Cool Lipo Vs Smart Lipo

Slim Lipo vs. Coolsculpting

Both Laser Lipo and Cool Lipo can be effective treatments in removing fat around the belly and love handles.

The treatment that will be best suited for you is a decision that you will have to make along with the professional recommendation of your provider.

Neither treatment is for weight loss per se, but rather targeted fat loss. The best treatment for you depends on the type and amount of fat in the treatment area and your desired results.

Additionally, there is no downtime with CoolSculpting, whereas there will be some downtime and greater likelihood of side effects with Laser Lipo as it is more invasive.

I always recommend that patients see their provider so that they can be assessed and can make an informed decision on which treatment will be best for them. (Stanley Kovak, MD, Oak Brook Physician)

CoolSculpting vs Liposuction

The only way to determine whether or not you could benefit from CoolSculpting or Liposuction is through a consultation. By visiting a plastic surgery practice that offers both CoolSculpting and liposuction, you may be able to get the best possible answer.

CoolSculpting is not a replacement for liposuction, but for people with small, isolated areas of fat, CoolSculpting can be a wonderful treatment with great results and no down time. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Smart lipo versus Zeltiq

Coolsculpting by Zeltiq is amazing since it is non-surgical. Smart lipo is surgery with a laser. There have been several reports of seromas and other complications from smart lipo. Since smart lipo is a surgical procedure -not everyone is a surgical candidate or wants surgery.

Zeltiq was invented as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It is great technique for freezing your fat in a given area by as much as 25% in one single treatment.

Zeltiq is highly effective, safe, non-surgical, and you can return to your work the same day after the procedure.

Be certain to consult a board certified dermatologist with expertise in coolsculpting for the best cosmetic results. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Slim Lipo vs. Cool Sculpting for Belly Fat and Love Handles?

While both Slim Lipo and Cool Lipo target unwanted fat and aim to remove these areas, Slim Lipo is an invasive, surgical procedure while CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment with absolutely zero downtime. During the procedure, patients can email, talk on the phone, watch tv, even eat and drink and immediately following, can resume their daily activities from exercising, to work, to social events.

Those patients with a significant amount of fat to remove may only qualify for a more extensive treatment, like surgical liposuction, whereas CoolSculpting is best suited for those with only a few inches and pounds to lose of stubborn fat. (Louis P. Bucky, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

Blasting Fat With Different Methods

Both treatments are very successful at treating localized fat distribution pockets. Cool Lipo works best on patients who have smaller pockets of fat, while Smart Lipo works well on patients with larger areas of fat that need to be sculpted and are also looking for overall improvement of their body contours.

CoolSculpting may require more treatment sessions to achieve similar results to the Smart Lipo procedure.

You also need to take into account the anesthesia required for Smart Lipo, as CoolSculpting does not require any. (Joshua L. Fox, MD, Long Island Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculptings advantage over smart lipo is the sculpting, you don’t have to worry about an uneven result. Messaging the tissue just following the coolsclupting applicator being removed accelerated the death of the fat cells and helps with a smooth finish. (Rosalind Jackson, MD, Miamisburg OB-GYN)

SculpSure Benefits

I suggest you consult a board certified facial plastic surgeon to receive the highest quality knowledge, treatment, care and skill available. A consultation provides you the opportunity to relay your concerns and desired outcome to the surgeon while the surgeon can assess your health profile and discuss his/her pertinent advice.

In addition, a meeting with your doctor will allow you to build a rapport and decide among treatments. In general, SculpSure is a better fat-melting procedure than CoolSculpting and Slim Lipo in head-to-head clinical studies.

CoolSculpting takes 60-90 minutes, SculpSure takes 25 minutes, CoolSculpting can be painful, SculpSure is painless, CoolSculpting can have prolonged numbness, SculpSure has no numbness. SculpSure is the only FDA-approved laser to provide the quickest treatment (25-minutes) and easiest recovery (none).

Patients complete the treatment and walk out of our office ready to resume their ordinary activities. (Ross A. Clevens, MD, Melbourne Facial Plastic Surgeon)

If you consider that Cool Lipo will reduce fat to the area treated 20-25%, even if someone does 2 treatments…clients with more fat to be removed may opt for SmartLipo. While CoolSculpting is non-invasive, Smart Lipo is more invasive in that it involves a surgical procedure to melt and then remove the fat.

We offer Smart Lipo with no general anesthesia, only local anesthetic is needed and you can go right home and recover for a day or two. Patients who want more fat removed in 1 treatment may consider SmartLipo over CoolSculpting. (Emerico Csepanyi, MD, Newport Beach Physician)

Slim Lipo vs Cool Sculpting (Zeltiq)

Comparing Zeltiq (Cool Sculpting) to Slim Lipo is not quite accurate: Slim Lipo is based on a laser targeting the fat cells poorly possibly affecting neighboring tissues inducing side effects. However, the Zeltiq will freeze the fat cells (cryoplipolysis) without affecting other tissues; the fat in the adipocytes (fat cells) will freeze at a controlled temperature inducing cellular apopotisis (programmed cell death) hence a permanent solution.

Personally, I recommend cool sculpting to my patients because of its commendable results without notable side effects. Offering Zeltiq treatments in my office attracts patients significantly for its great results. (Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Slim Lipo vs. Cool Sculpting for Belly Fat and Love Handles?

Laser lipo is great in skilled hands — and it is an invasive procedure. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure with the adage that if you can grab it, you can treat it. CoolSculpting has become very popular and has shown great benefit in many. (Michael Gold, MD, Nashville Dermatologic Surgeon)

Lipo vs. Coolsculpting

Which procedure is best really depends on the patient. IF you are OK with having surgery under anesthesia, recovery time, etc.. then liposuction may give you the results you are wanting (more fat removed).

IF you would rather not undergo surgery and want NO down time and are willing to be patient (2-4months) to see the results, Coolsculpting would be a great choice. Speak to your doctor and allow him/her to help you make your decision depending on your goals. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is a good alternative to invasive fat removal.

I have experience with Smartlipo (similar to SlimLipo) laser fat removal and Coolsculpting. I believe both procedures are effective but the Coolsculpting has the advantage that side effects are essentially non existent. The fact that you can have Coolsculpting in an hour and go back to work with nothing more than a little tingling of the skin is amazing.

And it actually works. (Susan Van Dyke, MD, Paradise Valley Dermatologic Surgeon)

Cool Lipo works well for focal regions of fattiness

Coolsculpting by Zeltiq can reduce small focal regions of fattiness quite efficiently. For patients with generalized, diffuse fattiness of the abdomen and flanks, liposuction is a much better option. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting works great for belly and love handles

Coolscultping is an excellent non-invasive treatment of belly and love handles. The results have been consistent with a 20-25% reduction in the fat of the treated area after one one hour therapy. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting superior to slim lipo

Our practice experience is that coolsculpting is by far the better, more cost efficient, and safer procedure. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)