Coolsculpting No Results

Not seeing results

There are any number of possible reasons you haven’t seen the results you may had hoped for 3 months after Coolscultping , all of which aren’t possible to determine without seeing you and seeing your before photos and weight.

Not everyone is a good candidate for Coolsculpting. Some people aren’t the right size for Coolsculpting (too big or too small), others may not have the best fat that lends itself well to treatment. For some patients, without looking at their photos, it is difficult for them to appreciate what areas may have improved.

It’s important to follow up with the office that treated you and review your before and after photos.

They can perhaps help shed some light on what may or may not have happened and why. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Sometimes, when patients are looking at their bodies every day and are looking for dramatic changes, none are seen.

The changes of Coolsculpting happen so slow over the three month period that occasionally, pictures are the only way to see the changes. Some of our most dramatic changes have been seen on patients that do not see it on their own body initially.

On the other hand, my office has seen patients that truly see no results at 3 months and great results at 5 months. Ever body eliminates fat cells at different rates. There is nothing you can do to slow the process down, but maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle is important in achieving optimal results! Keep in mind, nothing in the aesthetic world is 100%.

My recommendation would be to see your provider to review before and after pictures then discuss with them the next steps if there truly was no response. (Amy Brenner, MD, Cincinnati OB-GYN)

Results can vary patient to patient. I have some patients see results in as little as 3 weeks and some that don’t notice anything until 3 months. I would recommend going back to where you had the treatment done.

In our facility pre procedure pictures are taken for exactly this reason. Also, I meet with all of my patients 60 days post procedure to touch base and decided if further treatments are needed. (Renee Burke, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

Optimal results often take 3-4 months post Coolsculpting. Did the center you had your treatment performed take before photographs? We generally have our patients come back for a followup 12-16 weeks after treatment so we can compare results.

Also sometimes multiple treatments are suggested for optimal fat reduction in consultation depending on individual anatomy. (Kathleen Morno, MD, Highland Park Physician)
The average results are seen between 1-3 months. Some people it may take a little bit longer.

It states in the Treatment Considerations Form, “You may start to see changes in as early as three weeks after your CoolSculpting procedure, and will experience the most dramatic results after one to three months. Your body will continue to naturally process the injured fat cells from your body for approximately four months after your procedure.” Make sure to follow up with your provider and take pictures to compare your before and afters.

Also, weight gain can affect results, so if you have gained weight, you may not see your optimal results. It, also, states in the Treatment Considerations Form that “results vary from person to person… Although highly unlikely, it is possible that you will not experience any noticeable result from the procedure.”

Make sure to keep a stable weight and keep up with follow up photos with your provider. You may also need multiple treatments to get your desired results. (Jeffrey M. Hartog, DMD, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)