The most up-to-date protocol we teach at CSU is to perform a 2 minute manual massage after removing the treatment applicator.
CoolSculpting will cause fat reduction with or without the massage, however it has been shown that the manual massage will further increase the fat cell destruction, i.e. results, when done properly.
An experienced CoolSculpting provider may limit the massage or forgot it completely if the goal is to ‘feather in’ a bulge that purposefully needs less fat reduction. A discussion with the treating practitioner may help you in understanding your treatment. (Scott Gerrish, DO, Vienna Physician)
It is recommended to firmly massage the treated area for 2 minutes immediately after the applicator is removed.
You will likely still see results as long as the rest of the Coolsculpting treatment was performed according to the manufacturers recommendations.
CoolSculpting Is Expensive
Best to follow up with your provider. (Philip Solomon, MD, FRCS, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A two minute massage at the treated area after CoolSculpting has been showed to provide better results vs CoolSculpting alone with no massage. You will still see results with your treatment, but likely not as much as with a proper two minute massage.
I recommend discussing with your provider or finding a new one. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)
The massage is only effective immediately after cool sculpting for just a few minutes. At that time the fat cells are crystallized and therefore brittle. Otherwise, to my knowledge, massage doesn’t help. (Nicholas Gentry, MD, Fayetteville Physician)
Will massage after CoolSculpting remove fat cells faster?
I am sorry to hear that you have had so many problems following your CoolSculpting treatment. Fortunately all these side effects will resolve in the next few weeks. Massage may help the swelling reduce somewhat more quickly but will not help your body’s natural immune system eliminate the fat cells more quickly.
I would avoid the massage for now if you find it making your pain worse. (Mary Beth Mudd, MD, Columbus Physician)
Massage after coolsculpting helps to break the frozen fat as result causeing the fat break. As result faster result. Also massage helps to stimulate the nerve endings and faster recovery. The reason of swelling and itching is release of fat and plasma and some blood or bruising.
So Arnica helps with faster processing of bruising, also anti-histamin helps with itching, and try to drink plenty of fluid so the plasma can get released in lymphatic system. Massage the lymphatic also which is called lymphatic drainage massage.
Some physical therapist are expert at this treatment. Even in our office we do Ultrasonic massage to stimulate this process faster. Thank you for your interesting question Ramtin Massoudi, MD. (Ramtin Massoudi, MD, Beverly Hills Physician)
Massage immediately after CoolSculpting
Failing to perform the 2-minute massage recommended by Zeltiq after a CoolSculpting treatment is a significant treatment protocol failure. The post-treatment massage has been shown to significantly enhance the fat reduction results (by >60%). You will still get fat reduction in the areas treated, but the results are typically even better with massage. (Roby F. Hayes, MD, Portland Physician)
It is true that massage for two minutes immediately following the treatment has shown to provide better results. You might consider using a different provider or discussing with your current provider. (Nicholas Tarola, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)
The massaging is a very important part of the procedure. it’s recommended to massage the area for two minutes after the applicator is removed.
The massaging is what breaks up the crystallized fat. (Narin (Joe) Apisarnthanarax, MD, Houston Dermatologist)
Massage for two minutes after a CoolSculpting treatment is recommended and has been shown to provide improved results, but I think you would still see some effect from a treatment even without the massage. I would recommend that if you have any future treatments, that the area be massaged after the procedure. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Massage after coolsculpting is important according to the studies. having said that every clinic has their own experience and might be if your clinic has great results but their massage technique is different it will work for you.
If you have gone through their pre and post and this is how they do coolsculpting to everyone then there is nothing to worry. But time will tell. (Ramandeep Sidhu, MD, Issaquah Vascular Surgeon)