CoolSculpting Does Not Remove Cellulite
Coolsculpting represents a significant advance in the treatment of problem fat collections. The technique has been clinically proven and has FDA approval. Despite this success, the procedure has limitations including an inability to remove cellulite. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not a material but a structural abnormality that results from fibrous bands beneath the skin that cause dimpling of the skin. Coolsculpting has no impact on these fibrous septae and for this reason has no effect on cellulite.
At this point in time, there’s no effective treatment for cellulite. This is more than made up for, by the large number of gimmicks that are currently being promoted. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Can CoolSculpting be used for Cellulite reduction?
Although, Coolsculpting isn’t use to treat cellulite. It can however help the appearance of cellulite because cellulite is fat and cool sculpting treats fat. (Edward Stokes, MD, West Hollywood Physician)
CoolSculpting is an excellent treatment for reducing unwanted fat and not a cellulite treatment
While it’s been awhile, this is still a very popular, perhaps daily question in my practice. We provide CoolSculpting all day in our office, it is such popular and effective treatment for patients to reduce unwanted fat.
But CoolSculpting is not a treatment for cellulite and I don’t believe you should pursue it because of this.
CoolSculpting works on nearly every area of the body, including common areas where cellulite appears most often.
The upper thigh and lower buttock areas commonly present a combination of concerns for my female patients; unwanted fat as well as the appearance of cellulite. Because of this I believe that women are hopeful to find a single treatment solution, whether liposuction or CoolSculpting, to address both (with less fat in the area, it seems logical).
As much as I hope for this outcome to satisfy my patients, I never encourage or lead them to expect it. Dimpled cellulite may become less visible (deep) when we reduce the fat in the area, but because the underlying cause has not been addressed (the (septae or vertical bands that tether the the skin to the muscle become and become fibrous and shorter), there is now way for the surface to appear completely level or smooth.
In recent months, after personally experiencing the cellulite treatment, Cellfina, I purchased it for my practice. I don’t know where you may be today in the pursuit of a treatment for cellulite, however I strongly recommend you consider Cellfina.
I am thrilled with the results we’re able to provide! If you’re goal is to sculpt and rid the appearance of cellulite, a combination of these treatments are going to your very best option. (Jennifer Harrington, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting (Zeltiq) for Cellulite Reduction
Coolsculpting is not designed to treat cellulite. Consult in person an experienced and expert board certified plastic surgeon who can provide a treatment that is appropriate for you. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting is not for Cellulite
CoolSculpting is a wonderful tool for fat reduction but it does not target cellulite. Some clients have experienced a reduced appearance of cellulite but CoolSculpting is not the recommended treatment for cellulite. Please ask your Physician for a recommendation regarding cellulite treatments. (Shehla Ebrahim, MD, Vancouver Physician)
CoolSculpting and cellulite
cellulite is not excess fat but rather uneven distribution due to bands which can form between fat cells. CoolSculpting is unlikely to help. While there are many non invasive devices to treat cellulite they are usually minimally effective.
A new minimally invasive procedure such as Cellfina may provide the best solution. (Hardik Soni, MD (not currently practicing), Summit Emergency Medicine Physician)
For cellulite reduction, a better treatment may be Cellfina
While some people may see a small improvement in cellulite following a CoolSculpting treatment, it is not the best treatment if your main concern is solely cellulite and not fat reduction. CoolSculpting is a device specifically intended for reduction of small areas of stubborn fat.
CoolSculpting Isn’t For Cellulite
For cellulite reduction, a better treatment may be Cellfina, which uses an automated subcision process to target the root cause of cellulite dimples and smooth them out. I recommend visiting a board-certified dermatologist for a consultation to find the best treatment plan for your cellulite. (Sabrina Fabi, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon)
SculpSure is the superior treatment for vanquishing fat. It addresses the stubborn subcutaneous fat that seems to bother you by melting up to 25% of it in a short and easy 25-minute in-office treatment with patients walking right out of the office with little downtime. (Ross A. Clevens, MD, Melbourne Facial Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting (Zeltiq) for Cellulite Reduction
Coolsculpting is not a treatment for cellulite. It is a treatment that is used to reduce stubborn fat. (Brian C. Reuben, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
Although not marketed for the treatment of cellulite, we have seen remarkable improvement of cellulite in areas of the body treated with the Coolsculpting device. The cooling temperatures can permeate the fibrous tissues with contain cellulite and cause a smoothing effect.
This has not been studied to determine if it is a permanent benefit of Coolsculpting, but it is a perk our patients have been able to enjoy along with their 20-25% fat reduction which is in fact permanent. (Joseph G. Bauer, MD, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting is an extremely effective non-surgical treatment to reduce fatty cells/tissue in a concentrated area.
Unfortunately it is not indicated to reduce or remove cellulite, however Dr. Sukkar performs a procedure called Cellulaze that reduces the appearance of unwanted Cellulite. (Sam M. Sukkar, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting is not a treatment for cellulite. CoolSculpting is a permanent solution for reducing specific bulges of fat.
We can now treat the saddle bags(outer thigh) with the CoolSmooth applicator. (Sheila S. Nazarian, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting (Zeltiq) for Cellulite Reduction?
CoolSculpting is not a treatment for cellulite. It is a great treatment for fat reduction. CoolSculpting works to selectively freeze fat cells. The fat cells then are eliminated from your body over the next few months.
Cellulaze is an effective treatment for cellulite. It’s the only FDA approved treatment for cellulite reduction. On average, it results in at least 60-70%, and up to 100% improvement of the appearance of cellulite, with a single treatment. (Arthur M. Cambeiro, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
TriPollar For Cellulite Reduction
As a woman who maintains a healthy diet and lifestyle, I can sympathize with my female patients who turn to me for cellulite reduction. Women, even those who are otherwise fit, are more prone to cellulitethan men due to the composition and behavior of our fat cells and theconnective tissue that holds them in place.
Since celluliteis caused by fat deposits just below the skin’s surface, treatments such as CoolSculpting and liposuction are not effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite. At my practice, we have had great successusing TriPollar to reduce cellulite.
TriPollar usesradio-frequency technology to target fat cells just below the skin surface andto strengthen and regenerate collagen fibers. By lowering the volume of fatcells while also strengthening collagen fibers, TriPollar offers both animmediate and long-term reduction of cellulite. (Camille Cash, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Areas that are bulging are areas that are most favorably treated by Cool Sculpting. The love handles or the inner thighs.
The Saddle bags can now be treated appropriately with Cool Smooth. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)