During CoolSculpting
There is typically very little pain. There can be some discomfort during the first 5 minutes when the applicator is placed. Once the area is frozen there is no pain. After the treatment is completed there is a brief massage of the area.
There can be mild discomfort for a few minutes. Overall there is very little pain with this procedure.
After CoolSculpting
Most patients experience a mild discomfort in the treated area for a few days. This doesn’t require pain medication or a change in ones routine.
A small percentage of patients develop delayed pain around day 5 which is more nerve related. This can be significant but is easily and quickly remedied by prescribing Neurontin for about 7 to 14 days. This is seen mostly in the abdomen when the Cool Max (the largest applicator) is used.
It is also related to the degree of suction and how much of the tissue is drawn into the applicator.
Long Term Complications
We have not seen any long term problems after CoolSculpting. We also offer patients Smart Lipo and I would say that by far, our highest overall patient satisfaction has been with CoolSculpting due to lack of downtime and consistent results. (Ran Y. Rubinstein, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The FDA approved procedure of CoolSculpting takes advantage of cryolipolysis which describes the targeted destruction of fat cells through cold temperatures. Fat cells experience injury through cooling leading to permanent removal of these susceptible cells.
Numbness, redness, swelling and bruising are not uncommon after a treatment but resolve over short period. You should consult the Zeltiq website to find a qualified facility. (Frank P. Fechner, MD, Worcester Facial Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting Is Excellent for Fat Reduction
Since I first started using CoolSculpting at my practice in Atlanta, Georgia, it quickly became one of the most popular non-surgical treatments among my patients. The majority of women and men who undergo CoolSculpting to reduce pockets of fat find the procedure comfortable and return immediately to their normal daily activities once they leave my office.
Some patients describe a tugging or pulling sensation at the beginning of the procedure, and swelling, bruising, redness, and numbness are common but temporary side effects. The bottom line is CoolSculpting is cleared by the FDA, has been performed worldwide millions of times, and is considered a safe and effective procedure. (Theresa M. Jarmuz, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Zeltiq Downtime
There is no downtime with Zeltiq. Most patients experience some discomfort during the first 10-15 minutes of the treatment. It will feel like an odd pulling sensation that will fade into a numb sensation during the treatment.
CoolSculpting Is Non-invasive, So It Is Usually Performed By A Healthcare Provider
Bruising is uncommon and few patients experience a little numbness in the treated area which subsides over 2-3 weeks. (Ava Shamban, MD, Santa Monica Dermatologic Surgeon)
We do the procedure and have personally had the coolsculpting procedure. There is no pain. The side effect profile is minimal. The physician can control the suction pressure. There is no significant distinction in discomfort between the larger applicator (coolmax) and the smaller applicators.
The procedure received FDA approval in 2010, and there have been over a million cycles performed worldwide. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Cool Sculpting with the large applicator
The most discomfort I experience was with the large applicator on my lower abdomen. The initial draw of the tissue into the large applicator is the portion of the procedure with the most discomfort. Treatment of the love handle area did not bother me at all. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
Tolerable Discomfort with Sacramento CoolSculpting
CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical, no downtime procedure to reduce the number of fat cells in areas resist to diet and exercise. The procedure does have some discomfort when the applicator suction is applied. The discomforts subsides after about 5 minutes as the tissue is cooled.
There is again some discomfort after the applicator is removed and the tissue is massaged for 5 minutes. At home the area can be numb or tender or both. This may last a couple of days to a couple of months.
Rarely is a prescription medication needed. Compared to surgery and many other non-invasive treatments Coolsculpting is quite tolerable and safe. Dr. Kaniff. (Thomas E. Kaniff, MD, FACS, Sacramento Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Side effects from Coolsculpting
What we have found with Coolsculpting is that the actual treatment the first 5-7 minutes are the worst. Its feels like an intense pinch and can kind of take your breath away. After those initial 5-7 minutes are up the area being treated goes numb.
You lay there the rest of the hour and a lot of people even fall asleep. Directly after the procedure when the applicator first comes off the area is going to be adjusting temperatures again.
The best way to explain this is putting your foot when its really cold in hot water. The next few days you may experience some swelling and you will be a bit tender to the touch.
Some people may experience some bruising or hickey looking marks. This tends to happen the most on the love handles. The area tends to stay numb for about a week. You will experience some itching when the numbness wares off and this is just the nerves coming alive again.
Really all in all there is no real downtime, just a bit of tenderness. You can resume regular activity and schedule the same day. (Frederick Lester, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Symptoms Associated with NonSurgical CoolSculpting
A typical CoolSculpting session is one hour. The procedure is performed by first selecting the appropriate head based on the anatomic location being treated. Suction is then applied and the skin and fat fold is brought into the suction head.
It is then compressed between two plates giving it a feeling of being pinched. After the skin and fat layer is secured between the two plates, the temperature is dropped sufficiently to freeze the fat.
The device is left in place, treating the patient for one hour. Multiple areas can be treated at the same session, each receiving a one-hour treatment. Most patients report a significant pinching feeling for the first five to ten minutes.
Following this, as the tissues are cooled, they discomfort subsides. Afterward, patients report variable degrees and lengths of time of discomfort. Some people notice a mild discomfort for a few days and others report more significant discomfort for up to two weeks.
Usually, bruising afterward is minimal, if any. Common areas treated are the abdomen, the flanks or love handles, and the upper back fat along the bra line. If there is sufficient tissue to be treated in the arm area, it can be used for excess fat in the underarm area.
Usually, it is not utilized in the lateral thigh fat because is it not possible to pinch this fat and subsequently treat it. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting is safe and well tolerated
We have found that CoolSculpting is very well tolerated, and there does not seem to be any significant safety concerns with this non-invasive procedure. I tell patients that when the applicator is placed, if feels as though someone is grabbing you a little harder than you would like to be grabbed.
The area soon becomes numb as the cooling takes effect. Once the procedure is financed there can be a very short term burning feeling as the area warms- I liken this to when you hold your cold toes next to a fire and they tingle a bit as they warm.
Following this there does not seem to be a significant amount of discomfort. Patients may report some numbness and tingling, and some patients who get treatments in the abdomen have reported short term feelings of cramping or feeling like they’ve done “100 sit-ups”.
These feelings are always transient and go away after a short period of time. (Adam David Lowenstein, MD, FACS, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting Is Tolerable
CoolSculpting is typically well tolerated by most patients. Certain areas like the abdomen tend to be more uncomfortable, but that usually is determined by the individual patient’s pain tolerance level. If any discomfort is felt, it is typically only for a few minutes after inital application of the device, and doesn’t last the full duration of the treatment.
Some temporary numbness, tingling, and light bruising can occur at the treatment site, but is minimal. Post care instructions vary depending on your physician. We provide our patients with some easy, home-care instructions to support their overall health and help with further contouring.
CoolSculpting is a very simple procedure and has been FDA approved in the United States since 2010. The original technology began in Europe where it has been used for approximately 5 years. If you have further questions the CoolSculpting website is very helpful, or speak with your physician about their experience with CoolSculpting. (Jeffrey W. Hall, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)