Your specialist likely covered “what to expect” during your consultation, but I’ll discuss common symptoms and some tips for managing any symptoms you might experience for after the procedure that our patients at Imagine Body Sculpting have found helpful!
Most patients go about their normal daily routine immediately following the procedure with no downtime whatsoever.
After your treatment, possible symptoms include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity.
**These effects are normal, temporary, and generally resolve within days or weeks.** As for aftercare, many of our patients find that compression garments help post treatment.
The sensation of pressure can minimize sensations of swelling and bloating. We always recommend listening to your body- some patients preferred loose clothing after trying compression for a day; do what feels right to you.
The Fat Cells Are Frozen While Keeping The Skin Cells Safe
Ice or heating pads have also been used, and you can absolutely massage the area.
Ibuprofen or Tylenol can help with inflammation; if you are a patient that experiences itchiness (the nerves reacting to the cold!) then Benadryl can help with sleep.
With any medications consult your physician. *Always follow the prescribed dosage unless otherwise directed by your physician.*. (Vincent Marino, MD, Scottsdale Physician)
Stay hydrated
The beauty of Coolsculpting is that the after-care is minimal. Almost all patients are able to resume to their normal activities immediately following their treatment.
We always recommended drinking plenty of water and continue to live a healthy lifestyle at home.
Some patients feel comfortable using a compression garment to help with any discomfort, but is not a necessity. (Paul Flashner, MD, Boston Physician)
Post CoolSculpting
If they are using the new CoolAdvantage hand-pieces then you should have minimal discomfort. With that being said, many say that compression garments help minimize some of the discomfort. (Janet Allenby, DO, Delray Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)
We recommend proper hydration after the procedure and taking Arnica to help with the bruising and swelling. Keep in mind that you will not see results immediately and you will probably need more than 1 treatment for full correction. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting aftercare
The good news is that one of the big advantages of CoolSculpting is that there is no aftercare required. Your provider will massage the area after the treatment. Then just wait for any bruising and tenderness to subside and the fat to disappear! (Janet Turkle, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting Is A Cryolipolysis Treatment For The Removal Of Fat Cells
Symptomatic relief
Compression is almost universally used with liposuction procedures but has not necessarily been recommended for Coolsculpting procedures. If it feels better to have lite compression afterwards, then by all means do so. As to supplements and vitamins, if you are prone to bruising, Arnica may help (topical or oral) but the scientific studies of its use are equivocal.
Massage of the area afterwards may help with swelling and absolutely stay well hydrated for the first two or three days. Expect some discomfort, numbness and “lumpiness” in the treated area for a few weeks to months. (Tom Tracey Gallaher, MD, Knoxville Plastic Surgeon)
We recommend to our patients to do a daily gentle self massage to the area if it is sore (1 to 2 wks). If the treated area is not tender it does not need massage. The great thing about CoolSculpting is that there truly is no aftercare other than this. (John Bergeron, MD, Houston Physician)
Coolsculpting after care
Most patients just go back to normal activities after a Coolsculpting treatment. The area will be massaged by your provider after the treatment, and the area is usually a little tender so patient massage is not usually recommended.
You can treat any bruising with topical arnica, though the bruise will go away on its own. Overall, it just takes some patience. A second treatment in the area is almost always recommended. (Andrew Campbell, MD, Milwaukee Facial Plastic Surgeon)
After care from coolsculpting
There really is little aftercare needed for coolsculpting. You should just continue your usual activities. If you experience any discomfort,usually heat and compression will help. Arnica cream or pills are helpful for bruising or swelling.
Most patients do no experience any problems after coolsculpting. (Jean M. Casello, MD, Northborough Physician)
Coolsculpting preperation
Most individuals are able to resume daily activities after CoolSculpting. There used to be more bruising, swelling, and discomfort with original CoolSculpting applicators. Most providers now use the latest applicators called the Coolsculpt Advantage. There is less discomfort with the new CoolSculpt Advantage applicators.
However, patients may still experience suction bruising on the surface of the skin from the vaccume applicator. We recommend patients take arnica for bruising prior to treatment. This will speed up the healing of bruising if it happens.
Everyone will experience numbness to the treatment area for a few weeks post procedure.
Less than 20 percent of individuals may experience something called late onset nerve firing a week after the procedure. This is where nerves fire at random in the treatment area.
This can last a week or so. Call your provider if this happens and it is disrupting your daily activities. Compression garments are not necessary. Massaging or icing the area will not do anything either.
Everyone processes the dead fat cells from CoolSculpting differently. Results vary from person to person depending on lymphatic drainage. Drinking water and working out will only increase the efficacy of your results. If you have any questions post procedure contact your provider!. (Mohamad H. Bazzi, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting Aftercare
The newer CoolAdvantage applicators takes shorter time and there’s less discomfort overall. Bruising should only last for a couple days and will go away on its own. Compression garments could help if you are getting your abdomen treated because it could feel pretty tender. (Robert G. Aycock, MD, FACS, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)
CoolSculpting aftercare
After a CoolSculpting procedure, the treated area should be massaged for several minutes by the person treating you. There is really nothing that you need to do afterwards that would affect the result. I have never had patients use a compression garment, massage, ice or supplements following the treatment. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)