Coolsculpting For Male Breast Reduction

Breasts are a combination of breast tissue and fat. Coolsculpting can reduce (not eliminate) fat, and, won’t work on breast tissue.

So, your breast size will likely reduce, some, but, nothing predictable (could end up sagging or misshapen,) and, almost certainly, “not enough”. (Lauren Chavez, MD, Albuquerque Physician)

Cool sculpting and Gynecomastia?

If your “man boobs” consist of adipose tissue then cool sculpting may have some beneficial effect. If however you are dealing with true gynecomastia, then do not expect much of a result, without surgical intervention.

I have found that gynecomastia is often best treated with partial excision of the prominent glandular tissue as well as liposuction surgery of the peripheral chest area. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting fat reduction will definitely help the chest area and abdomen

However, the fat in the abdomen needs to be on the outside of the muscle. You can also do multiple treatments on the same site, you just need to wait 8 weeks in between treatments. (Carolyn Jacob, MD, Chicago Dermatologic Surgeon)

Zeltiq Coolsculpting works for fat reduction

Every patient should be evaluated by a dermatologist experienced with Coolsculpting. Not all patients have the type and distribution of fat to be a great candidate for this procedure. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Zeltiq can help reduce fat in obese patients

Although Zeltiq can reduce fat in someone who is overweight, the reduction may not be as evident as someone who is in better shape overall. Zeltiq is not a replacement for diet and exercise so these should be maintained in the midst of and after the Zeltiq CoolSculpting. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting works for localized fat reduction

The fat that overhangs your your underwears and the excess breast tissue appears to be a treatable with the Zeltiq CoolSculpting device. Fat needs to outisde the muscle tissue in order for the CoolSculpting device to be effective, so I would want you to be realistic about the effect of CoolSculpting on the upper abdomen. (Ted Brezel, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

We use CoolSculpting on mens’ breasts that have been replaced by fatty tissue. CoolSculpting does not reduce the glandular tissue of the breast, therefore, it will likely not help your asymmetry. You should schedule an in person consultation to determine which treatment would be best for you. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is best for concentrated belly fat.

Coolsculpting will reduce the fat that sits between your muscles and skin. It will effectively reduce the fat layer that is pulled into the applicator about 20%. Your provider will need to review how many treatments you will need to achieve your desired result. (Laurie A. Casas, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)


Zeltiq can be used for male breast reduction. In fact I have had it done on my breasts! I have had my abdomen treated twice and also my “man boobs”. It is not as dramatic as liposuction, but not as expensive either and there is NO downtime! (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting for “man boobs”

There have been reports for the use of Coolscultping for fatty tissue removal in the breast area. The devices currently available by Zeltiq do not have attachments yet made to fit the breast area perfectly so results may vary and be inconsistent. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting for male breast.

I have seen good results for Coolsculpting for the male breast, but I would say that there is a big ‘depends’ on the skin laxity and how fibrous the tissue is. This is one area that I often caution patients that surgery may be needed as a back up option if they are not satisfied either because there is not enough reduction, or because there is too much skin laxity.

I would visit with a board certified plastic surgeon in your area so you can discuss the options in more detail. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Reducing breast tissue with Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting has been used for years for gynecomastia. I requires about 2-3 treatments, and this is for relatively small problems. It can be used most likely for larger breast, but it might misshapen them and doesn’t seem to work as well for glandular tissue.

Another option is using liposuction under local anesthetic. This is a proven treatment for breast reduction. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Possible but how much do you want to lose?

I don’t use CoolSculpting for breast reduction in men or women. Though it is not FDA-cleared for that purpose, some doctors have used it to decrease breast size in men who have developed gynecomastia.

CoolSculpting will affect fat cells only – and only those affected by the “handle”. It does not affect breast tissue. Note that only 20% of the fat (excluding muscles) are lost per cycle. Also, the effect may be slower than you expect.

So weigh things carefully. (Justin Harper, MD, Columbus Physician)

Does any doctor perform coolsculpting on breasts?

Although it is currently not approved for the breasts there are a number of athletes that are using it to help with gynecomastia. It does work on gynecomastia but I know of no one using it to reduce the breasts of women. (Thomas Guillot, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is not approved for use on the breasts and I would be very hesitant using it on the breasts. Possibly in the future it might be a possibility. (Payman Danielpour, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting for female breasts

Coolsculpting is an effective method for noninvasive fat reduction however i would not recommend it’s use on the breast. The volume reduction from cool sculpting is not predictable enough to expect an excellent cosmetic result.

In addition I would be concerned about the specialized sensation to the nipple and the potential for altering this. (Badar Jan, MD, Allentown Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is not a treatment for gynecomastia

The love handles may improve with CoolSculpting but the breasts may contain breast tissue more than adipose (fat) tissue. Gynecomastia is best treated by a plastic surgeon who would excise the tissue.

If however, the surgeon examines you and feels that a majority of the breast mass is fat and not breast tissue, then coolSculpting might be done as an off-label procedure. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting works

Coolsculpting definitely works. We have treated many patients and all have responded to coolsculpting. It is a reasonable non invasive approach to removing stubborn fat bulges that you just cannot seem to reduce with diet and exercise. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting results for men

Coolsculpting has been a wonderful treatment for fat reduction and is most beneficial for those who do take care of themselves but continue to have areas where they cannot reduce fat. As a patient myself, the treatment works and I can easily recommend it.

We have treated patients with gynecomastia as well with nice results. You do need to have at least an “inch” of fat to pinch so that the applicator fits well. (Jon E. Mendelsohn, MD, Cincinnati Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting by Zeltiq good for fat reduction.

Absolutely give Coolsculping a try on diet resistant fat. You may want to also consider Thermage to assist with some skin tightening as well. (Susan Van Dyke, MD, Paradise Valley Dermatologic Surgeon)

Zeltiq effective for male chest and abs?

Zeltiq is pretty new on the market for fat reduction, so we don’t yet have long-term data for it. We do know that it can require more than one treatment and that the treatments only address small areas.

It may help in the abdominal area, but I have serious doubts about whether it would help in the more dense breast tissue. If you want to experiment with your money, then Zeltiq won’t hurt.

But if you want a tried-and-true solution, please consider seeing a board-certified plastic surgeon for a liposuction consultation. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)