How Long After CoolSculpting Until I Can Get Back To Exercise Routine?

In reality there is no down time, meaning avoiding certain activities, lifting, pushing, pulling etc. after CoolSculpting.

I will usually tell a patient the only limiting factor is you which means how well you tolerate the swelling, discomfort/”soreness” is how quick you get back to doing whatever exercise regimen you are accustomed to. (Paul Pietro, MD, Greenville Physician)

Coolsculpting and resuming activites

Coolsculpting is a great, easy and effective treatment option to get rid of stubborn fat. The beauty with Coolsculpting is that downtime is minimal to none, and most people resume their regular activities, including sports, right after Coolsculpting treatments. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)

Activity return

There are no limits on when you can return to exercising. We encourage everyone to do whatever is tolerable and ‘normal’ for them. I as well went straight to sprints after having mine done, and did not feel uncomfortable at all.

CoolSculpting With Exercise

It is very dependent on patient tolerance, but there shouldn’t be much pain after if procedure is done correctly.

Some patients state using a compression garment, (i.e. Spanx, or spandex type clothing) helps to keep swelling down and comfort level normal. (Jennifer Cova, DO, Dayton Physician)

Being active after Coolsculpting

You can be as active as you want after Coolsculpting. I was able to run immediately afterwards. The next day you might feel a little bit sore but nothing so much that you couldn’t work out again. (Stephanie Martin, MD, Atlanta Orthopaedic Surgeon)

No downtime after CoolSculpting

Most people are able to resume unrestricted activities immediately after CoolSculpting, including athletic activities. It’s not unusual to experience numbness, tingling or mild bruising in the areas treated with some discomfort, not typically severe enough to preclude working out.

However, a small percentage of CoolSculpting patients experience delayed onset (3-5 days) and more intense pain related to nerve recovery. This pain can be intense, last 2-3 weeks, and can interfere with intense physical activity. (Roby F. Hayes, MD, Portland Physician)

Most people do not need any recovery time after a CoolSculpting treatment. I worked out immediately after I had mine done. You should be able to swim, run or lift weights as soon as the treatment is completed. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Downtime with CoolSculpting

Fortunately there really is no downtime with CoolSculpting. This is one of the main perks with this procedure, that people do not have to take time off from work or exercise. Keep in mind that you may be sore in the treatment area for several days.

Even if you do not physically bruise, most people may have some mild discomfort in the treatment area after the procedure. We do have patients that have left their procedure and gone directly to an exercise class or workout.

There is no contraindication, but keep in mind that you simply may not feel like doing an extensive ab work out immediately after treating your abdomen. . (Edward Stokes, MD, West Hollywood Physician)

CoolSculpting – minimal downtime after the procedure

Many patients can resume normal activities (as tolerated) immediately after CoolSculpting. (Jill C. Fichtel, MD, Columbus Dermatologic Surgeon)

No Downtime With CoolSculpting

There is no downtime after a CoolSculpting treatment and you can return to work and regular activities right away. That being said, everyone has a different tolerance for discomfort. When I did the procedure on myself, I was able to go for a 5 mile run afterwards without any issues.

If you’re treating all of those areas at once you may have a little more soreness than if you treated only 1 area. But, you should be able to go back to work the day after.

Its kind of a use your own judgement type thing as everyone is different. (Michael A. Zadeh, MD, FACS, Sherman Oaks General Surgeon)

Coolsculpting and Recovery Time

There is little to no down time with Coolsculpting. You can definitely return to your usual activities. The only area that some patients have discomfort afterwards is in the abdominal area. To be certain you could have the procedure on a Friday and recover (if any) over the weekend. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Little to No Recovery after Coolsculpting procedure

Long-Term Results

Most of our clients can resume normal activity the very next day. There is minimal discomfort and some people may have some achy pain at the site of treatment which is not prohibitive and is amenable to anti inflammatory treatment with motrin.

Some clients can also have numbness at the site of treatment which can last 4 to 6 weeks. In our practice, about 8% of our clients will experience delayed onset neuropathic pain. This can be quite uncomfortable and may require treatment with medications.

It is not clear why this happens to some people and not others. In addition, it can happen in future treatments even though it did not occur in prior treatments. Usually, location is the abdomen or flanks.

Without medications it will be go away and with medications it usually gets better quicker. (Hardik Soni, MD (not currently practicing), Summit Emergency Medicine Physician)

For Cool Sculpting I’m sure you’re aware there is no post treatment restrictions. With that being said, most times the abdomen treatments give clients a range of discomfort afterwards. I would not anticpate much if any discomfort for the bra line and love handles.

Keep in the mind the abdomen discomfort may increase with the applicator used as well if multiples on the abdomen. I would honestly say you could work, knowing if you do get nerve pain following (rare cases) you should contact your provider for solutions assuming you’re in a reputable treatment center. (Robert Heck, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Is recovery time needed after CoolSculpting?

Most people can resume normal activity immediately after a CoolSculpting treatment with no recovery time. There are a small percentage of people who do develop sharp pain several days after treatment to the abdomen. This can normally be treated with a prescription medication if it occurs. (Michael I. Echavez, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)