Cool Shaping is the ideal technique for figure correction for busy people.
Cryolipolysis is a technique for non-surgical fat splitting by cooling. The principle of the method consists in selective and strictly controlled cooling of subcutaneous fat in the treatment zone to -5 degrees, accelerating apoptosis – the mechanism of a programmed self-destruction of fat cells, which leads to loss of viability of fat cells. Cells of adipose tissue gradually die and undergo natural “utilization” in the course of metabolism.
Within 2-3 months the number of fat cells decreases and the volume of adipose tissue in the area of action is gradually reduced by 20-30%.
In the process of cryolipolysis, only the fat cells are affected; hypothermic damage to skin, vascular, nervous, muscular structures, internal organs is excluded. Only 2-3 sessions of Cool Shapihg will eliminate fat deposits in problem areas, restore harmony and perfect proportions to your body!
CoolSculpting And CoolShaping
The procedure is characterized by a high degree of safety:
– cooling is localized selectively in the subcutaneous fat, while the surrounding tissues (muscles, nerves, vessels) are not damaged during and after the procedure, the reduction in the volume of adipose tissue occurs gradually, as close as possible to the normal physiological process;
– the procedure is safe for the body as a whole due to local effects, the absence of tissue necrosis and the release of lipolysis products into the blood, is not associated with the introduction of any chemical preparations.
The procedure is comfortable:
– does not require anesthesia and rehabilitation period, in this respect it has advantages over laser, surgical, non-surgical ultrasound liposuction, electrolypolysis, mesodissolution – the method is completely painless, comfortable sensation during the procedure, the patient can read, watch TV, work on a laptop or sleep;
– the reduction in the volume of adipose tissue occurs gently and gradually.
The procedure is highly effective:
– a persistent, long-lasting and brightly expressed result differs markedly from other methods, the result after one procedure with an increasing effect of 4-12 weeks;
– guaranteed reduction of volumes, stability of the results obtained.
Two nozzles, which are used simultaneously in the same procedure, are an important advantage of the Cool Shapihg.
It effectively combines with almost all cosmetic procedures that increase lymphatic drainage and accelerate the excretion of fat cells.
The doctor conducts detailed consultation, diagnostics of the body composition on the water-fat analyzer InBody 720 and identifies problem areas that need a cryolipolysis session. A vacuum applicator (on the Cool Shapihg apparatus, two nozzles can be used simultaneously in one session) is superimposed on the area of influence, a special gel napkin is placed between the applicator and the skin, which ensures uniformity of action and protection of the upper layers of the skin from supercooling.
Vacuum captures the fat fold inside the applicator, where there is a gradual cooling throughout its thickness. The cold is felt only the first 2 minutes, then comes the feeling of absolute comfort.
During the whole time of exposure (about an hour), due to comfortable sensations during the procedure, you can take a nap, read, watch TV, listen to the player or resort to other cosmetic procedures, experiencing a feeling of coolness in the area of exposure. At the end of the cryolipolysis session there is local (within 15-30 minutes), skin hyperemia (redness, swelling). Immediately after the session, the patient can return to his usual activities.
During the first cryolipolysis session, no more than 2 zones can be treated, which is due to the limited capacity of the body to process and dispose of excess fat.
Cryo Freeze Sculptor
Indications to Cool Shaping procedure:
– fat deposits in any areas where it is possible to create a fat fold: the waist, lateral and anterior surfaces of the abdomen, in the hips (lateral, internal, external), knees, back, the inner surface of the hands.
Contraindications to the procedure Cool Shaping:
- excess obesity;
- Raynaud’s disease;
- neurological disorders (diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, etc.);
- cold urticaria;
- dermatological skin diseases, such as eczema or dermatitis in the area of presumed exposure;
- impaired skin sensitivity, the presence of extensive scarring, purulent or open wounds, hernias, burns, bruises;
- chronic diseases of internal organs, especially liver and kidneys, diabetes mellitus;
- presence of an electrocardiostimulator;
- pregnancy and lactation.
the cryolipolysis is most effective in the zones of the lateral and anterior surfaces of the abdomen, these parts of the body are most resistant to different types of correction, since they are supported by internal hormonal mechanisms.
Increasingly Popular Treatments To Get Rid Of Unwanted Fat Without Surgery
It provides sustained reductions in waist and abdomen;
effectively copes with the excess fat layer in the hip zones (lateral, internal, external), knees, on the back and the inside of the hands.
the initial results are noticeable 2-3 weeks after the procedure, and the final effect can be estimated in two to three months.
Cryolipolysis was nicknamed “Body Sculptor” due to impressive results, up to 25% of excess fat goes for 1 session;
taking into account the severity of fat deposits, it is possible to carry out 2-3 additional sessions of cryolipolysis after 1 month, which allows to reduce in total up to 50% of fat in the treated area.
Recommendations before the COOL SHAPING procedure.
The procedure does not require any preliminary preparation.
CoolSculpting on the Zeltiq device
Our clinic represents an original technology that allows you to model a figure without surgery, eliminating fat folds from the body forever.
In just one procedure, you can get a stable result regardless of sex and age: reduce the thickness of the fat layer to 40%! Belly, waist, arms, thighs again will gain desired shape!
If your waist is far from perfect, there are ugly creases on your back, and hateful “ears” on your hips, then CoolSculpting technology will return splender to your body, forming a new, clear contour of the body!
During coolsculpting, the fat cells “freeze”, which leads to their destruction and gradual removal from the body. This does not affect the liver and other internal organs. The procedure does not cause complications and does not require preparation. It is painless, not associated with skin damage and is performed without anesthesia.
FACT: Fat cells, as scientists learned from Harvard Medical School, are extremely sensitive to cold. They found that the dosed local “freeze” triggers a natural process: the fat cells in the treatment zone are gradually dying and are further processed by the lymphatic system during metabolism.
There are five types of Zeltiq nozzles: Cool Smooth is ideal for creases that are hard to pinch, used for the outer surface of the hips, abdomen and flanks. Cool Fit is ideal for long flat surfaces, used for the inner thighs and hands. Cool Max is an applicator that can capture 2.5 times the amount of folds than other nozzles, so it is used to remove large folds. Cool Curve and Cool Curve + are applicators for flanks, the curved shape of this nozzle allows them to be placed on parts of the body with a large bending diameter.
Non-surgical liposuction CoolSculpting in the clinic is your unlimited power over the body! We are expanding the boundaries of what is possible, making beauty accessible and perfect beyond age!