CoolSculpting Ideal for Lower Abdomen
The lower abdomen is an extremely common “trouble spot” for many women, regardless of how healthy their lifestyles are. The good news is that CoolSculpting is often an ideal treatment for this area, with a treatment head that’s curved to snugly fit against the abdomen.
If you choose CoolSculpting, you’ll be able to return to the gym the next day. Be sure to visit a board-certified plastic surgeon’s office for the safest, best results. (Richard Chaffoo, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Someone who is close to their ideal body weight, works out but has stubborn areas that do not seem to improve with lifestyle choices. As far as being out of the gym for too long, you need not worry.
Are You A Suitable Candidate
CoolSculpting works GREAT in the lower abdomen. It is not the best photograph, but it does appear you would be a good candidate for CoolSculpting. Please consult with an expert in coolsculpting to determine the best plan for you. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Sitting on the fence.. Coolsculpting vs Sculpsure
If you fit nicely in an applicator of cool sculpting – this will give a great and predictable response. Downside? Hurts during, and after for a week or so.
CoolSculpting Is Not Suitable For Significant Weight Loss In Obese People
SculpSure is the superior product to CoolSculpting, as it has won in every head-to-head study. Unlike CoolSculpting and its other competitors, SculpSure is painless, with no numbness and only takes 25 minutes.
SculpSure can melt up to 25% of your unwanted stubborn subcutaneous fat. Please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine your candidacy.
SculpSure is designed for individuals with stubborn subcutaneous fat anywhere on their body that is failing to disappear with consistent workouts and healthy diets. (Ross A. Clevens, MD, Melbourne Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A patient ‘s qualification for any tummy procedure includes evaluation of skin, muscle , and fat. Remember that Coolsculpt only treats fat. It does not tighten skin and does not fix muscle. (Ruth L. Hillelson, MD, FACS, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)
Coolsculpting would certainly be an option for you and would be a great way to not interrupt your workout schedule. There may some potential for post-procedure discomfort/hypersensitivity, but it is transient and you won’t hurt your results if you work through it.
I would recommend that you visit with a board certified plastic surgeon in your area that offers Coolsculpting as it would allow you to discuss other alternatives. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Coolsculpting candiate
I would of course need to evaluate you in person but at least you appear to be a good candidate for Coolsculpting. The ideal Coolsculpting candidate has diet and exercise resistant bulges. They also do not have much excess skin.
I look to patients who’s goals and expectations can be met with a 15-20% reduction in the amount of fat in each area treated.
Some patients get better results and some patients get lesser results, but most get something in that 15-20% range. (Samir S. Rao, MD, Chevy Chase Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting for fat loss in the abdomen
In order to determine if a patient is a good candidate for CoolSculpting fat reduction, I examine them during the consultation in my NYC practice and measure the fat depots with templates that indicate which applicator of the many we have, that fits best.
Some patients need several applicators in one session to obtain a good result. Only after such assessment can I inform my patients if they are a good candidate for CoolSculpting and our practice can quote the accurate fee based on the number and type of applicators. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)
VASER Hi Definition Liposuction / Body Contouring with Fat Grafting
My suggest is something more like liposuction to give you an athletic contour. A hi definition procedure to define your stomach and shape your buttock/hips would be great with your body type. With coolsculpting you will get a very small amount of change and it will require many treatments to get the contour / shape you are trying to get IF you can get that at all. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)
The beauty about CoolSculpting is that you can get back to working out right away and there is no downtime involved.
Just make sure you find an experienced physician in your area that can evaluate you accurately and provide you with a treatment plan that will give you the best results. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)