Does Coolsculpting Work Long Term?

CoolSculpting Can Provide Patients with Long-Lasting Results

CoolSculpting can provide long-term results for patients, as the fat cells that are damaged and eliminated do not return. However, the surrounding fat cells can still expand as you gain weight. How long your CoolSculpting results will last depends on your lifestyle, diet, and if you follow a consistent exercise routine.

I recommend scheduling a consultation with a board certified CoolSculpting provider, who can determine if the treatment is right for you. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is considered a permanent result in that the fat cells that have been eliminated from the procedure will not return. If you gain weight down the road, your remaining fat cells will swell but will not grow new fat cells.

Therefore, it is still very important to maintain a healthy diet with regular exercise for optimal results. (Brett E. Stompro, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

Theoretically, CoolSculpting results are permanent. However, it is worth noting that CoolSculpting, which eliminates fat cells through a mechanism called Cryolipolysis, is a relatively new procedure, so there is limited data on its long-term results.

But the few longitudinal studies that have been conducted support the long term efficacy of CoolSculpting.

One particular longitudinal case study published in June of 2016 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology followed 2 male subjects who received “unilateral flank Cryolipolysis treatments” (CoolSculpting to only one love handle.)

Their treatment areas where analyzed 9 years after their initial Cryolipolysis procedure. The study concluded that even with moderate weight fluctuations, “local reductions in flank fat have significant longevity in these subjects and suggest that results from cryolipolysis may be very long-lasting.”

This study includes before and after pictures that you may find helpful in making your decision. (Hadley Claire King, MD, New York Dermatologist)

CoolSculpting Results

Coolsculpting permanently removes appx 30% of the fat in the treatment area. So it will never return unless a substantial amount of weight was gained. (Janet Allenby, DO, Delray Beach Dermatologic Surgeon)

Your results will last forever as long as you maintain your weight and lead a healthy lifestyle (ie healthy diet and exercise). (Peter Hyans, MD, Summit Plastic Surgeon)

CoolSculpting results are fully seen about 8 weeks after treatment.

At that point, the results from the treatment are permanent as long as you maintain your weight, diet, & exercise regimen. CoolSculpting is our favorite method of non-invasive fat reduction and we highly recommend it. (Edward P. Miranda, MD, FACS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Tips To Ensure Your Coolsculpting Has Long-term Success

How long will the CoolSculpting results last?

Coolsculpting eliminates 20% – 25% of fat cells per treatment. These results are permanent. As adults we have a set number of fat cells, these do not increase unless we reach the point of obesity. The remaining fat cells can increase in size by weight gain so maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

How long will your results last?

The results from Coolsculpting are permanent. With each area treated 20 – 25% of the fat cells are permanently eliminated. In order to maintain these results it is necessary to make healthy life style choices.

At my practice we treat the whole person. It is important to make sure thyroid function, adrenal function and hormones are in balance as well. (Amy Brenner, MD, Cincinnati OB-GYN)

Get fab fast with Coolsculpting

Coolsculpting generally lasts a lifetime. The results may take up to three months to be completely realized. The best results will come from vigorous massage and continuing with a healthy diet and exercise during the recovery. (R. Brannon Claytor, MD, FACS, Bryn Mawr Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting permanently removes the fat cells. In adolescence we have all the fat cells present that we will for the rest of our lives. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle the results of coolsculpting will be permanent. (Renee Burke, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

Your treatment areas are reduced up to 25% for good. Through weight loss and weight gain your results could be become less noticeable. (Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting kills fat cells-permanently

Coolsculpting kills fat cells permanently and results are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. Once fat cells are destroyed they don’t come back or “grow back”. In adults fat cells shrink and swell so once your fat cells are eliminated in area with coolsculpting or Liposuction they are gone forever.

If you gain weight your remaining fat cells swell. One of the great things about coolsculpting is it works and often encourages patients to keep and improve upon healthy habits. In my practice I evaluate my prospective coolsculpting patients during consultation.

All my patients meet with a board certified plastic surgeon to make sure they are good candidates for a procedure. I think this is very important to optimize results. Seek a practice with a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist to evaluate your options. (Steven M. Camp, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

How long do Coolsculpting results last?

The result from Coolsculpting is permanent. It will kill fat cells through cryolipolysis. There are always remaining fat cells that can enlarge if diet, metabolism, or weight changes. As long as you don’t gain weight and change your diet or exercise, you should keep the result long term. (Steven F. Weiner, MD, Panama City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Colsculpting Results: Are they permanent?

One of the most amazing things about CoolSculpting is that the results are permanent. When a patient is treated with CoolSculpting, 20-25% of the fat cells in the treated area are destroyed and removed permanently from the body, yes PERMANENTLY, for the rest of your life.

Of course, the best results will be maintained with a healthy lifestyle. If you were to gain some weight post treatment with CoolSculpting, the fat will not suddenly show up in other areas of the body, either.

If you were to gain a little weight post treatment, It will distribute evenly throughout your body and not deposit so noticeably in the treated areas. We have treated thousands of patients who thrilled with smooth, natural looking and permanent results.

This treatment is life changing. (Edward Stokes, MD, West Hollywood Physician)

How long does Coolsculpting last?

Coosculpting destroys a percentage of the fat in the area being treated. As such, there is less fat in that area for the rest of your life since fat cells can’t divide and replicate. Therefore, the results from Coolsculpting last forever.

It is wise to maintain a healthy diet and exercise. (Andrew Campbell, MD, Milwaukee Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The fat cells that are destroyed by coolsculpting are destroyed permanently. If you were to gain weight after the procedure the fat cells that are left behind would expand to accommodate/store the additional fat.

This could potentially obscure your results. As long as you maintain a healthy diet and weight the results are permanent. (Jean M. Casello, MD, Northborough Physician)

CoolSculpting results are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy diet/body weight. In fact, after seeing the results from their CoolSculpting procedure, many people feel even more motivated to stay close to their ideal weight.

If you are interested in undergoing a CoolSculpting procedure, ensure that you are consulting an expert in CoolSculpting for best results. (Frank Lista, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Coolsculpting is permanent

The process of cryolipolysis ( freezing fat) is permanent. Once fat cells are frozen the cells are “digested” by the body and don’t return. This is the beauty of the treatment. A typical treatment area can reduce 25% of the treated area’s fat.

It is a wonderful way to reduce stubborn fat in areas that good diet and exercise cannot reduce. Please contact a Coolsculpting certified center to get a quality consult and and package. (Steven Costalas, DO, Bryn Mawr Physician)

Coolsculpting Results–Add Radiofrequency, Thermage, Vanquish, Venus Legacy, Exilis Ultra

As long as you maintain your weight, Coolsculpting results are permanent. For best results with Coolsculpting, I recommend a combination approach. I recommend adding radiofrequency treatments like Vanquish, Venus Legacy, Exilis Ultra for skin tightening and with Z wave/Cellutone for skin smoothing.

VASER with ThermiRF is the best alternative, especially for the thighs, which require more contouring. See an expert. (Jason Emer, MD, Los Angeles Dermatologic Surgeon)

After puberty, the number of fat cells that we have in an area stays pretty much the same throughout life. If we gain weight or lose weight, those cells just get bigger or smaller. With Coolsculpting, we get rid on average of 22 % of that number of fat cells per treated area from cryolipolysis.

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and your weight stays the same, results should be lasting for years if not a lifetime. (Alain Michon, MD, Ottawa Physician)

As long as you don’t gain weight, the results of Coolsculpting in a given area area permanent. That is why this procedure is so popular with patients and they return for a different area of treatment. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

Coolsculpting results duration

Coolsculpting permanently eliminates 22-25% of the subcutaneous fat. So those results are permanent . The remaining fat cells can enlarge with diet and metabolic changes . (Drew Varano, MD, Washington DC Physician)