Unlike surgical liposuction, freezing fat cells procedure is a unique way of correcting the body shape. Scientists have proved that fat cells are extremely sensitive to cold, so a purposeful “freeze” deprives them of their viability and as a result they die.
The procedure of coolsculpting is based on this discovery. In recent years, more and more popular methods are aimed at local fat removal.
After all, even people with normal weight are almost always present so-called fat traps – places of accumulation of fat in the form of different folds and pads, with which debilitating diets and exercise can not cope. Local fat deposits interfere during the choice of clothes or you feel unconfident on the beach.
Previously, the only way out was surgical liposuction, after which there were traces of punctures from the cannula, postoperative bruises, and moreover the recovery period was very uncomfortable.
Freezing Fat Cells Is An Effective Treatment
A group of American scientists began to actively study the reactions of fat cells to the action of cold. Based on the innovative developments of the main hospital of Massachusetts and Harvard University, they created a new method of fat splitting by cooling, which was called “coolsculpting.”
And in 2009, the Zeltiq device first appeared on the market, which became a real breakthrough in the field of non-surgical removal of fat deposits. Unlike surgical liposuction, the procedure of freezing fat cells is painless, comfortable and safe, which has been confirmed by numerous clinical trials involving volunteers.
It does not require anesthesia, excludes skin damage, there is no recjvery period, and immediately after its termination it is possible to return to normal life without hindrance. Not surprisingly, this technology quickly gained popularity among doctors and patients around the world. Coolsculpting can be called a cold procedure, allowing you to remove unwanted volumes, effectively and safely to make the figure really flawless.
Until now, doctors have tried to melt fat cells exclusively by laser, ultrasound or electricity. We are all used to the idea that fat should be burned by physical activity, hot wrap, thermal massages and rubbing, in the sauna, bath and other thermal manipulations. But the fat stubbornly returns.
In addition, the essence of many modern lipolytic techniques is reduced to mechanical, thermal or wave destruction of fat cells. Dead cells, when decomposed (necrosis), can cause unwanted side effects – from an allergic reaction to a rise in body temperature and even poisoning. All this can be avoided if we refuse “hot” procedures in favor of the cold.
The treated surface of the body is cooled down to +25 ° C, which does not cause chills and does not cause the slightest harm to internal organs and the body as a whole. Cryolipolysis meets all requirements of efficiency and delicacy of impact.
What happens to the “frozen” fat after Cool Sculpting?
Local decrease in temperature and simultaneous low compression of tissues cause hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of fat cells, and they need oxygen for normal metabolism. Cooling leads to the fact that cells filled with fat lose their safety factor and begin to cringe, releasing fat out of themselves, where macrophages recycled it.
Then the products of processing are gradually eliminated from the body by the lymphatic system and during metabolism. The absence of intensive release of lipolysis products into the blood makes it possible to use this method without loading the liver and completely excludes allergies. Cold triggers a program of natural death of fat cells – apoptosis, since fatty tissue is for a long time forced to be without adequate nutrition (a session for one zone takes about an hour).
True, this does not happen immediately: physiological removal of fat, exposed to low temperatures, can last up to two months, but the first result will be noticeable quickly enough. In the treated area, the number of fat cells decreases by 20-30% in one procedure, and the fat that has gone away will not return to its original place (of course, if you observe a reasonable diet and physical activity). On average, after each procedure, the fat fold is reduced by 2-4 cm, but it occurs gently and gradually.
Freezing fat cells results