Coolsculpting And Skin Tightening

Zeltiq is more for fat reduction than skin tightening.

You need to consider both issues, fat reduction and skin tightening. In a young person the skin will tighten up once the fat is reduced no matter what method is used, older folks may not respond as well.

Zeltiq really seems to address only the fat part. I would love to see a study using Zeltiq for fat combined with Thermage for tightening (maybe I will do one!).

Sounds like a great combination, both give moderate results with no downtime. (Susan Van Dyke, MD, Paradise Valley Dermatologic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is used for fat reduction, not for skin tightening.. but because it is a gradual reduction of fat, the skin laxity usually does not get worse. Best to be seen by a treating doctor to get the most precise advice. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting And Skin Laxity

CoolSculpting helps to remove fat but does not affect the skin at all. If you have some skin sagging you could consider other skin tightening devices such as Thermage, to use after the CoolSculpting. Best,. (Carolyn Jacob, MD, Chicago Dermatologic Surgeon)

Cool Sculpting Effect On Skin Laxity

Cool Sculpting (Zeltiq) does not address the skin laxity. That said, it does not mean that the treatment induces sagging skin at the addressed area. Cool sculpting works through “controlled” cryolipolysis (fat cell death through freezing).

The most notable advantage of this technique is that only fat cells are to be frozen during the process without affecting any other cell types; the fat in adipocytes (fat cells) allows their freezing when other cell types remain intact. (Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting Sites

Zeltiq does not address skin laxity

Zeltiq targets certain areas of fat, mostly the love handles. It does not help with skin laxity. Severe skin laxity may require a tummy tuck. Mild to moderate skin laxity might be helped with Thermage or Titan treatments. (M. Christine Lee, MD, Walnut Creek Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and Skin Laxity

Coolsculpting is a fabulous device for freezing the fat in a given area and reducing a bulge that is treated by 25%. Coolsculpting will not tighten the skin. Gradually after an area is treated with coolsculpting the results take four months to be evident.

Because coolsculpting works through the body’s own metabolism, you gradually excrete the fat through the urine over several months and should have no effect on skin laxity. Thermage is the best FDA approved device in my opinion that addresses skin laxity for the body, especially in that area. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

The Fat Cells Slowly Die Off

Zeltiq will remove your fat but not tighten your skin

Zeltiq is very successful at removing fat cells through freezing (cryolipolysis) but your skin will not be affected. If you are not obese and if your skin has good elasticity then it should “bounce back” by itself. (Lorrie Klein, MD, Laguna Niguel Dermatologic Surgeon)

Zeltiq will not improve skin laxity

Zeltiq will not improve skin laxity and it probably won’t make skin laxity worse either- if you’ve got rolls of fat and excess skin on your tummy, you should consider an abdominoplasty. Zeltiq results are best in patients with little to no skin laxity and very focal regions of abdominal and flank fat. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Zeltiq does not treat skin laxity..but do discount Contraction

Although Zeltiq has no apparent mechanism to deal with skin tightening….the skin effect is dependent upon and proportion to the amount of elasticity in the skin..

More in younger patients without smoking or sun damage.

Although you are only reducing fat, you can get a skin contraction as one would after pregancy….although the conditions have to be right.. (Barry E. DiBernardo, MD, Montclair Plastic Surgeon)

Skin Tightening with CoolSculpting