The most effective and safe method of getting rid of fatty deposits is cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis is a selective and strictly controlled cooling of fat tissue without physical destruction of cells during the procedure.
Lipofreeze is a modern safe cosmetology procedure that allows for two to three sessions to achieve a radical reduction of local fat deposits. In this case, in one session, it is possible to get rid of 25-30 percent of fat cells in the treated area.
The advantage of cold “liposuction” is that the skin, muscles, internal organs and body systems are not damaged, only fatty tissue gets to the blow, for which a decrease in temperature is fatal. Scientists have found that fat cells are very sensitive to cold, prolonged cooling (more than 45 minutes) begins the process of fat cell death – apoptosis.
This process begins immediately after the procedure and lasts approximately 3-6 weeks, so much time is needed for the human body to remove the destroyed fat cells.
The fat cells that are destroyed as a result of cryolipolysis are no longer restored.
Indications for LipoFreeze cryolipolysis:
– local fatty deposits (abdomen after pregnancy, hips, sides, hands);
– abdomen after pregnancy for women;
– the so-called “beer belly” in men, which is actually the result of a sedentary lifestyle and high-calorie food.
Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive, generally comfortable procedure, depending on the individual characteristics and the treated area, the client may experience minor discomfort or slightly painful sensations associated with the action of the vacuum. In some cases, after the procedure, there may be a bruise that will soon disappear.
The LipoFREEZE device is absolutely safe, developed by Jean Klebert, the famous Italian brand of professional cosmetology, manufactured in Europe. Rehabilitation and Results
After the procedure, the client feels fine, the recovery period is not required, the client can immediately return to your normal life.
After the procedure, the patient is recommended to drink more water, several days after cryolipolysis, several massage should be done, however, it is not necessary to do the procedure at the beauty salon, it is enough to do the lymph drainage massage yourself at home. Massage is needed for the body to quickly remove the fat cells that were destroyed during cryolipolysis.
Depending on the individual characteristics, the first results can be noticeable in 2-3 weeks, the final result after the procedure is visible after one and a half to two months. It is important to understand that in one procedure 25-30 percent of fat cells in the treated area are destroyed, that is, the larger the fold, the greater the result. Therefore, LipoFreeze is equally effective both for correcting small flaws of the body, which can not be removed with diet and exercise, and to eliminate significant fatty deposits.
LipoFreeze Inner Thighs And Abdomen
A little about the procedure
The LipoFREEZE device uses a manipulary vacuum to draw the fat fold, after which the tissues are heated for five minutes, and then intensive cooling begins. Cryolipolysis allows you to correct zones that are difficult to lose weight with the help of diets and sports.
Cryolipolysis allows you to get rid of the abdomen, lose weight after pregnancy and childbirth, remove the beer belly, remove fat on the hips. The first result of fat reduction will be noticeable in two weeks, after which the effect will increase for one and a half months. Repeated procedure is possible not earlier than the expiration of this period.
After three procedures of cryolipolysis, it is possible to permanently get rid of fat deposits and lose weight in the desired zone, even if diets and sports did not help, and also get rid of genetic or acquired flaw of the body shape associated with excessive fat deposition in undesirable places.
LipoFreeze Is Different To Other Non-surgical Lipo Treatments That Use Lasers
Cryolipolysis on the device Lipofreeze is a unique method of liposuction, which allows to effectively solve the problem of fat deposits without surgical intervention. The LipoFreeze device causes the natural death of fat cells and, as a result, the immediate reduction in fatty folds. You lose from 1 to 3 cm in volume after the first cryolipolysis procedure!
What is the LipoFreeze procedure?
- The vacuum nozzle of the device draws the fat fold and produces a gradual cooling of the tissue.
- Low temperatures begin the process of apoptosis – the natural splitting of fat cells.
- In this case, the protective napkin, between the nozzle and the skin, allows you to protect the skin from hypothermia.
- Muscular and neural tissues, as well as blood vessels, also remain unscathed: during the procedure, the patient feels only a slight chill. In addition, the natural decrease in the volume of fatty tissues develops and proceeds gradually, which avoids the formation of skin folds and damage to the skin.
To date, use of the device LipoFreeze is the safest and most comfortable way to fight fat deposits.
Contraindications for the procedure:
- acute reactions of the body to low temperatures: panniculitis, cold urticaria and others;
- diabetes;
- period of pregnancy;
- damage to the skin in the affected area;
- inflammation and skin disease in the acute stage.
The advantages of cryolipolysis treatment
A guarantee of security. The procedure excludes the possibility of trauma to the skin and the formation of scars, characteristic of other methods.
The hourly cryolipolysis procedure stimulates the process of apoptosis, as a result of which the fat fold loses up to 20-25% of its original volume.
Decrease in body volume by 1-3 cm is possible after the first session! The maximum effect is achieved after 1.5-2 months, when the loss of fat tissue reaches 50% of the original volume.
No side effects. Soft and gradual splitting of fat cells in the area of exposure excludes the formation of skin folds, as well as the burden on internal organs and the entire body as a whole.
Immediately after the session, there may be a slight reddening and swelling in the area of exposure, which completely disappear within two hours. Treatment do not require special preparation and recovery period.