsculpting procedure and wait 3-4 months to measure the response to treatment. If additional treatments are necessary, they will be performed after three months.

When patients have more significant fat collections, multiple sessions may be performed at one month intervals.

This may amplify the response to coolsculpting and ultimately provide better results. In many patients a single treatment may be adequate to obtain an excellent result.

Your aesthetic goals and unique anatomy will determine how many sessions are ultimately necessary to obtain the best possible result for you. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting Multiple Treatments

The number of treatments required with CoolSculpting depends largely on the area the patient wants treated, and how significant a reduction they are looking for from their treatment. A patient may opt to have the same area treated more than once if they wish to see more reduction in volume in that area, however we have many patients who have been very happy with only one treatment to their problem area. (Jeffrey W. Hall, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)