Coolsculpting For 60 Year Old

Your age is not an issue

Age is not an issue when considering Coolsculpting. As long as you are a good candidate for the procedure you should see a nice result. Please be sure to have a consultation with your physician or his office staff to ensure you are a candidate prior to committing to the procedure. (Renato Saltz, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

Depends on you

Not all 60+ year old abdomens are created equally! just as the 25 year old abdomen comes in many shapes and sizes, a proper evaluation is necessary to examine your skin tone and how much of the laxity in your abdomen comes from loose muscle, extra skin, or the fatty layer.

With CoolSculpting, Looking Great Is Quick, Easy And Painless

the beauty of coolsculpting is that the cold treatment does not affect the skin or muscle in a negative way, but only the fatty layer.

See a provider to see what shape your abdomen is to start with and how much improvement you can expect. (Eric Chang, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Zeltiq Coolsculpting age limitations

Coolsculpting is approved for all ages above 18. What determines if you are a good candidate is body weight and extent and severity of the fat pad. I would encourage a consultation to determine if you would be a go candidate. (Narin (Joe) Apisarnthanarax, MD, Houston Dermatologist)

Coolsculpting over 60.

Coolscultping is for any person with the areas suitable for the treatment applicator. I think it is very important to have your physician assess your body to see first if you are a good candidate and second which applicators best fit your body and how many treatments you would need! (Grace Liu, MD, Newport Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is excellent for active seniors

Coolsculpting is an excellent choice for active seniors that are not more than 20% overweight. It is a safe noninvasive procedure to remove localized fat bulges. It will not improve skin laxity. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is ideal for someone over age 60

Because Zeltiq is painless and non-surgical it is an ideal treatment for patients who are over 65. Unlike liposuction which is an invasive surgical treatment, my patients who are over 60 have been very happy with Zeltiq.

Since the procedure is so simple and effective and does not have any risks (like surgery) it is extremely popular with patients of all ages. . (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Unlike liposuction, elderly age is not an issue for fat loss with CoolSculpting

There is much less concern about loss of elasticity and retraction of skin after CoolSculpting compared with liposuction. Bruising might be worse from more fragile skin and the device shouldn’t be done on areas that demonstrate skin fragility (usually sun-exposed arms, chest and legs) and usually CoolSculpting is not done on those sites. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting for Women over 60

When considering CoolSculpting, age would not be a reason to rule someone out in regards to getting this treatment. We have had very nice results for older patients. Best to be examined by the doctor to get the most precise advice. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)