Name: 360 Medical Weight Specialists
Display name: 360 Medical Weight Specialists
Mission: Anne Gartner, DO, is a board-certified internal medicine and bariatric physician who provides tailored weight-loss programs at her practice, 360 Medical Weight Specialists in Walnut Creek, California. Dr. Gartner has helped thousands of people achieve their weight-loss goals and knows better than anyone that one diet plan doesn’t work for all.
When it comes to weight loss, Dr. Gartner promises game-changing results.
Medical director: Anne Gartner, DO
Office hours: Tue: 7:00am – 4:00pm
Wed: 9:30am – 7:00pm
Thu: 7:00am – 4:00pm
Fri: 7:00am – 3:30pm
Wed: 9:30am – 7:00pm
Thu: 7:00am – 4:00pm
Fri: 7:00am – 3:30pm
Phone: (925) 944-5678
Address: 2255 Ygnacio Valley Rd., Ste. N, Walnut Creek, California, USA, 94598
City: Walnut Creek
State: California
Country code: US
Postal code: 94598
Phone: (925) 944-5678
Neighborhood: Ygnacio Valley
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 37.9221267,-122.029982
- CoolMini
- CoolSculpting
- Hair Loss Treatment
- JuVaShape
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Skin Tightening
RealSelf Info
Profile created: Jun 5, 2018
Profile modified: Feb 3, 2020
Business type: Practice
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Medical director: Anne Gartner, DO
Special Offers
Start Time / End Time
Start Time / End Time
20% off skin tightening
Aug 8, 2019 /
Aug 31, 2019
Aug 8, 2019 /
Aug 31, 2019
Offer valid for patients only. Please call for a in-person free consultation.
Specific treatments
Salam Hasan
Name: Salam Hasan
Position: Physician Assistant
Years experience: 9
Biography: Salam Hasan is a board certified Physician Assistant. She has her undergraduate degree from University of California Riverside and graduate degree from George Washington University’s PA program. She has had 7 years experience in primary care and internal medicine, and 5 years experience in gastroenterology. Through these years she developed a deep interest in obesity medicine, as she frequently treated complications associated with it. She also has a personal interest in this field as she has seen how family members have struggled with weight loss over the years. Understanding the numerous effects obesity can have on a person’s life, Salam has become motivated to focus on this field of medicine and help patients lose weight and improve both their psychological and physical wellbeing while doing so.
Name: Krystle King
Position: Practice Manager
Years experience: 6
Biography: Krystle has been working at 360 Medical Weight Specialists for 4 years as a Practice Manager. She has her undergraduate degree in Public Health Education from San Francisco State University. She has six years of experience in the healthcare industry and has always had a strong passion for health and wellness. She has a personal interested in healthy eating, exercise, and wellness and believes the body should be treated holistically.
Last updated on 12/09/2023