Coolsculpting Men’s Love Handles

Coolsculpting works great on men too. You can get your love handles CoolSculpted to get that nice v-shape. You can work the next day. You may just feel sore, you could also see some bruising. One or more sessions may be needed depending what your expectations are. Schedule a consultation so that you have a better idea of what your treatment plan will be. (Robert G. Aycock, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting The Love Handles for Men

CoolSculpting works great for love handles in the appropriate male candidates. You can expect a 20-25% reduction in fat with each treatment. There is no downtime. I did the procedure on myself and performed surgery immediately after without any issues. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

You can absolutely work the next day, or even right afterwards. The soreness is like a hard workout, not a surgical type pain. Certainly not like liposuction. Love handles can even be “dual sculpted” which means 2 machines and 1/2 the time to perform the treatment.

Often this saves 2 hours of your time depending on the number of cycles you need, which can be determined in your consultation. (Melanie L. Petro, MD, Birmingham Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Male CoolSculpting Results

The Coolsculpting of male “love handle” areas is ideal for men that are busy and don’t have time for post operative down time. Coolsculpting doesn’t work better for one sex over the other, fat is fat as far as the machine is concerned.

If you have the correct type of fat, CoolSculpting will reduce the fat layer by 20-25%, which can be a significant amount depending on what your end goals are.

This is a non-invasive procedure, no garment to wear afterwards, no down time, etc. (Richard J. Wassermann, MD, MPH, Columbia Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting for Elimination of fat on waist

The ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is near their ideal body weight with limited areas of excess fat.

The clients we often see for CoolSculpting in my Raleigh, NC office are very fit and toned with small areas of fat that seem to be resistant to diet and exercise.

If receiving CoolSculpting on the sides, you would either need two sessions (one on each side) or, find a physician that provides treatment with two systems simultaneously so you can have both sides treated in one hour. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Typically the best candidates have fat that can be pinched away from the body in either the love handle or abdominal area. Both of these areas respond consistently with Coolsculpting in appropriate patients. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting excellent for ‘Sculpting’.

Coolsculpting is an excellent technique for sculpting problem areas. Not as good for general weight loss. I place the cup of the applicator over the most prominent portion of the buldge.

This is also usually where the skin is the most elastic as well. (Pablo Prichard, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting for Love Handles and Stomach – perfect match

Placement of the applicators is based on the best “fat grab” so that you’ll get the most benefit from each locale.

Your treating provider will determine this at the time of your consult or treatment. (Rebecca Fitzgerald, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

If you can pinch those areas they can be treated. CoolSculpting does cause a small amount of skin tightening but cannot be advertised that way. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Cool Sculpting has been an excellent addition to my practice for over 2 years now. I have a team of certified RN’s however who consult with the clients and see if they are a canidate or not.

We end up treating above 40-50% of our consults because cool sculpting is not the choice for all. The client is best treated with cool sculpting at a healthy height and weight (or close to) with localized pockets of fat.

The tissue also needs to be soft (not dense) and good skin (without stretch marks). I would advise that you seek a consultation in medical practice you trust. (Robert Heck, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting vs Surgery

CoolSculpting is a great alternative treatment to reduce fat with no downtime and minimal recovery time. You can immediately go back to your normal daily activities. However, CoolSculpting does not tighten the skin in anyway.

Patients need to think about what their true expectations are. To better help you decide, have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon on the benefits of both procedures and which one would be the better treatment for your body. (Robert G. Aycock, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting can be a very effective treatments for those who are candidates. It can reduce approximately 25% of the fat cells in the area treated. I would recomend to schedule an in person consultation to determine candidacy and discuss risks and side effects. (Kathleen Morno, MD, Highland Park Physician)

Can love handles be treated with CoolSculpting?

Love handles (flanks) are a very common area that can be treated with CoolSculpting. An examination of you would be needed to determine if you might be a good candidate for the treatment and to plan the treatment, including the placement and choice of applicators. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is a very effective treatment for the love handles. Without seeing at least a picture it’s impossible to tell whether you are an appropriate candidate for the treatment.

I would suggest an in-person consultation and evaluation with an experienced CoolSculpting provider. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is Perfect fo Lovehandles

Love handles can be cool sculpted. There are several hand pieces that can be used depending on the specific anatomy.

Cool Core or Cool Curve can be utilized in the area. Most people require anywhere from 1 to 3 treatments for optimal results. (Hardik Soni, MD (not currently practicing), Summit Emergency Medicine Physician)

Coolsculpting is an excellent way to treat love handles. You would have to have an in person consultation to see if you are an ideal candidate and your particular areas of concern fit well into the applicators. Pricing can definitely vary but don’t go somewhere based solely on price–experience matters and can make a huge difference when it comes to results. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting for “Love handles” ?

If a picture is worth ” a thousand words” then an in person consultation with a qualified surgeon adept at liposuction and CoolSculpting is work “ten thousand words”. CoolSculpting can be done for both the abdomen and love handles (as well as other areas) as well as liposuction.

Liposuction is considered a more invasive (surgical) means while CoolSculpting is less invasive (non-surgical). Both are permanent regarding the removed fat cells. CoolSculpting is limited to removal of approximately 25% of the fat in the treated area whereas liposuction can remove much greater volumes at the same treatment setting.

The cost for CoolSculpting cannot be estimated here because it will depend on how many areas you have treated as well as the number of “cycles” needed to accomplish your goals. This can only be done in person . (Paul Pietro, MD, Greenville Physician)

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat removal procedure, whereas liposuction is surgical. With each CoolSculpting treatment, you will see flattening and sculpting with an approximate decrease of 20-25% of your fat cells in each treated area, and they are gone for good.

To see which procedure is best for you and your body type, I recommend you visit a board certified plastic surgeon to review your options. (Patrick L. Basile, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

That area can be treated effectively in a couple of hours in the office with no downtime afterwards. CoolScultping will reduce those areas by about 25%. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)