Coolsculpting And Pregnancy

As of now, there are no studies done on the safety of Coolsculpting in pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is recommended to wait after pregnancy and breastfeeding before initiating Coolsculpting treatments. Also, your weight may change with pregnancy and affect your results.(Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)

Unfortunately it is not recommended to CoolSculpt during pregnancy. This is simply from a safety standpoint.

We know that CoolSculpting has been FDA approved and is cleared for safe and effective fat loss, but this has not been studied in women that are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Like you mentioned, there is a chance that you could treat your chin with no risks to the baby, but this is not a risk that most providers are willing to take.

The inflammatory response triggered by CoolSculpting may be unsafe during pregnancy. As a practice, we will not treat women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. (Edward Stokes, MD, West Hollywood Physician)

CoolSculpting® is not recommended during pregnancy.

Even though having CoolSculpting® on your chin (and not your abdominal area) is probably not dangerous to your baby, most plastic surgeons and CoolSculpting® technicians will decline to do the procedure on pregnant women. This is because there is no research to show the effects of CoolSculpting® on pregnant women and unborn babies.

In cases like this, it’s always best to err on the side of safety and wait until after you have given birth to have CoolSculpting® or any other cosmetic procedures done.(David L. Kaufman, MD, Folsom Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting While Pregnant

There have been no clinical studies done for the effects of Coolsculpting on pregnant women. For this reason I would advise that you postpone your treatment until after your due date. (Dana Coberly, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting During Pregnancy

Coolsculpting targets the fat layer of the skin and does not penetrate deeper organs. However, studies on pregnant and nursing women have not been performed to prove its safety during pregnancy, therefore I would not recommend this treatment at this time. It may also be to your benefit to have coolsculpting after your pregnancy as weight changes may affect your results. (Adam Wallach, MD, Danville Dermatologic Surgeon)

By regulations of CoolSculpting/ Zeltiq corporate, it is a standing policy that any patient who is pregnant should not be treated for CoolSculpting during their pregnancy and while they are breast feeding.

There are no clinical studies performed on aesthetic treatments for pregnant patients, therefore we do not know the risks that may impact a child after a treatment.

Furthermore, your body and weight will be changing during your pregnancy, which may impact your results.

Even though your treatment area is the chin, I would still advise you to post-pone your treatment till after child birth since there is no clinical evidence proving CoolSculpting is safe during pregnancy. (Patrick L. Basile, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

No Effect on Pregnancy

I would NOT recommend Zeltiq if you are pregnant. But, to treat areas after pregnancy is not a problem. The fat removal is permanent regardless if you become pregnant again. There have been no studies that show the effect of Zeltiq on an unborn fetus, therefore I would not undergo Zeltiq if you thought or knew you were pregnant. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Zeltiq Coolsculpting and future pregnancy

Zeltiq is definitely a safe treatment and should have no effect on future pregnancy. If your abdomen and flanks are where you may have noticed more weight gain in previous pregnancies and you have these areas treated you may notice more weight gain in areas that may not have been effected in the past.

Zeltiq has been excellent for our patients after pregnancy for the stubborn areas of fat that don’t seem to improve with diet and exercise. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting after delivery

Yes, it is safe to proceed with CoolSculpting 3 months postpartum and 2 months after laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. CoolSculpting is a great way to non-invasively reduce residual “baby fat” after childbirth. (Roby F. Hayes, MD, Portland Physician)

You can get Coolsculpting 3 months after pregnancy without hesitation. It can be done anytime after pregnancy. The surgery for your GB needs a recovery period but it should be fine now. Zimmer Z wave and CoolAdvantage handpiece make the procedure more effective and more comfortable. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

I recommend coolsculpting and various body contouring/body tightening procedures to patients when they are at or close to their idea body weight. Given that you also had a recent surgery, I would wait another few months before considering any elective body treatment.

Your body is still healing and “bouncing back” from the surgery and pregnancy. Continue to exercise, monitor your diet and give your body a chance to heal further. Please feel free to contact my office with questions or concerns. (Ariel Ostad, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is an amazing procedure and you will be very happy that you did it. However, since you had a surgery I would definitely wait a few more months before having the procedure with a board certified dermatologist. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

You body is still going through the changes to get back to pre-pregnancy state. It may last up to one year. I usually recommend waiting about 6mo at least. Also imprtant, before considering CS, to get as close as possible to pre-pregnancy weight first. This will set you up for most optimal results. (Armen Kirakosyan, MD, FACOG, FACS, East Aurora Urogynecologist)

Coolsculpting after surgery

Considering you just had your gallbladder removed a couple months ago, I would recommend you wait at least a couple more months before getting your Coolsculpting treatments. (Andrew Campbell, MD, Milwaukee Facial Plastic Surgeon)

How long should I wait to get pregnant after CoolSculpting?

There is no reason to delay a CoolSculpting treatment before pregnancy. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Pregnancy after Coolsculpting

Three months should be ample time to become pregnant after Coolsculpting. You have already had one child, so you may be able to predict how you return to your baseline once all the post-pregnancy period has passed.

If you had a lot of changes after pregnancy, you may also consider waiting until afterwards in case your concerns change and a different procedure (e.g tummy tuck) becomes a better option for you. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive method of fat reduction and does not cause circulation of any medication or drug throughout your body. I do not see any problem with having CoolSculpting to your abdomen and then trying to conceive anytime afterwards. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

You 100% can have a healthy pregnancy following coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is non-invasive and only targets your fat cells. There is no harm done to surrounding tissues or organs. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

It would be absolutely safe to have CoolSculpting followed by pregnancy at any time after having the treatment. CoolSculpting is only targeting fat cells in the area being treated. It does not have any effect on the reproductive system. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Any problem with future pregnancy after CoolSculpting?

A CoolSculpting treatment would not have any effect on a future pregnancy. The destroyed fat cells are eliminated by cells in the body that routinely digest cellular debris.

The final result after a CoolSculpting treatment can take 3-4 months to see but there can be some improvement as soon as about a month after the treatment. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting and future pregnancy concern

CoolSculpting should have no negative impact on future pregnancies. The fat is the target of destruction. The treatment can not effect the uterus and ovaries. The elimination process of destroyed fat after the treatments can not harm reproductive organs either.

The inflammatory system and cells digest the targeted fat cells in the time period after the procedure. Lipids from the fat are transported through the lymphatics and slowly eliminated through natural body processes. Because of this gradual elimination process, no deleterious impact to the liver or blood lipids have been demonstrated.

Therefore, getting pregnant six months after CoolSculpting should not be a problem. (Richard J. Ferrara, MD, Grosse Pointe Dermatologic Surgeon)