CoolSculpting is the only one of these devices to permanently destroy the fat cells.
The others are temporary, if they are effective at all. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Forget Zerona, Cool Sculpting can work great for guys, if you are the right fit
First of all, as to Zerona, how come no one asks the question, “How many inchs will I loose after finishing Zerona two months later, not just two weeks, Oh, and lets leave out all the extra water, exercise, and supplements?”, our answer, none of our patients that we treated with Zerona saw a difference, thats none, if they were exercising, drinking extra ounces of water each day and all of that before Zerona.
So lets move on. Cool Sculpting works, and our patients can choose within our practice between, Cool Sculpting, as a non-liposuction choice, and liposuction itself, with either CoolLipo, BodyJet, or VASER, now thats a lot of choices, all of which are good choices.
But, I must say something here, which I say to all of my patients, none of these are about weight loss, that is something, as hard as it is to do, that each of you as a patients will still have to do on you own, with a little bit of help from us as well, Cool Sculpting, or if you choose liposuction in some form, is all about helping with those “stubborn areas”, not weight loss. Cool Sculpting is a great choice, you can get treated and go back to work, but Cool Sculpting only works as well as how well the cooling applicators, which we call chambers fit. so to speak its all about how well the unwanted fat will “pooch”.
So we as part of our consultation will have our patients try on the Cool Sculpting first, and if the fat fits well and “poochs” well they become a good candidate for treatment, and lets them know from the beginning whether, we expect one, two, or three, treatments over time as well. (Douglas J. Key, MD, Portland Dermatologic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting is the best non-invasive procedure to date
Although I would probably recommend a combination of ultrasonic and suction lipectomy as the procedure of choice for your abdomen and waist, CoolSculpting would be the non-invasive procedure of choice if surgery is completely out of the question.
The actual destruction of fat cells with CoolSculpting will provide long term contour improvement. (Lawrence W. Shaw, MD, Arizona Plastic Surgeon)
Zerona For Men
Which non-invasive procedure is best?
I only recommend Coolsculpting (Zeltiq) to my patients because it has been FDA cleared and shown to work when others haven’t really been shown to be so effective. It may be in your best interest to meet with a doctor to discuss all of your options. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Zeltiq is my favorite non-surgical fat reduction technique in my NYC practice
When I researched fat reduction technology, I had been following externally delivered ultrasound energy for years but I appreciated the mechanism of action with Zeltiq as soon as it obtained its FDA clearance. What is unique about CoolSculpting is that the freezing does not just liberate triglycerides out of the fat cells, it kills the fat cells.
Other treatments that liberate the fat without killing the cells do not prevent one from putting more fat back on in the treated areas quickly. Certainly, the Zeltiq does not kill all the cells so the remaining cells can gain fat too, but this device can produce long term improvement. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)Abdominal fat reduction- non-invasive
At this time Bellacontour nor Zerona have independent clinical trials demonstrating long term results. Zeltiq does have several clinical trials demonstrating fat reduction in abdomen as well as other anatomical locations.
Regardless, best to first be evaluated by a physician well skilled in body contouring to determine which treatment best suits your goals. (Lori A. Brightman, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)