Temporary swelling after Coolsculpting is very common. It is always temporary and resolves usually within a week or two, sometime sooner.
Coolscultping is an excellent and effective way to treat and reduce fat bulges without invasive surgery. (Steven Hacker, MD, West Palm Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)
Swelling occurs normally after CoolSculpting but may not even be seen
It is very normal to have swelling after CoolSculpting.
That’s how the device works, by killing fat cells and having the body digest those cells by brining in macrophages and other immune system cells to the area of treatment.
This is considered inflammation and a byproduct of the inflammatory cascade is swelling. Most patients don’t notice a lot of swelling but it can occur. It goes away on its own over several days to a few weeks. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)
Cryolipolysis Swelling
If your swelling does not resolve on its own you should schedule a follow-up appointment with the office where you had treatment. (Lisa Airan, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)
Swelling post Coolsculpting
It is not totally unusual to have this kind of swelling. It will get better. some people have more swelling than others. If you had large applicator treatments it is not unheard of to have more persistent swelling. Don’t worry, it will get better. (Burton M. Sundin, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)
In the many years I have been performing CoolSculpting, I have seen a small number of patients who notice swelling for a few days to weeks after the procedure.
I have not been able to determine why this happens, but I can assure you that it always resolves with time. You might drinks lots of salt water, decrease your salt intake, try some gentle yoga sessions, and try wearing Spanx or compression pantyhose if this is not uncomfortable for you. (Sheryl D. Clark, MD, New York Dermatologist)
Have no fear, swelling post coolsculpting procedure is certainly normal and in fact, a good sign. Swelling indicates inflamation which means that the microphages (the small pacman like enzymes that break down the dead fat cells) are doing their job! The swelling for some can last up to a month but will continue to go down as the days and weeks pass.
Some clients find comfort in wearing Spanx type garments over the area treated. (Edgar Ballenas, MD, Burlington Physician)
I have seen this happen a number of times after abdominal CoolSculpting. It always resolves, but is just a matter of time. If it continues, however, I would reach out to the practice that performed it. (Tianna Tsitsis, MD, Mount Vernon Physician)
Problems after Coolsculpting
It is not unusual to be swollen after Coolsculpting. The swelling can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to completely resolve. Be patient. See your provider if you are concerned. (Andrew Campbell, MD, Milwaukee Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Bruising and swelling can happen after Coolsculpting but it’s not quite as common in the legs as other body parts. The new handpieces reduce swelling significantly because there is less suction. The handpieces usually used on the outter thighs has no suction and doesn’t leave a bruise, so you only have a slight risk on the inner thighs.
Extreme abdominal swelling after coolsculpting
The process by which the Coolsculpting works leads the fats cells into a programed cell death sequence. This can result in some swelling of the surrounding tissue. Treatment for the swelling can be massage and stretching activity.
Changes in the fat cells are evidenced maximally at 3 months. Changes that are occuring beyond that time may not be related to the coolsculpting procedure.
If the condition persists, reach out to the physician who treated you for an evaluation and to discuss your symptoms. (R. Brannon Claytor, MD, FACS, Bryn Mawr Plastic Surgeon)
Every patient is different when it comes to post procedure symptoms. Some patients will have immediate pain and numbness, while others experience late onset pain. In some cases no pain or numbness is experienced at all.
Make sure to follow up with the provider that administered the procedure 30 days for a medical follow up and reapplication if desired, and then 90 days for your before and after photos for comparison. (Lane Smith, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Bruising is uncommon after Coolsculpting
Typically after CS, there is no bruising, but it can happen in some patients. The new applicators are more comfortable and exert less suction for a shorter duration of time. Consider stopping unnecessary blood thinners (i.e. substitute Tylenol for aspirin or ibuprofen) to help. The outer thigh applicators typically are flat without suction. See a provider with advanced training through CS University for your treatment. (Vaishali B. Doolabh, MD, FACS, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Inner and Outer thigh CoolSculpting
Bruising with Coolsculpting is very rare and usually happens with the use of applicators that require suction. The outer thighs are treated with flat applicator panels that do not require suction, so no bruising would be expected.
You may experience very slight swelling. This inner thigh is typically treated with an applicator that uses suction. This may cause some slight bruising. The newer Advantage applicators use much less suction and therefore bruising is very minimal. (Harpreet Lotay, MD, Kamloops Physician)
No numbness or pain
Every patient varies on how they feel after coolsculpting. I have had patients experience nothing and I have had patients that itch and have numbness. I would not expect to much pain post coolsculpting- that’s one of the best things about the treatment! Just because you do not have pain or numbness does not mean the procedure didn’t work. (Renee Burke, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)
Coolsculpting and Lumps
Coolsculpting is a fabulous procedure, especially for the abdominal area. It is essential to have the area massaged after the procedure. Some lumps can occur after the procedure. Please consult your treating physician for examination and keep us posted. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)
Red and Warm following Cool Sculpt
Most patients will have a 2 week “recovery” following this procedure which often includes some swelling, discomfort and bruising. It is not part of the normal recovery, however, to develop red and hot skin/soft tissue.
I would recommend returning to the medical professional who performed your procedure for his/her evaluation. This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare professional.
Your reliance on any information or content provided in the guide is solely at your own risk. You should always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare professional for any questions you have about your own medical condition. (Frank P. Albino, MD, Chevy Chase Physician)
There is a chance you could still have bruising and swelling 2 weeks after the treatment. Bruising and swelling does not occur in all patients and for many only lasts a few days to a week, but it is not guaranteed to have resolved in 2 weeks.
For many of our patients, we suggest they wait until after an event or trip if it is too close to the date. Speak with a CoolSculpting Specialist because some areas are more likely to bruise and/or swell than others. (Jeffrey M. Hartog, DMD, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
About 25% of patients get this post treatment nerve pain with Coolsculpting, especially when having it on the abdomen and thighs. It begins about 3-4 days after the treatment and lasts about 1-2 weeks (usually 1 week).
While it’s not necessarily an indicator for results, it is temporary (and normal) and there are a couple of things that help that you can purchase over the counter. Go to a natural foods (like Whole Foods, Sprout, Earth Fare, Etc) store and purchase the following:
1. St. John’s Wort extract – Take 1 dropper in hot water daily
2. Feverfew extract – 1 dropper in hot water daily
These can be combined. Other things that help: Compression, Eucalyptus and Marjoram Essential oils, Icy-hot. Some feel cool pack help and some warm pack help.
See your doctor if this continues beyond 1 week. (Maiysha Clairborne, MD, Atlanta Family Physician)
Should I wear compression garment after coolsculpting?
Although compression garment is not required after coolsculpting, I do recommend it as it helps with some discomfort. The garment does not need to be extremely tight, but just enough to provide support for the treated areas.
Patients usually report having more comfortable recovery with light support. (Olga Bachilo, MD, Houston Physician)
Garments not required after coolsculpting
While I have not asked patients to wear compression garments after CS, you may get some benefits. The garment will help constrain swelling and may reduce hypersensitivity (if it occurs). Be sure to make sure the garment stays smooth so that you don’t inadvertently create indents.
The duration of swelling varies between patients. Be sure you see a CS University certified provider. Signs of an experienced busy CS provider include having multiple machines and the new applicators (they hurt less & take less time). (Vaishali B. Doolabh, MD, FACS, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpt patients can expect some swelling post procedure. Some even experience mild bruising. Both are self-limiting and typically resolve on their own. The amount and duration of swelling varies from patient to patient but on average lasts 2-4 weeks.
A compression garment could be worn post procedure if swelling was particularly concerning to you, however it is not required. I would recommend finding a garment that covers the entire treatment area for even compression.
Before doing anything, though, you should discuss it with the office who treated you. (Theodore Staahl, MD, Modesto Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Can compression garment be worn after CoolSculpting?
A compression garment could be worn after a CoolSculpting treatment to the abdomen (stomach), but it is not normally needed. I have never had a patient wear any compression garment after a CoolSculpting treatment to any area.
I have also not had any patient complain of anything but only mild swelling that lasted just a few days after the procedure. If you are going to wear a garment after the treatment, I would discuss this with the physician who is treating you. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Compression Garment after CS
You can wear a compression garment after your CS treatment, but it is not required and will not have an impact on your results. Many patients feel more comfortable with a compression garment after their CS session. (Michael Kerin, MD, New Rochelle Physician)
You Can Wear a Compression Garment!
You can wear a compression garment after the Coolsculpting – no problem! Everybody differs, so, it’s hard to know what to expect. In our office, we see VERY little swelling, at all, after the Coolsculpting treatments.
It likely depends on how many areas you do at once, and, which handpiece is used (there’s one larger handpiece that tends to cause more swelling than the others.) (Lauren Chavez, MD, Albuquerque Physician)
Swelling following CoolSculpting treatment
It is very variable from patient to patient as well as area of the body that is treated.
I have been treating CoolSculpting patients since 2010, and I would say the average swelling usually lasts about 2 weeks. Some patients say that it is mild and other patients will seem more bothered by it. Certainly you can wear a compression garment if you don’t like the swelling, although some patients will report that they don’t like to wear any restrictive clothing for a few weeks after treatment. (Mary Beth Mudd, MD, Columbus Physician)